#I just wanted to set a scene as an example of what Sira is like as an adult
ezra-iolite · 2 years
🎫 Dealer’s choice, infodump that lore
XD Awwww, you sweet thing~ Just for you, I'll do two~ This time, with someone new for you. ;3
#5- Zaire Mutheru To those not in the know (@hyraxas mainly ;3), in most AUs, Asya/Swiftwire has a half-brother from her father's side (the only exception being the Pirateformers AU, with Zaire being the son of Gasira and Bori). But in both the OG Transformers and College AU, Zaire is the idolized son that Asya should have been, had she not escaped her cruel, transphobic and abusive father's vision of being the "perfect soldier".
In short, Zaire is the embodiment of what would have happened to Asya if she stayed with her father.... A straight, cismale, blindly obedient son who became a soldier in the military and married his arranged wife, all while highly praising and very clearly desperate for the attention of his neglectful father, never knowing what life would be like if he chose something for himself.
#3- Sira/Whisper Still not 100% sure on Sira's future OR her appearance, to be completely honest, as she's a total work in progress, beyond her being a Seeker like her Mama and as pretty as her Papa (and her being ace) but.......
Something will happen to her in the OG Transformers AU (which at the moment I'm planning it to be her Mama Swiftwire being kidnapped for 2 million years, forcing Sira to grow into an adult without her birth mother/carrier) and it will lead her to decide on becoming an assassin, adopting the codename Whisper due to her being born without a functioning voice box.
During her time as an assassin (a GOOD one who hunts down criminals and gang leaders to follow the seemingly cold trail of where her Mama went), I'd like to headcanon that she meets and teams up with Divot (@cuppajj's Drillburst x Fort Max badass baby) who she accidentally meets during a mission of hers that ended up being a stand-off between them and their target. And again, it's ONLY an idea I'm entertaining myself with while I figure out Sira's whole vibe, so it's very much a rough draft and nothing canon or anything serious......
So, for a good long while, they team up on seemingly harder missions that bring them deeper and deeper into the underbelly of Cybertron each time, as Whisper never reveals how she finds her targets or what connection they have, or even her real "human" name....
Until one target they interrogate mockingly reveals the name "Senator Swiftwire" and how happy they are that the "useless cyborg" is locked away by their beloved master, and Whisper loses her absolute mind and beats that poor soul to the brink of death. Pulling her away to demand what's going on and who this Swiftwire is, Whisper says (or rather signs) nothing, refusing to look at Divot with tears in her eyes, until Divot finally asks "You've been looking for her, haven't you? If I'm gonna help you, you have to tell me what's going on... Starting with who you really are.... Sira Mutheru." Because of course Divot found out on their own! They're a cop after all~
And it just comes pouring out through shaky hand signs as Sira soundlessly sobs and reveals everything to the one person she trusts most, outside of the remaining family (three dads and a mom ;3) she chose to distance herself from for their safety.... Of her formerly human mother being kidnapped by the biggest threat on Cybertron (either Sunder or Overlord, I've yet to decide XD), of her real identity being that of a half Kenyan-half Cybertronian, and how she's been searching the entire planet for her birth mother for over a million years, only to always end up with nothing but dead ends and cold trails.
Did she ever think that Swift might be dead? Of course, especially after the first five hundred, thousand years.
"So why do you keep searching for her?"
Poor Divot would get such a hard smack across the face, before Sira unmasks the lower half of her face for the first time and furiously signs to Divot while soundlessly saying/mouthing the words she signs,
"Because she's my mother!!! Wouldn't you do the same for your family?! If you love someone... would you give up on them? Cause I sure as hell would never give up on you!"
.......... So yeah, I'd like to think they're a team who can kick ass and talk about their feelings!!!! XD
And again, it's JUST a personal headcanon of mine that I finally have the courage to reveal ¬/////¬
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