#I havent found a lot around with the willing/fatal dynamic so when I saw this one I was Inspired
del-eatme · 2 years
Willing and fatal together is such an interesting dynamic to me
Inspired by this post by @honeyed-poet, I interpreted it as g/t.
Warnings: g/t vore, fatal vore, willing vore, fade-to-black digestion
The first day I saw her, it was easy to avoid her. She made so much noise stalking through the forest that I could swiftly remain concealed by the brush while she tried to track down my scent. It was almost pitiful how bad of a hunter she was. I let myself feel lucky and went on with my day.
The second time saw her, she spotted me. We locked eyes the moment she did. I could see per pupils widen at the sight of potential sustenance and she lunges for me. Her movements are unpracticed and awkward, so she is easy to evade. Her fingers don't come close to catching me and I slip away while she is paused in frustration.
The third time I saw her, she didn't see me at all. She looked noticeable different since the last time I saw her. Thinner. She had lost weight in her cheeks and looked... defeated. I considered approaching her but reconsidered once I heard a long, loud groan from her stomach. She winced as it growled, visibly starving and weak. I guess she hasn't had much luck hunting. In a strange way I feel bad for her. I debate with myself before making the choice to approach her. She isn't much of a threat in this state, anyway.
I slowly walk over to where she is sat on the forest floor and she hears the leaves under my feet when I am one of her arm's length away. I'm careful to keep my distance, I know better to underestimate a starving predator.
"Hunting doesn't seem like your strong suit", I remarked. Her head lifts weakly and she stares at me pathetically. I can tell if she weren't weak with hunger she would be lunging at me. I can feel in the air how badly she wants to eat me. "Can I offer you some advice?" She looks skeptical but doesn't interrupt from a lack of better options. she looks unsure of being lectured by her potential food. 
All throughout that day and evening, I coach her in the hunt. It was obvious that nobody had ever taught her anything about providing for herself and it made me wonder why that was. I didn't ask.
Instead, I talked her through ambushing, tracking, and trapping. I told her about predators who had tried to manipulate me into a false sense of calm before striking. I told her about ways her prey might try to escape and how I've escaped predators during close calls. She listens intently. I leave her that night with a lot to think about.
The next time I saw her, she was in the distance with something clutched in both hands. She slowly unwrapped one of her hands and a frantic voice escaped. She had a man that I recognized from my years of venturing within the forest. I didn't know his name, but he was a fellow wanderer. Friendly, from what I could remember.
"No, please! Please don't eat me! Don-!"
The pleas were cut off by a pair of giant lips opening and closing around the tiny man's face, muffling the shouts and protests. I watch as she purses her lips to suck the man the rest of the way into her mouth and tossed him around her cheeks with her tongue, her mouth occasionally opening to let out the man's panicked begging. She savors the man for a while before tilting her head back and letting the man slip into her throat. I can see the bulge in her neck where her prey had slipped before she throws her head back with a GULP that echoes to where I am currently hiding. I watch with a mix of pride and dread as the wriggling bulge slides down and out of sight into her starving center. She breathes a huge sigh of relief and licks the remaining flavor from her lips.
"It looks like you're getting better at that", I called out, stepping out of the brush to face her. She startles out of her daze and looks to you. She looks embarrassed having been caught savoring her meal.
"Your advice worked. I got him to talk to me and he let his guard down. I saw the opening and just...", she trailed off, her hand drifting to her abdomen where it was ever so slightly bulged out. At the touch, her stomach let out a gurgle, shifting against the still panicked prey inside. It seemed that she was starting to digest her catch. I can barely hear his shouts from within her. She looks so relieved that it feels easy to be happy for her, even though it could have been me within her right now. That thought stuck with me. It could be me in her stomach, rewarding her new skills as a predator. Not completely sure what I'm feeling, I look to her again.
"The first time I saw you I easily snuck past you. Now look at you", I praise. I truly am impressed. She blushes.
"It's all thanks to you", she replies, hand stroking back and forth over her belly as it gets to work on her meal.
Driven by a wordless feeling, I offer to her. "You seem capable of handling yourself now. It makes me want to see your skills in action", I look up at her with some hesitation. She looks confused, but there's an underlying eagerness there. Something in her eyes and the way her tongue subtly swipes at the corner of her mouth. "I guess for now we go our separate ways. If our paths happen to cross, it'll be how it always has been. But, If you happen to catch me..." I meet her eyes, "you can have me." Her eyes light up with predatory hunger even moments after consuming prey.
Speaking of which, her stomach has kicked up a gear since we've been talking and I no longer hear the pleas of the man she ate. It must be rough in there. A drop of sweat runs down my neck at the thought.
"Okay", she tells me in a light voice full of craving and restraint. I take that as my cue to leave her to digest and escape while I can.
