#I know I never shut up about rose tyler but I didn't realize nine was included in those
camellcat · 10 months
apparently, I talk about nine a lot more than I thought I did LOL
while hanging out with my friends, I mentioned the post I made about how I thought twelve was like nine and why he's my second favorite when one of them interrupted and said "so, we know you've got a thing for grieving, sad dilfs" and I went "?!?"
he then proceeded to make an accurate list of my favorite doctors. and then said the only reason twelve wasn't my favorite was simply because he wasn't nine. and that I literally never stop talking about how much I love nine and s1 as a whole 💀
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roswelldetails · 5 years
Episode 202: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space - Details
Liz (Jeanine Mason) is forced to put her latest experiment on hold after Rosa (Amber Midthunder) begins to struggle with her new life in Roswell. Reluctant to face the truth about his mother’s past, Michael (Michael Vlamis) turns his attention to helping Maria (Heather Hemmens), who is dealing with her own family crisis. Elsewhere, Isobel (Lily Cowles) agrees to join her mother for a day of spiritual healing to keep herself distracted. Finally, Rosa turns to Kyle (Michael Trevino) to learn the truth about what really happened the night she died. Tyler Blackburn and Trevor St. John also star. Lance Anderson directed the episode written by Eva McKenna (#202.) Original airdate 3/23/2020.
Secret lab is in an Indian Boarding School that was shut down. The Air Force bought it. It's been empty for 40 years (i.e., since approx. 1979). Part of Alex's job is to monitor it.
Security was set up by Alex’s team. They follow orders and don’t ask questions. (But that also means other soldiers know about it.)
Max's password was password. 🙄
Liz lies to Rosa. "It was beautiful. The whole town came. Everyone joined in the rosario. Mom sang Las Golondrinas. Dad wanted you in a white dress but I insisted on your Live Through This t-shirt."
According to: https://blog.sevenponds.com/cultural-perspectives/tradition-spanish-funeral “Nine days after the death, the family holds a ceremony known as a “rosario.” It consists of candles, flowers, prayers and sharing memories of the person who has died. The rosario also takes place every year on the anniversary of the person’s death.”
Las Golondrinas
Rosa Nightmare #1… unclear when it started since it flowed directly from her on the couch, doing graffiti around town, seeing her dad. Assuming it starts when she goes to the Wild Pony, pours herself a drink, hesitates, and then Max appears.
Max and Rosa's exchange:.
"What are you waiting for? You have to stop Liz. Tell her she can't bring me back, Rosa."
"Why? Why don't you want her to save you?"
"I can't take it anymore. Just end it."
"They'll figure it out. They'll save you."
"I can't wait that long. It's like burning alive from inside."
"She's never going to stop trying."
"Then you have to stop her. Please!"
Rosa wants her sketchbook from the bookshelf in their room. (Later in the episode when she breaks in we see that the bookshelf is empty. Liz cleared out Rosa's things in 1x07.)
Rosa's old email [email protected] (90s music reference to the band Everclear).
Michael is experimenting by blow torching a piece of alien ship.
Apparently it was Lindsay (of Hank and Lindsay) that Michael made out with. Seeing as it's only been a month since Hank died (2 weeks passed in 2x01, Maria says in 2x02 that her mom has been missing for 2 weeks), and the big guy was pissed about Michael making out with her, she moves on pretty quickly!
Maria is meeting with a private detective.
Science babble! "Human tissue can obviously regenerate from stem cells. With the right methodology I could use your blood (Isobel) to make adjustments for alien physiology. I have to monitor exactly when cell degradation begins, down to the second. I can't miss it. Eight hours before I need to be back.
Michael is developing nanotechnology to make the transplant possible. "It's like replacing parts in a broken machine."
They harvested all of Noah’s primary organs. "I have his body parts in jars."
Isobel steals what looks like an empty syringe. But at the end of the episode she has the serum in it.
New brand of fake beer! (Last season it was always Copper black lager. Now it's Hunks and Heroes Lager! Broken bottles were on the ground in the cemetery, Wyatt Long is carrying a bottle at the beginning of the scene when he and Michael fight (which could tie him to the graffiti on Rosa's grave), and also has a bottle in front of him on his YouTube video.
Michael is holding a bag from Milikan Value Hardware Store.
Flint's report on Caulfield: "Shepherd Protocol was activated. Bodies were disposed of without incident. Local papers ran an item confirming that the long-scheduled demolition of the prison was a success."
Exchange between Jesse and Flint:
"Dad, I don't think we should have covered it up. People should know."
