#I just want to post it so I can pin it on my profile!
paperlovesadness · 2 years
Hey, hi & welcome to my corner of Tumblr!
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(I'm sorry. Nostalgia made me do it. A little kitsch never killed nobody).
Who am I? What will you find here? What do I post? [Find out below]
Who am I?
She/her • Queer • Capricorn • Somewhere within the EU • 28 yo • Cat person • A hopeless romantic on the inside - a very sarcastic person on the outside. But this is my place to unironically dip into that first one.
I love music with every fibre of my being and decided I want to delve more into talking about it too - which is the origins of this blog. But then - of course - hyperobsessions took over so maybe it's more themed than initially planned (but who cares! That's what this place is here for).
What will you find here?
Lots of love for and obsessing over:
The Last Shadow Puppets (!)
The Arctic Monkeys
Miles Kane
Also just Alex Turner & all his projects (& his outfits. And his hands. And his love for Miles Kane)
The Beatles (Paul! John! Paul & John!) +
Possibly posts about other dead & retired bands & musicians
Just tons of crazy theories and searches for connections and parallels.
And in general probably quite long rants (I write A LOT & can never contain the amount)
But yeah. This is currently just... A lot of crying over TLSP & milex with a dash of Beatles.
Some of my little on-going tag series:
TLSPxBeatles - where I collect all the little similarities & references & parallels between Miles & Alex and John & Paul
Al the Capricorn gal - as the name suggests - a collection of times where I find Alex to be very Capricorn (yes I love to track these because I'm one too & love to relate)
Just Twin Flame Things - a collection of posts I find that give off the twin flame vibe. Usually Miles & Alex. Might be John & Paul and other musicians too though sometimes.
Theories - generally being slightly unhinged & letting my conspiracy pattern loving brain roam wild.
Lyric parallels - just pointing out patterns I find between TLSP/MK/AM lyrics. Or reposting other people's observations
Blog stuff - just random bloggy posts (not often. But it happens).
Screaming and adding actual coherent functional tags later - this one is just the times I screamed about something current happening and then went back later to make it searchable for me. So go here if you want a good laugh about my panic fangirl screams. Or just thoughts on current fandom events.
My posts - just generally all the posts I make in one place.
A few of my posts:
Miles & Alex are Twin Flames
Song theories / analyzing lyrics [series]
Thoughts about seeing AM live
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