#I just happen to hate sameface and enjoy giving characters some unique traits for fun
phemiec · 6 months
Your robins suck :/ I know you're trying to diversify them and all that but like. You literally stripped them of everything that made them *them*. Your Dick is okay. I can see that face being young and cute and being a star, it's just not very... romani for me. Your Jason looks like a school bully who wouldn't know the difference between a coconut and an almond and I hate it. You ruined him the most for me and I don't even like the dude. You made him start balding, made him a huge hulk hunk and if he was like that in cannon I'd understand why he'd be bitchless. Your Tim gives off the vibe of a pretentious asshole. Which. Yeah ok Tim really is a pretentious asshole, but he's still popular in school. This creep looks like he'd be telling on you to his mommy and daddy for you punching his very deserved face in the nose. Your Damian looks like a dwarf. Why blue eyes. He just looks like he has anger at everything in the world when in truth he's even MORE pretentious than Tim. If you punch him in the nose he'd tell on you to his brothers his dad his mom and YOUR mom and dad in a fit of fuck you I will get back at you but make it so that I seem innocent and YOU get grounded. Your ugly damian looks like he'd bite you before you can even come close. Congrats, you ruined any depth the robins had. You didn't even include Steph, a CANNON robin. Yk. The one before Damian, if you knew :/ seems like you don't. You should boil some chicken liver and have it as a meal that way you can taste a hint of the bitterness you left me feeling.
probably the single best hate ask I've ever received, congrats
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