Since then, I've had a few close encounters with her. The first time, she tried a classic ambush to chase me into a corner, which I escaped by hiding in a crevice much too large for her to reach into and hid until she moved to search a new area. The second, she attempted to smooth talk to set me at ease. Under the guise of seeing an old friend she looked happy to see me and attempted to act as harmless as possible to draw me in. If I hadn't been the one to teach her that, she might have fooled me but I've seen her hungry enough to recognize the deep want in her eyes. I kept my distance and slipped away while she was distracted. Another time, she nearly pinned me down before she sensed another predator in the area and fled. I felt confident that I could escape her at least for a while.
Soon, my cockiness would get the better of me. This time, while venturing into her part of the forest, I let my guard down. I didn't think twice about the patch of leaves on the ground gathered in one circular pile. As soon as my foot made contact with the foliage my weight tipped forward and I tumbled for a few seconds until I landed on my side at the bottom of what I can now tell is a pit trap, much deeper than I would be capable of digging. The walls are far too fall and steep to lift myself out on my own. It hit me suddenly that I knew who put this here. And what it meant. If I don't escape, I'll be eaten. But I don't panic.
I hear heavy footsteps against the ground above me and sure enough I see her face peering into the pit with those eager eyes. She looks proud of herself and her trap. She wastes no time reaching a hand down toward me. The image makes me instinctively back away but I don't resist. She has me. Long fingers as thick as torso wrap around me and lift me out of the pit that has trapped me. We lock eyes as I am lifted right up toward her face. I can see my own pitiful reflection in her plate-sized irises.
"Caught you", she spoke softly, her breath pushing my hair back. I can only think to let out a "Yeah". She lifts me until her lips are all I can see.
She leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my head that covers my entire face. The soft lips linger for a few silent moments before parting for a warm, wet tongue slithering over my front. After a pass she pulled away and sighed pleasantly. It was clear she enjoyed the taste she has been denied until now. It felt strange to just let it happen after being conditioned to avoid this at all costs. A strange sense of calm washes over me as her tastebuds drag against my skin. Our eyes meet for the last time. Her pupils are blown wider than I've ever seen them. We both take a few breaths. I somehow feel simultaneously calm and powerless under her gaze. She looks so eager, like a dog waiting for a treat. She's earned it. I give a hesitant nod.
"Thank you", she whispers, like it's a secret between us.
She brings me back up to those parted lips and I am greeted by her tongue once again. It sort of scoops me up and draws me between those giant lips and beyond a row of teeth. I look through her jaws out into the forest for one last glimpse of sunlight before her mouth closes and encases me in humid darkness. Her tongue cradles me, shifting around and keeping me moving as she tastes me. Instinct has me tensing but I remain pliant for her. We had a deal, after all. The noises of enjoyment are so much louder inside her mouth like an echo chamber. Hearing her enjoy me in the most basic sense satisfies a deep part of me. It's fulfilling in a strange way, knowing that you'll nourish a larger being.
I'm not sure how much time passes in the wet darkness before she's decided to move things along. I'm exhausted from tossing and turning and the constant licks and damp air. It takes her no effort to nudge me to the back of her tongue. Her lips part slightly and I am blinded momentarily by the crack between her lips and a rush of fresh air hits my face, rejuvenating me a bit. I feel her head tilt upward and gravity pulls me right to the precipice of her throat. Everything is still for a moment, and then an explosion of movement.
My mind is immediately reminded of when I saw her consume the man. How her throat bulged as he was dragged down into her. That's me, now, I thought. Deafening gulps sound around me as her muscles squeeze and pull me down. It's so tight I can barely draw breath in between squeezes. I am tugged down for several moments before being deposited into a slightly more spacious area. I am greeted by a satisfied sigh echoing around me and the stomach walls clenching and feeling me out.
I am completely within her now. This is it. I've been eaten.
Being in a stomach is a unique experience. I know I won't be here long, yet I'll never leave. It's smaller than I expected it to be. The walls rub against me nonstop, drenching me with something that makes my skin tingle upon contact. Every few seconds the surrounding stomach lets out a series of gentle rumbles, groans, and gurgles.
I shift to make myself comfortable and settle down within the stomach of the predator I created. The pride is back as I think of how far she's come. I feel thankful that my end is within her, how in a way I get to reap the benefits of helping her. It's a strange pride drawing from causing my own end. It's not the worst way to go. I know she'll make good use of me.
"That was clever. I'm proud", I admitted, not sure if she could hear me from so deep within. I feel additional pressure running back and forth and I realize she's rubbing her full belly. I hope I'm filling for her.
After stewing for a while, the fleshy walls containing me begin to clench harder and tighten around me in rhythmic motions. My ears are overwhelmed with the groaning the gurgling of her stomach around me, preparing to digest me and take in my nutrients that she needs so badly. The already heavy and humid air gets thicker slowly over time and my head gets fuzzy. It occurs to me that once I fall asleep, it'll be over. I knew being eaten was a possibility my entire life but willingly subjecting myself to it is something I didn't expect to do. I've escaped quite a few hungry predators, but this ending feels right.
I slowly fade from consciousness knowing that I've helped change the life of the predator who consumed me.
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