#I honestly can't think of any other celeb who's nobody plus one gets as much attention as his does
destinyc1020 · 1 year
I feel like a lot of stans are overly protective of the people they stan which makes sense to an extent. It’s not fun watching people criticize someone you like, however, if it’s causing someone to actually get angry on behalf of the celeb then i think that’s the best time to get off social media and put your phone down. Plus, no celeb is perfect so everyone is able to be criticized and just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion doesn’t mean they’re a hater or a bad person. I just wanted to add my two cents because i’ve seen so many people be TOO protective of the people they stan
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I think SOME stans take stanning a bit too far, and can't take any little bit of constructive criticism or any differing of opinion at all, and it's just weird. 🥴
A LOT of stans from various fandoms do this btw, and it's like, why?? It's like you're in some weird cult or smthg.
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If you've been following my blog for any GOOD length of time, you'll know that I LOVE Zendaya! ❤️ I praise that woman ALL the time. Just do a search on my blog. I'm always pumping her up and defending her from antis!
I say ONE or TWO minor critiques about her acting (smthg she's even mentioned herself) and now ppl are coming for my neck in my inbox? Like, seriously? 🥴
Yo....Zwaggers need to chill lol 😆
Do you know how many actors I LOVE very much but haven't always enjoyed EVERY single project they've done?
Do you know how many of my faves I've even just avoided certain projects for simply because I just wasn't that interested?🤷🏾‍♀️
These things do NOT make you or me any LESS of a fan. To me, it's sad that ppl can't even have a difference of opinion as a genuine fan of someone without getting jumped on or attacked. 🥴
Granted, if someone is ONLY saying nothing but negative things about a celebrity, then yes, maybe that person isn't truly a fan deep down. 🤔
But there are some of us who ARE genuine fans, but every now and then have an honest critique about the individual and their work, and it's NOT because we're "haters", or "jealous", or "antis". 🙄
It's just cuz we critique EVERYONE'S work period, and we're just being honest. 🤷🏾‍♀️ We still love the person.
I've even liked HORRIBLE actors and laughed at their scenes, but I've still enjoyed them and their work just because I like them period lol 😆
Look y'all, I've said it before, and I'll say it again .... I'm a millennial lol, so constructive criticism or someone having a different opinion than me regarding my fave is NOT gonna hurt my feelings at all rofl 😅 I honestly don't care one bit, cuz I know how to separate other ppl's feelings from my own, and I don't care what others think so much because all that matters is that I like that particular actor. MY enjoyment is all that matters, and I wish more fans would not take things so seriously ALL. THE. TIME.
Believe me, Zendaya is WELL LOVED around the world. She wouldn't be so famous if she weren't. 🥰
I honestly don't know how some of you all survive in life if you crumble over every single little piece of honest critique. 👀🥴 Nobody has to agree with you on everything, and you don't have to think or feel the same way as someone else, but at least respect other people's viewpoints.
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