#I know I ship BKDK primarily but HEAR ME OUT
meeko-mar · 2 years
You know, one way that I think IzuOcha would be cute in canon?
No kiss, no dramatic reveal of feelings or grand confession in the middle of battle...
But like just a moment, at the end, in the aftermath, kind of like their moment outside of Troy:
But Uraraka comes up to Deku and maybe they have a quick talk, relief that it's all over, or rather that a new world is just beginning,(however that ultimately plays out) And something just cute like Ura turning, in her cute, nervous way, to Izuku and saying
"So...When we have the time...You wanna share a crepe or something??"
And Izuku kind of being surprised, but then realizing, oh, yeah, he said that! A little nervous laughter, and probably the camera panning up into a sunset or something, and Izuku's voice saying
"Yeah, I'd love to."
Before cutting to probably more closing scenes of course. Probably not leaving this as the ultimate, last shot of the series. That'd obviously probably be reserved for a final statement on Izuku's trajectory as a hero, what he's going to do next, what the world is doing going forward, etc etc.
So like, it wouldn't be a dramabomb. Which wouldn't feel out of place. It wouldn't be a sudden reciprocation of all of Ura's feelings throughout the whole story on Izuku's part, b/c of course, we haven't SEEN That reciprocation. It wouldn't be too forward, with a huge, momentous kiss that would just feel out of place for them and their current chemistry. It wouldn't be wildly out of place for what Uraraka's current priority is(which is saving Toga and being a hero that saves)
But it would be a SUGGESTION of what direction they might head.
And it would be very sweet and tie back to what Izuku said about what couples should do, and it would also be URARAKA initiating!! Which like, GOOD FOR HER. Love that for her.
AND IN ALL FAIRNESS, that's kind of the same level I would want for a canon BKDK ending, too.
I'm not necessarily looking for Fireworks, here, no matter which route Horikoshi goes...I think something subtle and calm will be ideal.
Because our girl Froppy is right, it's not the time or place for these characters to be discussing romance, and I don't think any of them are thinking about it too strongly right now...They're just trying to survive and save and win.
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