#I just want to add that the entire Rogue One plot exploded upon a request to her.
motleystitches · 7 years
Jyn Erso’s characterization- anti-hero
1. Illegal activities: thievery, forgery, evading the law in all forms, lies
2. Professed cynicism, but with a heart of gold- rescuing small children, droid who doesn’t like her
3. Tragic past: Lyra’s death, Galen’s disappearance, Saw’s abandonment, all happened childhood
4. Ultra-violence: competencies developed guerrilla warfare since a child-soldier, independence
5. Essentially no gentle side except for small barely there smiles
6. Fully wrapped up at all times- even wears gloves so there’s not much hand touching (significance that she sought out Cassian’s hand at final moments)
7. Epic hero for a story about journey “home”.
She’s not the “chosen one” archetype like Rey, but she is recognizably the sort of character that drives a narrative that lives inside the morally gray while maintaining “heroic” thread. She is Constantine, she is Riddick, she is pirates from Black Sails; no, she is herself. In SW verse, she’s a better Han Solo. 
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