#I haven't told my parents cus I was afraid theyd be disappointed in me
ellsellmesoull · 2 years
seeing a lot of yt vids abt scammers and their tactics and most of the comments are just calling the people who get scammed idiots
But guys come on, if you call them idiots your just validating them more
They're gonna think ''everyone else thinks this is dumb because they're not on my level, i'll show them soon enough''
And idont think people really understand how easy it is to get manipulated
Ok storytime
When I was in 6th grade, our school had this festival thing that the principle promotes like once or twice a year.
And all the different classes set up stalls selling everything from food to books toys anything you name it
And you could bring money and enjoy a whole day
And I was very excited because this was my first time since I moved to that school
And in my class, there was this girl who I was friends?(more than acquaintances) who came up w an idea
Lets all pile in our money and she'll carry it so if some one is too poor to afford something we could all help them out.
Shes like if someone cant afford much they're gonna be sad when they see everyone else enjoying and we were all friends so we didn't want to make our friends sad
But then she says, if you don't have enough to enjoy then this will help you
And now we are in the picture. Each of us saw us as the person without enough money. And she did a good job convincing us.
30AED? I bought 150AED and im willing to buy stuff less cus when we share and spend money equally, ill get wayy less money than I bought with me.
So like 5or 6 of us group together and pile in the money.
Now I got suspicious. But we were having fun and I saw her as a friend so I naively trusted her. And I was alone.
I was the new girl. No one else to hangout with and if I do this, I got a group to hangout with alldayy.
But another girl stopped me, and I should've listened but I was too caught up ecstatic that I ignored her. She didn't call me an idiot but warned me but I was an idiot and didn't think much of it.
Until...we got seperated. The scammer girl kept ALL the money in her purse and when you wanna buy something you gotta ask her.
Halfway walking with her I realised this was a bad idea. Cus everytime we wanted to buy something, she would complain that it was too expensive. What if someone else wants something but cant buy cus you used too much money for yourself.
Eventually I managed to wrangle a used toy for my sis and found the girl who warned me.
I cried for a good while. And she was very comforting.
And then together we decided to confront the scammer. But by the time we found her, she was alone and used all our money. So she cannot refund me. And everyone else was also equally pissed off.
Because while everyone else got something cheap, scammer girl was the one who bought wayy more than her budget because she leached off of ours.
So you I WAS an idiot. And stupid for not seeing it coming.
But the thing is, if you call someone an idiot for falling into the scams and enjoy them suffering cus of it like they are no better than the people who scammed them, that's not helping.
You should be attacking the scammers not the victims. You could call them idiots after the scammer is x-x
Better to raise awareness, or in our case sic the class teacher on the scammer.(that's a metaphor for contacting authorities to take action).
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