#I know I do😋
ihateleviack · 1 year
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Mmmmm uncool, dude. Everyone knows you gotta strive for the heart hands in pictures.
I had to force myself to not post this so soon but now I don't care. I love my boys and nothing's gonna stop me from putting them in meaningless scenarios that only makes sense in my head.
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 1. https://pin.it/5bZZZoC 
 2. Sam genesis on insta https://pin.it/1nqYop6 
 3. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c0d685605abf6f201fd58de88f03065a?rik=UgJIuw%2fX0%2f52wA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
(Captain's clothes was from my mind)
Also extras:
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Like a sequel to this: https://www.tumblr.com/alpha-man-supreme/696489635612868608/selfies-press-f1-for-help-i-love-them-so-much?source=share
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