#I just wanna see mean Steve’s stupid fucking face 😔
creative-time · 2 years
Yo, call me crazy, but I think I prefer what I’ve seen of the Pilot more than the tv series…?
Like the Security Song and the Wakey Wakey song are just God Tier while yeah some of the songs in the tv show are good they just kinda end prematurely, get cut off, or just kinda mid.
Like the transport song would be absolute FIRE if it wasn’t for the fucker coughing and wheezing during it like, bro could you maybe die later?
I really hope if they ever drop the songs on a music platform that they make a version of the transport song thats actually understandable because god I was so disappointed
Like they passed every other aspect with FLYING COLORS but it seems that they flopped in the music department, as disappointed I am in myself for thinking this.
Maybe the songs will grow on me eventually but… for right now I’m on the fence
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