"Do you have any idea what would happen if we confirmed that alien specimens were once housed at Caulfield but are now suddenly gone? It'd be dismissed as fake news. Buried by a racist tweet within seconds. No, we need to make a bigger statement."
"'Cause justice can't be served until after disaster has struck."
"That's right."
Really don't want to transcribe the racist rant from Wyatt Long that Rosa watches, although I will if y'all demand it. I don't think it's relevant beyond Rosa learning the truth. However as a detail I want to note, the video is titled BUILD THE WALL! IN MEMORY OF KATE LONG and it's dated September 3, 2010 (so 2 years and a few months after they died). Amusing side note. The comments on the video. Great fake usernames:
fayhuman: Kate Long didn't deserve what happened.
Curious Murphy: I just donated to the cause!!
thecyberwitch48: is this really the best solution?
Isobel’s baby is at 5 weeks, the size of a lentil.
Isobel calls Ann "Mama". Good note for fic writers! 😉
Maria's class: "Woman as Warrior: Strength Training for the Mind, Body, and Spirit."
Under the Bridge - same location as in 1x03 where Liz finds Rosa's paint canister.
Maria's cards:
Maria DeLuca
Psychic Reader
Spirit Leader
Social Media Revitalizer
Great line: "The infinite reservoir of strength and healing within us all" 😂👏
Rosa's chart…
"What's this error here?"
"Must be a contaminated sample."
"No way. I'm meticulous."
Steph says regarding the error on Rosa’s test “Congrats. Looks like you just discovered a protein never before found in the human body. Or you didn't get the Flamin' Hot orange dust off your hands when you scrubbed in. Whichever's most likely."
Michael to Liz, "I was working. I went home to find formulas I worked out years ago…"
Rosa is reciting Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer, which is commonly used by AA and other 12 step programs.
Noah was struck by lightning directly in the heart.
Isobel’s moment of epiphany:
"Using your newfound goddess strength I want you to get up and throw your fear into the fire. Set yourself free. You're a warrior. You aren't afraid of anything. Draw upon your feminine power. Why are you hesitating, Isobel? The sooner you throw your paper in the fire the sooner you can leave."
"Look, it's not that simple, okay? I can't just throw this into the fire." Maria gasps and rubs her chest, similar to how she did when she realized her necklace was missing at the beginning in 1x10) "I'm trapped.
Ann: "This is my fault. I put too much pressure on you."
"It's nobody's fault. It's just here."
Maria: "Whatever it is, you can choose to set yourself free. Say it. 'Say I choose to set myself free.'"
"I choose to set myself free."
Maria: "Louder."
"I choose to set myself free."
Rosa breaks into the Crashdown. It mirrors her first nightmare in 2x01, but it's not a dream. She goes to her room, sees the empty bookshelf, goes to the closet, and snags a hidden bottle of tequila.
Camera lingers on Steph stuffing a bottle of nail polish remover in her purse. Note: she was actually doing her nails.
Michael and Alex's conversation mostly mirrors the information we learned from the file in last week's episode. She wasn't caught until October 1948 and the crash was June 1947. She was the last alien captured and admitted into Caulfield. Alex thinks people in Roswell might have known her.
Liz says that the accident never made sense to her because when Rosa was 12, Mamma Ortecho drove drunk with Liz and Rosa in the car, hit a bike, and flipped the car. Rosa told Mamma Ortecho that she would kill her if she ever drove drunk with Liz in the car again.
Rosa's tequila brand: Blistering Rose.
Rosa’s 2nd Nightmare: Rosa runs into the cave and starts beating on the pod. When she hits it, it sounds like metal (which doesn't seem like it would make sense given what we know about the pods).
Her conversation with Max:
"Leave me alone, you dick!"
"I am so much pain, Rosa."
"Oh really? So is everybody. Man up."
"Have some mercy. I saved your life."
"My life is gone. My mom bailed, I can't talk to my dad, my entire town hates me, and my sweet little sister is somebody that I don't even know. But I do know that she'll save you. She's gonna fix you and until then, leave me alone."
"I'd Liz won't stop then you have to do it. Go to the pod, pull me out, and walk away. You won't be killing me, Rosa. I'm already dead."
"I said no. Leave me alone."
"As long as that handprint is on you I can reach you."
"Fine. I'm an expert at quieting voices."
"No. Rosa, wait. Don't do anything stupid."
"I never dreamed when I was using."
1. Oasis "Wonderwall"
2. Gord Bamford "#Rednek"
3. Hamish Anderson "Trouble"
4. Radiohead "High And Dry"
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