#I just need everyone to understand I was not always the darling of the Monastery
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Nepal Sanctum
What’s up party people back once again being cringe and free with more Overwatch self insert fanfiction part 2 outta who knows we’re flying by the seat of our pants in this house
Part 1: Mountain’s Peak
In which I get to meet the Omnic that saved my life, and he unfortunately meets me in return
It was a brisk morning, cold as always on the Shambali mountain top, as Mondatta walked alongside the rising sun back to his home. He’d left his personal morning meditation a little earlier than usual so he could pick up his new house guest in time to make it to group morning meditation.
“Emile?” He asked into the empty hall as the monk stepped good inside his home, gently tapping the snow from the soles of his sandals. He expected the human to still be sleeping as he approached the spare room and knocked, “It is time to get up.”
“I’m up!” Came the loud voice of an excited teenager from the other side of the door. Mondatta was a little surprised, and proud. He’d told Emile they’d be up at sunrise, but wasn’t expecting the human to actually be prepared after sleeping for three days straight.
The door opened in with a strong force, releasing the hot air trapped within from the fireplace. There stood Emile, looking extremely pleased with himself, dressed in a wrinkled Shambali robe he’d been using as a blanket. The fabric was thin, with only one sleeve, leaving Emile’s entire left half exposed. He had no shoes, with a long peice of cloth snatched at his waist as a sort of long skirt.
“How do I look? Pretty monk like, huh?” His smile was so bright, the smile of a child looking to be praised. Mondatta thought on his response.
“Y... Y-yes...” He finally settled on, tapping the human’s exposed shoulder, “Very... Monk like...” He felt he should be speaking more eloquently, but truth be told Emile threw him pretty off balance with this. “H-However, my student, it is rather cold out there and I.. Do not think this is enough..”
“Oh...” Emile looked over himself, “You don’t... Think so?” He sounded a little disappointing. Mondatta didn’t like that tone to his voice. 
In a swift motion, Mondatta removed his own upper layer. His robes were usually thicker, to compensate for his lack of outer armoring, so they should be at least a little more suitable for humans.
He pulled the robe onto Emile’s shoulders, guiding his arms into the sleeves before folding it over itself and tying it off at the waist, “There we are. That should be better.”
Emile gripped tightly at the hemming of the robes, staring much like he had the night Mondatta first spoke to him. “Th.. Th-ThankYou! Master Mondatta!” He bowed a bit, smiling to himself once again, brighter than before.
“It was no trouble, my student. Now get your shoes on, we do not want to be late.”
The two walked through the Shambali village, Mondatta greeting monks as he walked with his hands behind his back. Beside him Emile was overwhelmed with the buildings and the snow and the monks oh how the monks enamored him so. Every new Omnic Emile turned to look at, staring as though he could absorb knowledge about them if he stared hard enough.
It was hard not to focus on, Mondatta found himself glancing down to the human every time they passed someone new, just to catch him staring back at them. The human’s interest in his siblings was endearing, the interest that drove him to leave home and climb a mountain all alone. An interest that could, potentially, change the world.
Yes an interest that-
Mondatta glanced to his side again to find his human companion gone. Humans don’t tend to just vanish into thin air, do they?
Hiding his panic the monk looked around himself, slowly as he could to appear calm, scanning his surroundings little at a time, till his sensors landed on white robes and white hair, face down in the snow.
“E-Emile-!” His voice raised a bit more than expected, drawing his sibling’s attention as he rushed maybe a bit too much to the human’s side, “M-My student, are you alright?”
“’m oood” Emile’s voice came muffled from the snow before he pushed himself up, “Just tripped, I’m okay.” He spoke confident for someone with a bloody nose.
“You are bleeding.” Mondatta corrected, helping Emile to stand. “What happened?”
“Wasn’t looking where I was going.” Emile answered, brushing snow off himself as he continued to look around, sniffling the small amount of blood back into his nose.
Mondatta supposed to himself that made sense, he’d never walked these snow covered streets, and was clearly distracted by the Omnics around him. This was clearly on him for not securing Emile better.
With a nod of agreement to himself, Mondatta took Emile’s hand in his own, “Well then, let us get moving again.” He spoke as he turned and began walking to the temple with Emile closely in toe.
He didn’t see the flush to the human’s cheeks as he stumbled quickly behind the Omnic.
At the temple a small group of monks sat together at the top of the stairs, among them just the man Mondatta was looking for.
“Good Morning, Brother Zenyatta,” He greeted merrily as he approached the group.
Zenyatta, a small Omnic in a similar state to Mondatta, stood, along with the rest of the group, and turned to address him, “Mondatta, good morning.”
“How lucky to find you here.” Mondatta clasped his hands together, barely holding in how giddy he felt as he motioned to the human at his side, “This is Emile. Emile, this is my brother, Zenyatta, he is the one who brought you to us.”
The other Omnics in the group looked to Zenyatta quizzically, the largest of them, a ravager with his cords pulled from the back of his head resting splayed out down to his shoulders, leaned down to the smaller and asked, confusion in his voice, “You brought a human here?”
“It was not my intention..” Zenyatta answered back in a whisper as he looked down at the human, who stared back up at him with the same enamored eyes he’d given every other Omnic on the way here.
“Emile, was there not something you wanted to say to Zenyatta?” Mondatta gave the human a small nudge.
“R-Right!” Emile squeaked in a terribly human way and stepped forward, gripping tightly to the robes Mondatta had lent him, “Th-Thankyou, Zenyatta, for sa-aving my life! I hope I can make it up to you some day!” Emile bowed his head to the monk before him.
Zenyatta seemed to flinched back a bit at the human’s movements, “Yes, well... It was no big deal. Please excuse us.” With that, the group dispersed away from Mondatta and Emile around the temple.
Mondatta didn’t like the tone in Zenyatta’s voice, it was one of nerves. The quick way he left as well... Truth be told, everyone was feeling rather distant this morning, even when they greeted Mondatta they did so a few steps away. Perhaps allowing Emile to stay was a mistake if his mere presence put his siblings on such edge like this...
“-Model, constructed first in 2048, first addition, crafted wooden tables-”
“What was that?” Emile’s mutterings dragged Mondatta from his thoughts, he looked down at the human who snapped out of it.
“Oh- S-Sorry I was, uhm... T-Taking note of... the models of Omnics here...” The human’s face flushed slightly as he fidgeted with the collar of his robes.
“Their models... Who was that you were speaking of?” Mondatta leaned a bit to get to Emile’s eye level.
“Oh, um, there. Copper red robes, the one throwing the ball to the one in scarlet.” Emile pointed.
“Ah, that is Willow. How did you know that about her? That she made tables?”
“Her hands,” Emile wiggled his own fingers, “She has flexible finger joints that allow for more precision, along with ball jointed knuckles that allow for her fingers to be removed and replaced with tools, usually chisels and v tools I believe...”
“You knew that... from just her hands?” Emile nodded. “Intriguing...”
Mondatta stood back up, hand on his chin as he looked over his siblings once again. This human’s fascination started with models, their builds and purposes in the past. His sibling’s interest in the human start at stop just as surface level, they were too cautious to approach him, simply for the fact he was human.
Mondatta’s fans whirred, for a similar reason a human may hum, as he handed Emile a meditation orb and motioned, “Well then, why don’t you go take the empty mat by Willow and we will start morning meditation.”
“Ah- Y-Yes sir!” Emile quickly ran to his place, holding the orb tightly in his hands.
There may be a lesson to be learned from this human yet, he’d just need some time.
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