#I just took the liberty of him having to dig up the information to pinpoint the sender's location.)
Soulmate au idea? What if it was thought that countries couldn't get soulmates. But, one day, they do? Maybe its shown by both them and their soulmate sharing a 'tattoo' that randomly appears on their body, but in the countries case it's their flag? Axis plus romano and spain reaction to this?
[Hello, lovely! I apologize for the delay in this response. I’ve been doing a lot of research for this one; I took the liberty of using the symbols from the first “flag” each of their respective “nations” would have used; there shall be photos. Feel free to message me for any more information about the banners chosen. Thank you for this ask; I had a lot of fun working on this one. I hope you enjoy!]
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Ludwig first tried to approach the appearance of his soulmark logically.
There was no possible way that he had willingly sought out a tattoo, and there was no evidence of any nation ever having a soulmate.
But the proof was right there, the golden oak branch a bold imprint on his skin.
He dreaded telling anyone at first, worried that if he would allow his curiosity to distract him, it would pull him away from his work, keep him away from his responsibilities.
But as time went by, he started to do some digging, researching the lore behind former soulmates, finding more information into platonic and familial soulmates, learning everything he possibly could about the relationships people formed with one another.
Finally, he found himself turning to the Internet, joining several platforms who specialized in matching soulmates with one another, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, he would find you.
It would be nice to have someone to talk to, someone who he could confide in, someone who could perhaps understand him without having to say a word.The night he finally had an email claiming that you had been found had been one of the most nerve-wracking of his life, the first words he wrote to you deleted over-and-over again until, finally, he was able to send you a simple Hi.A huge step, but one that had proven over-and-over again to have been absolutely worth it.
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It took Kiku an embarrassingly long time to realize that there was a golden chrysanthemum etched into his shoulder. 
It wasn't until he had made a visit to his favourite bathhouse- only to be hurriedly chased back out- that he was even aware of its presence.
He spent several hours studying the new addition to his shoulder, desperately hoping that it was a prank from one of his siblings, praying that it was only temporary.
Eventually, he came to accept the truth, resigning himself to the knowledge that he now had his person out there, somewhere; he could only hope he could meet you soon.
Under normal circumstances, he would normally be really patient. But after nearly three years of waiting, he finally reached his limit, seeking out any spells from Arthur, Lukas, Vlad, and even Ivan in hopes that they could help him find you; his curiosity was killing him.
He was fascinated by the potential. 
Would you be wary about being bonded to an immortal? Did you recognize the mark that connected you? Did you melt at the knowledge that you had a soulmate out there, or were you one of the types who was repulsed by the very concept?
As he prepped the final pieces for his upcoming spellwork, he let his mind wander at the possibilities.
He knew, no matter what, that he would adore you.
He could only hope that you would like him, too.
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To say Gilbert was shocked would be an understatement. 
Put more accurately, when he noticed a bold black eagle during his morning shower, he felt as if all the wind had been knocked out of him.
A soulmate?
No fucking way.
He wondered if the possibility came from his status; he had been dissolved for so long that maybe he had finally become human enough for these things.
Concern for his brother prompted him to keep it covered up; he had long ago accepted his eventual fate, but he couldn't risk hurting Luddy just yet.
He spent hours researching the mark, tracing over each line, daydreaming about the person who shared the same design.
You had to be something special to be stuck with him. Were you his complement and much-needed partner-in-crime? Would you be his foil?
He constantly thought about you- when walking the dogs, when writing, when wandering the wine aisle of the closest shop. Were you a dog person? Were you a writer? A bookworm? An artist? An athlete? Did you even like alcohol?
He wondered about all the intimate things- the colour of your toothbrush, the shape of your eyes, whether you were lactose-intolerant.
He had yet to even meet you, hadn't even a clue of who you were, where you were, but he was already dreaming of waking up each morning next to you.
All he could do was continue pondering the very thought of you, all-the-while plotting out the most foolproof approach to finding you.
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Lovino was immediate abject denial.
No way. 
Not possible.
Fuck that.
After how many centuries, the appearance of the golden fleur-de-lis on his hip was practically an insult, adding yet another layer of unnecessary drama to his already overly stressful life.
