#I just love the costume desgin too! All the ska pins and edwardian plus crystals coat
cyrenescreams · 4 months
Okay so ive only watched to episode 5 but i love love love the cinematography in dead boy detectives. Every shot has such amazing placement and lighting. One of my favorite stills is when you see the LED crown just above the catkings head when hes being all cocky but as he realizes edwin’s not intro it his head covers the crown and its just very interesting but also each flash back or the scenes in Crystals head has amazing mood lighting. also all of the characters make me go insane they are so thought out and full of flaws and life and i just!! But also for such an amazing series it doesn't take itself too seriously. There is a walrus who was cursed to be a man, there is the ghost post man for the ghost post, the infinite bag of tricks, the land lady is a butch(er) lesbian who is so tired of these teenaged shenanigans
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