#I kinda want to post all of my sketches of her but they're very situational to our campaign
dawnpours · 1 year
Just thought it'd be fun to share the evolution of my interpretation of Ez' design, from the first time we met her:
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To my latest commission (for @lesbian-ismark , still a WIP)
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I am so very proud of how far I've come and I feel like I'm starting to do her justice, and coming closer to her canon design while keeping some elements very personal.
Either way, I love her and have drawn her an unhealthy amount of times, oops
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aleniksimmer · 1 year
Miraculous the movie
Final thoughts:
-if you watch it alone without any prior knowledge of Miraculous it feels extremely random, the characters are flat, the powers blurry, their objectives kinda lost in the songs, which are there but don't really clear the situation or move the plot forward
-if you watch it knowing the show it does make even less sense, the powers are completely fucked up, sometimes the suits protect them, sometimes not, the characters feel a very faded copy of what they're supposed to be and most of the times the plot doesn't plot, things just happen cause it's fanservice and "a laugh for the kids", it really feels like a fanfiction in which the author was focused in a couple of scenes and then tried to connect them together even if they don't work. Conflicts starts and are closed at random, there's zero build up, as I said before it all feels like it happens because the "author" wanted it to happen but not because the story makes sense developing in that way through the characters (as it should be with a well written story)
In the end, I enjoyed some visuals, I enjoyed some 3d models, but in general it's not something I would want to watch again, it feels uneventful and it does feel like you just have to be a casual/passive spectator. There's no foreshadowing, no messages between the lines. They tried to make the line "save a life, save the world" meaningful but it really gave nothing.
Last very personal opinion, as a hardcore fan of Frozen movies and shorts, it feels like the animations/camera angles/songs were heavily inspired by that and classic Disney in general instead of focusing on the canon material. I get they wanted to retell the story in a shorter format but it didn't quite deliver the intended result for the mentioned reasons.
So I finally decided to watch the movie cause I need something lighthearted rn, and a few seconds in I'm hating how they are presenting the miraculouses "they were only given to heroes but the butterfly is the most evil one cause evil butterfly ohhhhh" like the fuck did you just smoke Fu? Seems like Zag didn't really watched the show and had this vague idea that the butterfly miraculous is EvIL. It would be a long watch. I will edit this post each time I have to say something.
I'm a DIE HARD fan of musicals, like half of my songs on Spotify are from musicals, I have playlists of Disney songs. But this?? Seems Zag watched more Anna from Frozen than the actual show. I know Mari was very insecure in the beginning, but this is all over the place, and the dialogues, they are so detached (and I don't want to shit on the animation, but for fuck sake she wants to be a fashion designer, her whole room is pink, her sketches are colorful but the best she can imagine is a gray smoking and a white dress?? Not even a hint of color?? And she stops in front of a white dress?? For frick sake she's Marinette not "I love a sterile environment with bland people" Gabriel Agreste). And I'm 5 minute in. God save me
At least I can relate to the flute scene. What a vile instrument c_c
Ahh I don't know how to feel about them using that tune and those scenes that resemble so much the parts of the show that make you heart skip a bit in a context that feels so less deep. I think I'm missing the build up to the crucial point.
The long hair?? Gabe with the long hair?? I'm crying 😂😂
Oh come ooooonnnn. They give Nooroo a fuking bad reputation like this. And it doesn't make any sense design wise. If the butterfly is the worst of the worst why does it have a random place in the circle of secondary miraculouses. I hate it.
And now the jewels fly. Okay. OK. I need to forget about the show.
Ok. Now I'm 100% certain that Fu is high on something.
No Tikki, the butterfly is lost due to Fu and you perfectly know what it is capable of? Otherwise you wouldn't call it the eViLlllll.
So, what did we learn today. The gargoyle is there to do nothing, no objective, no plan, no correlation between the emotion and the akumatized result. Gabe should want their miraculouses but apparently the akuma is just trying to play with them through the city? Why sneaking behind? Why attacking CN at random and then going around? Why staying in Notre Dame and just make noise in the beginning? Second, the yoyo is doing all the work, God forbid Mari learns how to use it. Just make the yoyo do the job and LB is just there like a sack of potatoes. Everything is so random.
Who needs heroes when you can crush the akumatized person with a train, right?? Also that poor akuma got fried to death just to make the batman symbol.
He keeps making fun of her, treat her like an inferior but he's in love?? I'm face palming hard right now. Also, a fucking God of destruction apparently has a digestive system he can't control. Nice. Really really nice. So funny. Ha ha. 😑
He really went for that disney villain vibe..
I NEED a figurine of them on the moon.
I am weak for Ladynoir, ok? Ok. Don't care much about the song but how they interact now it's adorable. They're dancing. My poor heart. 😭
Really, hawkmoth decided to become batman.
And now he's a Jedi, ladies and gentlemen!
Oh, the flying superman shot was really missing now.
Physically and canonically everything doesn't make any sense but okay. God feels like a fanfiction.
Show Gabe would have laughed maniacally and grabbed that ring without any second thought. Oh well.. This is anticlimactic.
So.. Are we finally going to see a lucky charm at the end of the movie ooooor... Nope, just some dust and Elsa building skills.
NOT EVEN THE KISS??? YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US THE KISS??? YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE A SEQUEL OF THIS?? Like what, Mayura and the other 3 heroes? Oh for God sake. I would prefer this investment in the quality of the show animation than in this.