He had a hard enough time getting people to spend any time with him on a good day; the universe implying that there was someone out there who actually would want to stay-The gods may as well have spit in his face.
He knows his brothers would go on about how romantic it all was, would do everything in their power to find you, to set up the most elaborate date seen this millennium.
He decided to ignore his mark, opting instead to keep focusing on his work.
If, and that was a big if, there was actually someone out there who would love him irrevocably, then you would understand that his duties came first. He was tired of the world taking advantage of him; at least with his job, he could ensure that wouldn't happen ever again.
If you really cared about him, you would accept him for all his paranoia.
But there was no way anyone could care for him. 
Not like that.
When he first bumped into you, your notebooks and papers covering the entire table before you, eyes narrowed in concentration, groaning over an email, he had felt a flicker in his chest, an immediate camaraderie.
He had no idea at the time that the two of you had been fated to meet, that the overwhelming urge to treat you to a coffee or a gelato was destiny.
It would be slow-going, and there would be many bumps on the road ahead, but you two would learn to love each other, years before either of you thought about the twin fleurs-de-lis embellishing your hips.
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Antonio was, simply put, ecstatic. 
He had helped quite a few of his citizens find their soulmates over the centuries, and he never grew tired of helping them overcome whatever obstacles may try to prevent their relationships. Knowing that there was now someone out there for him, wearing his mark, sharing the same beautiful earth and the same moon-
He couldn't have been happier.
He didn't need to know you yet; he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he would love you the moment he saw you, that you were going to be one of the greatest people- if not the greatest person- to ever share a portion of his long life.
He carried on with his life, fully aware that destiny was never something that one rushes; you would meet one another when the time was right.
He couldn't have been more correct in that end.
You and Toni had been friends for several months before the subject of soulmates had even come up, your mark hidden away beneath layers of clothing due to its unfortunate location. 
He was curious; you never really spoke of a desire to meet your intended, content in the life you already had. 
Deciding to address his inquiry, you did your best to describe the golden castle on your thigh, lingering on the shaping of the blue windows that nearly seemed to float above the tattoo.
As you kept going, you were oblivious to the delight of your companion, oblivious to his relief, oblivious to his gratitude.
He had been hoping it was you.
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At first, Feliciano would be wary. 
Finding an unexpected golden blemish taking shape on his skin- a sign of a soulmate!- would give him such unwelcome anxiety. 
What if you were expecting more than him? What if you were someone who could never accept him? What if you were- 
So many worries, so many concerns, and each and every one of them revolved around his own faults, around his own fears that he would never be able to give you what you deserve. 
He was immortal, and if you chose to stay with him-
There was a very real chance that you could still leave him, that you may one day choose to leave him.
He dreaded that hypothetical, the day perhaps even decades away when you would-
When you would-
He dreaded most things. 
There was also the very likely possibility that you would never even meet. 
With nearly 8 billion people scattered across the globe, many of whom never leaving their own regions-
He could only hope that you would be curious enough, affluent enough, dedicated enough-
But even with the distinctive image of his first banner as your clue, there was a huge possibility that you would never figure out exactly what it meant, where-
Upon meeting you for the first time, shimmering golden lion proudly on display as you snapped photos of the setting sun, all of his concerns drifted away with the tide. 
You were absolutely at peace with your surroundings, the salty air ruffling your jacket as you continued wandering the canals.
It was clear that you had conducted enough research to pinpoint his general location, seeking out the oldest corners, exploring the most overlooked crevices; while he could have followed you all day, it was only fair and noble that he made the effort of approaching you, of getting to know you.
And one day, he would summon his courage and offer you everything.
But first-
With that first resolute step, he was already growing into a better man. 
279 notes · View notes
mikauzoran · 4 years
(Prompt Twenty-Eight: One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.)
Three AM was not a good time to have a sexuality crisis.
Adrien had been feeling lonely, so he’d snuck out and headed over to the Liberty. A guitar lesson followed family dinner, and snuggling while watching Tosca came naturally on the heels of the jam session.
“You’re Puccini trash,” Luka snickered into Adrien’s hair as Adrien sang along with the arias.
“I love melodrama,” Adrien whined. “Why can’t you let me be happy?”
“This makes you happy?” Luka lifted his head so that Adrien could see him arch an eyebrow.
