#I hope you choke on it and get saved by a glitter loving giant font adoring nhs millennial mother who has no time for your whiny child bull
obaewankenope · 26 days
You don't have to type in all bold and big text like a white millennial mom
Shockingly enough I'm aware of that.
Also shockingly, I will do it anyway because:
it's easier for neurodivergent individuals to read
it makes important information more visually recognisable than a wall of text
my post so I can do what I want
Actually, extra point: stop being an ableist little fuck head tryna gatekeep fucking font styles jfc
fuck you you sad little brat that you think you're entitled to send me an anon about something as benign as FOnT StyLe??! on a post that, quite likely, contains useful information for people and to try and sound all badass with "white millennial mom" like... Hun, I basically am that.
Anyway, have a nice day being bitchy at things for literally no reason, maybe you need to go do something you enjoy that doesn't centre around trying to bully other people whom you know fuck all about.
Okay, thanks, bye now.
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