#I imagine there's a lot of friendly heckling between battalions and each razzes the others for whatever they think is dumb
thepatchycat · 3 months
I have a silly headcanon that the Wolfpack does a thing where every time one of them enters 79’s, they howl, and any other 104th members present in the club howl back. Other battalions find this varying levels of amusing or obnoxious but nobody else (not that many actually try) can howl and get a response—except for the 501st's Echo, who figures out that there’s a trick to it.
Addendum to this is that 104th shinies are encouraged to come up with their own personal howls as part of bonding with the battalion.
Second addendum to this is that howling has also been used as both a rallying cry and an intimidation tactic in battle.
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