Onscreen, Tosca was just plunging the knife into Scarpia.
Adrien replied without missing a beat, “Yes. Very.”
“Should I be worried?” Luka joked.
Adrien shrugged. “We’re watching Madama Butterfly next.”
“Noooo,” Luka groaned, burying his face in Adrien’s hair. “How about we have Verdi night instead? La Traviata? Aida? You love Aida.”
“No. Butterfly,” Adrien insisted. “I want to feel wretched and cry my eyes out.”
“I thought you came here because you didn’t want to feel wretched and cry your eyes out.”
Adrien shook his head, clicking his tongue. “There’s a difference between bawling because your life sucks and bawling because someone else’s life sucks. I want to do the latter and avoid the former.”
“Butterfly it is,” Luka grumbled. “Do you see how much I love you?”
Momentarily, Adrien’s heart stopped, Luka’s words making it forget how to do its job for just a second. Then everything was back online, and Adrien was able to chuckle softly. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Thanks, Orpheus. You’re a good friend; I’m really grateful.”
Luka bit the inside of his cheek, forcing himself to keep a straight face as he nodded. “Don’t tell Nino. He’s the jealous type.”
They made it about twenty minutes into Madama Butterfly before they started to fall asleep and decided to call it a night.
“You’re staying,” Luka informed sleepily, slipping off his outer clothing until he was wearing only his boxers. “I’d be too afraid you’d fall off a roof or something if you tried to get yourself home now.”
Adrien nodded, quietly acquiescing as he disrobed as well. “Thanks.”
They turned off the lights and climbed into bed, each taking his own side of the narrow mattress.
When Adrien awoke at three in the morning, Luka had somehow ended up in Adrien’s arms, snuggled up against Adrien’s chest. It was odd—usually Adrien was the cuddler—but also kind of…nice.
Adrien looked down at Luka’s peaceful sleeping face and began to play with strands of black and blue hair.
Adrien’s heart sped up.
Adrien gulped.
Luka was very pretty.
Not in a girly way. Luka wasn’t too terribly masculine in a traditional sense, but neither was he particularly feminine. His features were just the right combination of angular yet soft, sharp yet rounded.
Luka wasn’t classically handsome either. He had a bunch of funny features all cobbled together into something that just…worked. Luka’s smile on anyone else would be reptilian. His eyes in another face would be too small. His nose elsewhere, too crooked, too upturned, but on Luka it was endearing. All of his features working in concert created a very charming, very attractive young man.
Luka’s lips were…
Adrien gulped again.
Luka’s lips were very nice. Thin, but soft-looking. Pink. And they parted to reveal such a lovely smile.
Adrien shuddered as the thought, “I wonder what they taste like” surfaced.
He reached out tentatively and brought a singular finger to Luka’s lips, carefully tracing them with a barely-there touch.
Three AM, clad only in boxers, in the arms of a friend whom Adrien considered a major lifeline, was not a good time for a sexuality crisis.
Adrien thought of himself as straight. Yes, he could tell when other guys were attractive, but he had never personally been attracted to men before. But now that he thought about it at deeper than just the surface level, he’d basically had the same experience with women. He could tell when women were attractive, but he wasn’t usually personally attracted to them. There had been a small handful of exceptions that had led him to determine himself straight: Ladybug, Kagami, Marinette, but….
Maybe he was demi, and Luka was just the first guy to really flip his switch.
Luka was demi. He’d explained it to Adrien, that he wasn’t attracted to people sexually until he experienced a deep emotional connection with them.
Maybe that was true of Adrien as well. Yes, things with Ladybug had happened rather quickly, but Ladybug was an extraordinary woman. On the other hand, with both Kagami and Marinette, there had been a perceptible shift where Adrien could pinpoint when he went from only being interested in friendship to being open to something more happening.
Maybe things with Luka had gotten to that point too…because Adrien desperately wanted to kiss this guy, and the fact that Luka was a guy did not feel like an issue to Adrien’s hormones.
His rational brain, however, was filled with terrifying images of Adrien’s father disowning him and the media calling Adrien’s feelings for Luka a scandal and Luka explaining to Adrien that Adrien was cute but Luka could only see him as a friend.
Three AM, when everyone else was sound asleep and unable to help, was a bad time to feel like you were sinking into a black abyss.
