#I improuved it!
If we could clean up/ improve the English Language, what suggestion would you make?
I'm not sure if it constitutes an improvement but I think English could afford to spice things up a little with some diacritics or extra letters here and there.
For example, you have the 'th'. But unlike Icelandic, you actually waste your time by spelling it out! - þrow off learners wiđ a nice little mysterious character now and þen þat makes þem speak wiđ a little lisp! Also, you have words like succeß or loß þat you could easily spell wiđ an Eszett to save yourself a letter.
Whåt is þe point of trying to integräte Frénch spélling softwäre intou Görmänic länguage hardwäre for some þousänd years wiđout émbräcing þe bit änd törning it into än unreadäble meß?
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