#I just can't follow every single plot bunny down the rabbit hole or I'd never finish anything or get anything done
3 and 5 for the fanfic writer asks? (if you haven't done them already and if you'd like to answer them)
Hello dear!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
That's a really, really difficult question. I have a few favorites that I kinda rotate in my head. I'm really proud of the WIPs I'm working on right now too, I think several of these are gonna hop up to the top of my favorites list once they're finished.
I think right now I'd have to say In the Gray You are Golden. Yeah. That one really was a burst of pure inspiration and I think I managed to catch the tone, the mood, the world, and the character arcs I was all going for in a way that was poetic but economical, no superfluous scenes, and I genuinely think it's one of my strongest pieces I've ever done.
Other Buddie favorites include Further Than Blood (Or Than Bones), Let My Ink Stain Your Pages, and Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You).
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
See, I say I won't write something, and then I end up writing it. I said I wouldn't do a Zombie Apocalypse AU and here we are. I said I wouldn't do a [redacted] AU on the 911 Dispatch podcast and now I'm writing it. I said I wouldn't do a [redacted] AU and then several friends batted their eyes at me and suddenly here I am with a whole-ass plot and several scenes written. So really, saying I won't write something is the moment the devil starts laughing.
Right now I do have a few Xedgin ideas that I don't know if I'll ever write. I simply don't have time and I still want to write my Buddie fics. But maybe after October! We'll see! The image of Xenk saying to Ed, "Hush, I will stop thy mouth" and kissing him burned into my brain and I can 100% see them being the Beatrice and Benedick of a Much Ado-type fic, and @kitkatpancakestack is shamelessly encouraging me to do a Stardust AU for them (listen... if you told me that man was a fallen star... I'd believe you). I also feel like they'd fit a Pride & Prejudice AU really well, and I had a lot of fun with my Witcher Austen AU (and watching Bridgerton did NOT help avoiding that plot bunny).
I've also had a lot (a lot) of Buddie smut ideas that I've never written because again, total lack of time. I'd rather ignore those and focus on my plot-centric Buddie fics. I have toyed with the idea of a Star Trek Buddie AU but I don't know if I'd ever write it since I have no fuckin' clue what the plot would be.
So yes. Fic ideas galore. It's just unfortunately a matter of prioritizing and having only so many hours in the day (which is part of why I launched my Patreon TBH in the hope that if I get enough sign-ups I'll have more time for fic since I won't have to work a second job anymore).
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