Adrien leaned in, tipping his chin to line up his lips with Luka’s. He stopped about half a handspan away, feeling the wrongness and the guilt overtake him.
Luka didn’t want this. It would be a breach of trust, taking advantage of Luka’s generosity and kindness in letting Adrien into his life, taking Adrien under his wing. It would be wrong to steal even more from Luka on top of that.
Besides, a stolen kiss from unresponsive lips wasn’t what Adrien wanted. He wanted Luka to kiss him back, for Luka to feel the same giddy excitement, the same butterflies in his stomach, the same breathless awe when Luka looked at Adrien that Adrien felt when he looked at Luka.
Tears welled up.
It was too much. This hurt too much.
Adrien pressed a light kiss to Luka’s forehead and pulled away, gently extricating himself from the embrace, putting some space between them as he sat up and covered his face with his hands, trying to choke back sobs, trying not to fall to pieces here, now.
“Adrien?” Luka called groggily, heavy eyes blinking away sleep.
Adrien gasped, looking down at Luka in horror at being caught. “S-Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.”
Upon hearing the distress in Adrien’s voice, the sleepiness evaporated from Luka like dew in the desert.
“Angel, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Luka prompted in such a gentle voice.
Adrien found himself being tugged into a comforting embrace, Luka’s arms holding him together, Luka’s fingers finding all of the right spots on Adrien’s head.
It just made Adrien cry harder. He wanted this. He wanted it so bad. He wanted it to mean more than it did.
“Adrien, talk to me,” Luka pleaded, starting to panic. “What is it, My Sweet One?”
Adrien’s grip tightened at the pet name, his heart lurching, his fingers digging into Luka’s shoulder blades.
And then the kisses started. Soft kisses peppered across Adrien’s skin. In his hair, on his ear, his cheeks, his forehead.
Luka’s soft voice. “Don’t cry, Beautiful. Whatever it is, I swear to you we’ll fix it. I’ll make it better. I will personally solve world hunger and cure cancer for you, so please don’t cry, My Angel. Please, Adrien.”
Adrien didn’t hear all of the words, but he heard the tone, the love and desperation in Luka’s voice. He heard Luka’s heartbeat as Luka cradled him to his chest. He felt the warmth of Luka’s skin, the sense of safety in Luka’s arms, the tingle of Luka’s breath on Adrien’s shoulder.
Eventually, the tears dried up, and when Adrien came back into awareness of his surroundings, he found himself lying in Luka’s arms, head on Luka’s chest as Luka made calming shushing sounds and rubbed one hand up and down Adrien’s back while the other played with Adrien’s hair.
“You back with me?” Luka whispered.
“Yeah,” Adrien confirmed sheepishly, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment and guilt for putting Luka through that. “Sorry.”
“Shh. None of that,” Luka chided gently. “Need to talk about it? We don’t have to talk now. You must be exhausted. Please feel free to go back to sleep.”
“I…just…I think I’m bi, and I’m kind of freaking out?” Adrien replied, voice high and unsteady.
Luka tensed. “O-Oh?” His own voice wavered.
“Yeah. I think I’m demi, and that’s why I never noticed before, but now…the past few months…there’s…there’s this guy, and—Am I making you uncomfortable?” Adrien pushed himself up, sitting once more so that he could study Luka’s face.
“What? No!” Luka hastened up to sitting. “No. I mean—No. I’m not uncomfortable. I…Do I know this guy?”
Adrien looked away and nodded. “He’s a friend. He’s…I don’t want to lose his friendship, but…and it’s complicated because my father and the media, and…but…I’m kind of freaking out.”
Luka blew out a long breath, pushing his personal feelings on the matter aside. “Okay. Okay. We can…We can deal with this.” Tentatively, he reached out a hand to rest on Adrien’s forearm. At the last second, he thought better of it and started to pull back, but then he saw how Adrien was trembling and took Adrien by the hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Just breathe, P5,” Luka coached. “This isn’t like an instant death thing. You have time to think about it. You don’t have to do anything right this second.”
Adrien nodded, trying to concentrate on keeping his inhales and exhales long and even.