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Hello! Your super secret santa here! Was looking through some of your tags to decide what to draw for you and wanted to ask some questions if that's okay ❤️
1.) For galaxies, do you have a ref of their full bodies and what the base might look like for Y/N? And perhaps what Y/N in the story might look like? I'm very interested in it as a subnautica fan myself haha!
2.) For eventide, are there any particular outfits you have for them that you prefer them in? And what kind of jobs they might handle? I don't know much about them but I would love to hear what info you do have to offer!
(Gosh I really hope this goes through as anon)
These are excellent questions! (I'm practically BUZZING with excitement already, omg)
Galaxies: Okay, so I do have a full-body one for Sun, and I'm going to post it here because at this point I don't know when the coloring book is getting released to everyone? Or if it already did? Anyway, so here's that, I've been a bit of a mess since May so I haven't even gotten around to finishing coloring this piece (it's my own coloring page, I recognize the irony). So, Fish-Sun in flats (with Sea Monkey babies):
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(I absolutely love Subnautica and Below Zero!!!!)
Now, Moon didn't get finished because a lot of really awful things happened all at once at the end of May and beginning of June, I got repeatedly sick, and so I didn't get around to finishing Moon's coloring page yet. It'll be done eventually, but for now, I'll show you what I did do.
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(it actually breaks my heart a little, because I had so many plans for this one, aaaahhhhhhh) So Moon's form in general is pretty similar to Sun's design (long, almost eel-like). He was supposed to have more spines that you can kinda see in the original sketch of Moon in the ref pic, and his design was going to be very inspired by a lionfish, spines down the back and at the "hips".
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The end of his tail was actually inspired by an axolotl, I just really liked drawing the little fin on my original sketch (which is long gone) and was like "Yeah, don't care that it looks odd, he's an alien". I do have plans to add more sub-sections of the story later (piratespiratespiratespirates) and I'll probably have to design baby Sun and Moon eventually, but I imagine both will be similar to axolotls, since they're supposed to be related species.
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Eventide: Actually yes, I did draw up a buncha outfits! I couldn't tell what was too many refs and what would be wanted, so I cut a bunch of doodles of Eventide that I've got.
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So, Eventide is a child unit built by my YN with Sun and Moon's help. She starts as a small child (5-6 years old) and "grows up" (through physical upgrades and hardware updates as her AI learns and grows) with her mum, two dads, and two human sisters. Story-wise, I have the plot for her to get up to about 15-16 (not because she dies, just because I haven't planned beyond that), and she wants to do all sorts of things. Legally, she is the property of YN and not Fazzbear Entertainment, and I'm not sure how to address the whole "can she legally have a job?" thing because I also don't know how to address the whole "Robots are people too, but how do I give them rights", so mostly it's the typical teenage/child level of "I want to be a ballerina and a doctor and a scientist and also I want to do what Mom does (officially, a handler for Sun and Moon and considered an expert in certain kinds of AI and human interactions that go into having a complicated family situation (two robot partners, two human children, one robot child)) and also she wants to do what Sun and Moon do (they will eventually be "retired", this is an agreement YN has with Fazzbear after a disastrous situation at another location, and they will be released permanently into YN's care at that point, but again, that's further down the line). At this time, her "job", as YN states (eventually, when I get there in the story), is to "be a kid and find out what all that means". (As for what she will probably do, I'm leaning towards a baker/barista, a marine biologist, or an artist of some sort.)
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nya-dragonaxi · 1 year
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Finally I can post about my girls !! Yippie !!
It's an old drawing but it's also one of the rare drawings I still like even after a lot of time
So first one is Content, you've seen her once before ; second is Priya who I briefly mentioned in Yelena's lore as File's sister ; last is Theme, I never mentioned her 'til now
In case you can't guess Priya and Theme's color, well Priya is a Navy blue Addison and Theme is a Lavender Addison. Also I'm going to redesign Theme a bit cause' I kinda improvised her look back then and now I'm realizing she looks a bit too similar to Infinity, mostly because of her clothes, so yeah expect to see her again soon. The 3 of them are not really relevent in the main story, I just love them a lot and want ppl to see them too :3
Here's the lore I wrote in early development that is still canon (copypasted because I ain't rewriting all that) :
(Quickly their prns so y'all ain't confused when I talk about them :
Priya He/Him
Content They/She
Theme She/her) Content and Theme met Priya at the restaurant he works at, they were already together at the time but felt like they were missing something and when they saw Priya they were like "That's what's missing" Small issue is that Priya almost completely shut down his emotions a long time ago, when his elder brother left, and is confused most of the time because he doesn't know what love is, It's like he's incapable of feeling anything But Content and Theme still try, and in the end they're teaching Priya how to feel again Content is very expressive and full of energy, they're always trying to defend their girlfriends, although she's really short and it kind of look ridiculous when They're trying to be menacing. They're also an artist, and Sometimes draws sketches of their girls Priya, despite starting to feel more emotions as time goes by, still wears a strict expression constantly. Though, he will not hesitate to go to his Girls for a hug when he needs one Theme loves hugging her girlfriends a lot actually, she's very touchy, she loves spending time with them and talking about whatever new stuff she learned while reading books (and they let her speak for hours while they do something else at the same time) I often refer to them with stuff like Sun, Moon, Sky, and their shipname for all 3 is Sunset But in a 2/3 situation I have also given them shipnames because uuuuh fun ig, so : Priya/Content → Eclipse Priya/Theme → Night sky Content/Theme → Daytime
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