#I know Aresko wouldn't have Blitzo's role as the vulgar one
Lyste vs The Ex-Girlfriend.... (Mission Failed)
Task force soldier 1: Awh, look at the little one. He's got a wittle rank plaque.
Lyste: Please don't condescend me, ma'am. I-
Task force soldier 2: Want a kissy little guy?
Lyste: *nervous* A kind offer...but, I'm married.
Y/N: Hey. How about sending a little message from me, back to your limp...dick...commander?
(Soldiers jump at Lyste while laughing)
Lyste: *screaming* Don't touch that!
Aresko: *races forward and presses his face and hands on the glass* Lyste! Don't let her access any of your holes!
(Lyste runs back into the hall, with his back to the door, panting and walks by visibly battered and shaken with red lipstick kisses all over his face)
Lyste: *stammering and shaking* I... I gotta go lie down...now. *Faints and falls on the floor*
Aresko: Oh, this won't STAND!
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