“First off, no one is going to know unless you tell them. I’m not telling anyone, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with your father or the media until you’re dating someone. So that’s two less things to freak out about, yes?” Luka encouraged.
Adrien gulped. “I…Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right. Yes.”
“Okay. So…how do you feel about the possibility of being bi? I know you don’t have a problem with me or Juleka and Rose or…your other two friends. The redhead and the gender fluid person.”
“Nathaniel and Marc,” Adrien supplied.
“Right. I know you don’t have a problem with any of us, but…I know it could be different when it’s happening to you personally,” Luka prompted, trying to be supportive.
“No, actually,” Adrien realized. “I’m…okay with the possibility of liking guys.”
Luka bit his lip, chewing in slight agitation. “…How sure are you about this? Have there been multiple guys you’ve been attracted to, or…?”
Adrien shifted uncomfortably, not looking at Luka.
Luka squeezed Adrien’s hand again. “We don’t have to do this now—We don’t have to do this at all.”
Adrien swallowed, steadying his nerves. “I can tell that guys are attractive. Like…Nathaniel is cute. Nino’s hot. You—” Adrien’s voice broke, and he cleared his throat to cover it. “You…are attractive, but…there’s only one guy who makes me feel all fluttery, so…I think I’m demi, and he’s just the first guy to push the right buttons. I don’t know.”
“Okay,” Luka breathed, feeling slightly nauseated and struggling to focus on the positives (Adrien was bi and thought Luka was attractive) instead of the mounting negatives (Adrien liked someone else, and Luka had to force himself to be a supportive friend).
Luka took another breath. “You said I know this guy. If you want, I could find out if he’s interested in guys…if he’s interested in you.”
Adrien’s heart crumpled. That answered the question then and there: Luka wouldn’t offer to help set Adrien up with someone else if he had any interest in Adrien himself.
Adrien shook his head sadly. “No, thanks. Right now, I just want to stay friends. His friendship is important to me, and I don’t want to mess things up. I can’t risk losing him.”
Luka swallowed down the lump in his throat, giving Adrien’s hand a squeeze. “Well…let me know if you change your mind.”
Adrien nodded, but his heart wasn’t in it.
“And, Adrien?”
Adrien looked up and found himself breathless at the overwhelming love and affection evident in Luka’s eyes.
“No matter what, I promise I’m here for you. No matter what,” Luka swore. “You will never lose me.”
“May I kiss you?” Adrien whispered, fighting back tears.
Luka blinked. “I…What?”
Adrien looked away. “Sorry. I know that’s totally against the ground rules, but I was just…” He shook his head. “…curious. I mean, that’s the only way to really know, isn’t it?”
Luka couldn’t find his voice to answer.
“Sorry,” Adrien backpedaled. “Sorry. It’s really crumby of me to ask that of you. Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“Adrien.” Luka caught Adrien by the chin, forcing him to look Luka in the eye. “Okay.”
Adrien stared uncomprehendingly. “O…kay?”
Luka nodded, repeating, “Okay. I’ll kiss you, but here are the terms and conditions: I’m only agreeing to this one kiss. Just tonight. Just right now. After this, we go back to the old rules: don’t kiss me or tell me you love me unless you really mean it. I am not becoming friends with benefits with you. I need the both of us to be completely clear on that matter, okay?”
Adrien nodded, head feeling like it was full of helium and might float away. “I understand.”
“All right. Secondly, this means nothing.”
That sentence cut them both.
“Nothing,” Luka repeated. “This doesn’t count. This is just a test. This never happened. I’ve never kissed you. Okay?”
“R-Right,” Adrien agreed, heart feeling bruised and sore.
Luka sighed. “Do you really want to do this? You look like you’re going to be sick.”
Adrien winced. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. I just…” He shook his head in an attempt to get his thoughts in order. “I do want to kiss you.” He peeked up hesitantly at Luka.
Luka smiled gently, releasing Adrien’s hand to pet Adrien’s hair. “Okay…. Have you…have you ever kissed anyone before?”
Adrien’s cheeks darkened even in the dim light of the cabin. He shook his head. “Akuma kisses don’t count. I don’t remember the times Ladybug kissed me. Kagami and I almost kissed a lot, but…I always pulled back at the last minute. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter that this doesn’t count. It’s just one more…not in a long line, but…this is pretty par for the course.”
