#I just wanna see them be disgustingly romantic can't I dream
crowpricorn ยท 10 months
๐Ÿฆƒ ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿฆ for the birds asks! <3
thank you!! ๐Ÿ’— (Qs)
again, I can't do quotes for the sake of my life and it's just disgustingly long paragraphs
just a silly paragraph from angel&demon au :)
He doesn't know what it is that catches his attention first โ€” the ruddy golden curls crowned with a pair of big, crimson red horns, or perhaps the sharp blue eyes that send a glare his way โ€” so clear that they should belong to the skies, not to the depths of Hell. There's feathers of the same deep red of his horns, kept folded to his back. His clothes are all black and tight to his body, and he wears โ€” Oh God, he wears a leather black harness that hugs his chest perfectly. Jesper might be drooling a bit. He looks the demon up and down, eyes pausing on his bare feet and on his gorgeous hands โ€” both pairs end in claws that shouldn't be as hot as they are.
๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ a sweet quote (something sweet, fluffy! maybe it's cute or funny banter! or sappy wedding vows!)
cute banter! from how to train your dragon au๐Ÿ˜ผ
"When you said you don't like eels," Wylan laughs, amused. "I didn't think you meant you're scared of them."
"I'm not scared," Jesper snaps. "They are just disgusting."
Wylan keeps laughing, securing the net as he goes. "Local lanky boy scared to death by a poor eel," he chants, earning a pebble thrown to his shoulder and then a flow of laughter from Jesper. Something warm spreads through Wylan's chest, and he has to crouch down before he loses his balance.
"Are you alright?" Jesper asks, face suddenly worried and right hand already reaching to hold Wylan up.
"Must be the heat, I see splotches of black and white dots in front of me," Wylan mumbles, and he hopes that Jesper buys the lie. He hopes he doesn't inquire further until Wylan has to shut him up with his mouth. On Jesper's mouth.
๐Ÿฆ a romantic quote (can be sweet or sad or sexy, or just your favorite interaction between them!)
blind wylan au thingie!!
Wylan kisses like a love song, soft like a breeze, warm like rocks kissed by the sun. It's sweeter than they kissed in Jesper's dreams, and it's also incredibly Wylan: messy and giggly, passionate, even, as soon as they fall into a rhythm and let go of all restraints, shaking against each other like twin flames meeting in a burning embrace. It's beautiful. Wylan is beautiful โ€” he is beautiful in the dark, he is beautiful in his memories and he was beautiful earlier under the sun. And he is real. He is real as Jesper kisses him into the night, as Wylan lets his body arch against Jesper's, as they lay there and all he knows is Wylan's breath and scent and warmth.
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