#I honestly don’t know if the tadpole people get cured cause I haven’t beaten the game yet
sanasanakun · 7 months
What if I wrote a fic about a redeemed!Durge who saved Baldurs Gate/hero stuff but is unable to celebrate that night cause he’s still uneasy about his past AND the fact that he (personally) killed his previous life’s closest friend/lover???? (Gort). So, the companions are like “bruh get down here stop moping,” but he’s just chillin on Elfsong tavern’s roof or w/e. And then he realizes..that since the Netherbrain is dead that means all the tadpoled people got un-poled👀👀 including the Flymms👀 and he gets so irrationally angry despite not even understanding why cause he shouldn’t care anymore. But he can’t help himself and he goes back to Flymm’s cobblers under the cover of night and he delivers his own form of brutal (almost unnecessarily violent) justice himself (I mean, he is still The Dark Urge after all. Jergal removed the absolute need to murder, but he didn’t take the batshit crazy part lmaooo). Anyway I’m not gonna write it cause I have an 80 page thesis to do but what if, huh?
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