Luka dropped his hand to Adrien’s cheek, thumb beginning to trace Adrien’s lips. “I’m sorry, Angel.”
Adrien shrugged, tension beginning to dissipate as his eyes dropped to half-mast. “It’s okay. At least I’ll remember this one.”
“I wish I could make your first kiss more special,” Luka sighed, leaning in.
Adrien shrugged again. “Is it really my first kiss if it doesn’t count? If it never happened afterwards?”
Luka tensed, immediately feeling guilty for cheapening this for Adrien, for taking away the legitimacy of yet another kiss.
“Don’t worry,” Adrien whispered as they drew closer. “This is special enough just because I’m with you.”
Luka’s thumb stilled on Adrien’s lips and dropped away to be replaced by Luka’s mouth.
It started as a closed-mouth brush, but then Adrien pressed forward, lips beginning to move against Luka’s, and Luka found himself quickly being pulled into the dance.
Appreciative hums of pleasure echoed in the quiet room as tongues slipped past teeth and fingers ran through hair.
The pace quickened, and Adrien gently pushed Luka back and down onto the bed.
Breathing turned ragged as the intensity increased.
Adrien let out a needy whine, and it sent a jolt through Luka’s body.
His hands tightened on Adrien’s hips, and he was just about to pull them down to meet his own when it dawned upon him that Adrien probably shouldn’t know how into this Luka really was.
Luka eased on the brakes, gradually slowing the pace of the kiss so that he could pull back without seeming to abruptly reject Adrien.
Reluctantly, Adrien let the kiss end. He gave a whimper of protest but otherwise gracefully accepted that it was over.
Luka pressed one last quick smooch to Adrien’s lips before pulling back with finality.
Both boys rolled onto their backs, side by side.
“Well,” Adrien tentatively broke the silence. “I don’t know if I like kissing boys in general, but I’m certainly a fan of kissing you. That was…” Adrien paused, propping himself up on his elbow to look down at Luka. “Sorry. Am I making this weird?”
“No,” Luka assured, a bashful smile asserting itself on his lips as a blush spread across his cheeks. “No, you’re…good. That was…I really enjoyed kissing you too,” he confessed.
Adrien bit his lip, trying to contain a wide grin. “Okay. Good. Because I thought that was phenomenal, but, as previously established, I don’t have a lot of kissing experience, so…”
“Could have fooled me,” Luka snorted, covering his face with his hands. “Oh my God.”
“You don’t have to deify me, but I’m glad it was good for you too,” Adrien snickered.
“Oh my God,” Luka repeated, beginning to crack up as he reached out to half-heartedly smack Adrien.
“Hey!” Adrien pouted, beginning to giggle.
The laughter eventually subsided, and the boys stilled, curling up under the covers facing one another, their knees touching, their faces less than half a meter away.
“Hey,” Adrien called hesitantly. “At the risk of making everything awkward…are you sure this has to be a one-time thing?”
Luka groaned weakly. “Adrien.”
“I mean,” Adrien pressed. “We both enjoyed making out, and it’s not like we’re seeing anyone.”
“This is why I set clear guidelines before kissing you,” Luka sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing them with the heels of his palms. “Adrien, no. This is a bad idea.”
“Is it? Really? What’s the harm?” Adrien pushed, pulling Luka’s hands away from his face.
There was a list, but Luka cut to the point, “Adrien.” He looked deep into those lovely peridot eyes and knew he was lost. 
His voice softened, revealing his vulnerability. “What if I catch feelings for you?”
“Then I’ll marry you,” Adrien replied immediately and automatically, not even pausing to consider.
At that point, Luka realized that it was inevitable: he was going to end up kissing Adrien again, and it was going to mean nothing because Adrien liked someone else, and Luka was going to be both miserable and euphoric at the same time. This boy was going to wreck him, and Luka was going to let him.
“I don’t think we should be making these kinds of decisions at three in the morning,” Luka finally replied.
“So that’s a maybe,” Adrien wheedled, the beginnings of a smirk budding on his lips.
“That’s a subtle way of giving you a red card,” Luka sighed, scrubbing at his face with a hand. “Now, I’m being more explicit: Red, Adrien.”
