#I hope thomas asstruck will get better at some point
cinnamonblueberry22 · 3 years
My opinion on the Chloe and Zoe drama
Alright after Sole Crusher and Queen Banana there have been lots of posts ranting about it. So now it's my turn to say something lol.
(Warning: Swearing may be in this post)
I do not agree with how Thomas Asstruck is acting like a 6-year-old on Twitter about a pixel. Like bro, if you despise her that much, maybe change her? But I do agree with his point that some people just don't change. They don't always be better.
That is reasonable, HOWEVER, him literally comparing a fictional character, to a rapist and an abuser, is completely wrong. Him saying how Chloe didn't go through anything bad is wrong. You can't say a fictional teenager, who has gone through a neglectful parent, not accepting her daughter and being spoiled by her father and then compare it to a fucking rapist. That's just wrong.
People are saying that they're disappointed in how Adrien got mad at Chloe? If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the scene:
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I don't know what world of delusion you're in, but Adrien finally addressing the fact that Chloe was still rude and nasty to everyone and Chloe ending it is actually a good thing. While Chloe getting mad at Adrien for wanting her to apologize isn't the best part, what was good is that Adrien was standing up to his friends and yet was still trying to be sincere with Chloe. Blame Thomas all you want, but this was a good development for Adrien. He learned to not stick to someone who was rude to everyone even though they were once close to him. In Malediktator, he literally felt bad for Chloe leaving New York as if it even was the student's fault for being fed up with Chloe's bullshit? So why are you mad at a fight between Adrien and Chloe?? Chloe ending the friendship was bad, doesn't mean it's totally over. If you ignore the way the end card portrayed Chloe and Zoe, just take a look at the photos:
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She went from aggressive and rude, to confused and shocked. From Zoe's affection, she didn't know how to react, that mean and nasty look was gone for a good few seconds. Even though Chloe was plotting for revenge after, Zoe smiled at the end. This could be foreshadowing that with the help of Zoe and more affection, Chloe can become better. Now I am not saying Zoe is going to be a pushover for the rest of the season when Chloe is there. I'm saying Zoe is probably still holding her sister accountable for what she did and is trying her hardest for her sister to be better and eventually apologize. The end card foreshadows that Chloe will be plotting for revenge. But what revenge exactly? Zoe is not going to leave just in a split second. In fact, she won't leave until another few months. So this could mean that Chloe's idea of revenge on Zoe will tone down. Or I could be completely wrong if I am being honest.
Now as for Zoe, I like her! She has that badass vibe as Vesperia, which I really enjoy if I am being honest. Her superhero form was really interesting to see, she was so independent and strong, which I also loved! Chloe fans on the other hand... are something else. Calling her a Mary-Sue, saying she's the perfect sister, that sorta thing.
A Mary-Sue stands for a character who is not flawed and is loved by all. Zoe was only loved because she explained why she was acting like Chloe from the beginning. The students literally jumped to conclusions and thought Zoe was just like Chloe in the beginning. So they were only being affectionate in the end simply because they felt bad for Zoe and how they thought wrong about her. Zoe is not perfect. I don't know where you got that from. This girl literally tried making different personalities to be accepted. She tried being affectionate to her half-sister even though she was being rude. Because she knows what her sister went through. Abandonment. You think that makes her perfect?
Anyway, I personally think Zoe is a plot device for Chloe to be better. And I know some Chloe stans may be worshiping her and they're going to be mad that "Chloe's redemption ended" As if she even had one in the first place but oh well. Honestly, I'm just hoping for the better.
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