Adrien wilted at the use of the safe word upon which they had agreed to instantly and unquestioningly halt whatever behavior had led up to the use of the word.
Adrien bit his lip. “Okay, but just say that you’ll think about it.”
Luka would undoubtedly be thinking about kissing Adrien for many, many years to come. There was no need for Adrien to implore like that.
“Red, Adrien,” Luka hissed with a hint of annoyed exasperation.
“Sorry,” Adrien demurred, dipping his head to nuzzle Luka’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I just…” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Right. Sorry. I know. Conversation over.”
Luka sighed heavily, rolling back over onto his side to lovingly run his fingers through Adrien’s hair. “It’s okay. I know. It’s okay. We’re okay, Angel.”
“Okay,” Adrien murmured. “Good. I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you,” Luka whispered, pressing a light kiss to Adrien’s forehead. “I’m sorry too.”
Adrien pulled back slightly to frown in confusion at Luka. “For what?”
Luka shook his head. “Reasons.”
Adrien blew out a light snort. “Fine. Be cryptic. I forgive you too.”
“Thank you.” Luka smiled sadly. “I’ll remind you that you’ve already forgiven me when you eventually realize why I’m apologizing.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Cryptic,” he repeated with another snort. “It’s too early for this.”
“Go back to sleep,” Luka chuckled, mussing Adrien’s hair.
“How am I supposed to sleep when I’m wide awake?” Adrien grumbled.
Luka’s fingers found the spots on Adrien’s head that made Adrien melt and began to rub.
Adrien let out a throaty moan that struck a chord in Luka’s gut and then went boneless, starting to purr.
Just when Luka thought that Adrien had fallen asleep, he whispered an emotion-filled, “Thank you. For everything. Everything that you do for me. Everything that you put up with. Everything that you let me get away with. Thank you.”
“I’m happy to do it,” Luka assured. 
It was true. Even if Luka only ever got friendship and frustration and heartbreak. The good outweighed the bad. Adrien was worth it.
Adrien opened his eyes and smiled adoringly. It may have been the sleepy look on his face or the fact that Luka’s fingers were turning Adrien into a happy puddle, but Adrien looked absolutely smitten.
Luka’s breath caught in his throat as the image scorched itself indelibly onto Luka’s mind.
“I know, but…I really appreciate you,” Adrien stressed. “You’re seriously the best friend I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
Luka kissed the top of Adrien’s head and almost made another joke about Nino being jealous when it hit him.
Luka pulled back and frowned. “It’s not Nino, is it?”
Adrien blinked, the soft look gone from his eyes. “What?”
“The…The guy you like. It’s not Nino, is it?” Luka gulped.
Adrien’s face went as pale as the moonlight and then red as a matador’s cape. “Red,” he squeaked, burying his face in Luka’s shoulder.
“It is,” Luka breathed, a wave of jealousy hitting him out of nowhere.
“I said, ‘red’!” Adrien hissed, giving Luka’s shoulder a nip. “Go to sleep and dream of kissing me or something.”
“That was a given,” Luka snorted.
Adrien looked up, face still scarlet. “What?”
Luka looked away. “Nothing.”
Adrien bit his lip. “…One more kiss?”
Luka groaned. “No. You’re going to ruin me.”
“I’m good at ruining things,” Adrien replied thoughtfully.
“That’s the magic, not you,” Luka corrected, scratching behind Adrien’s ear. “…I don’t want this, Adrien.”
“Hm?” Adrien opened an eye, struggling to fight sleep.
“I don’t want our relationship to become something like that. I don’t want you to start seeing me as a means to an endorphin rush. I don’t want you to use me like that,” Luka explained sadly. 
It felt like he was slowly being dragged towards the edge of a ravine. He didn’t want the two of them to go over.
“I wouldn’t,” Adrien promised, eyes slipping closed. “You’re too precious to me for that. I love you.”
Luka froze. “Y-You’re not supposed to joke about that.”
“Not joking,” Adrien mumbled. “There’re…different kinds of love, and…I love you. Not in love…but…love you.
“Love…you,” Adrien repeated as his breathing evened out and he dropped off into unconsciousness.
“I love you too,” Luka whispered, settling in for a long night of listening to Adrien snore softly and thinking out how Adrien’s lips had felt on his own.
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