#I know I'm just inviting people to be like SURE HE DID LIAR etc in tags
queen-boudicca · 2 years
Next up in the nuwho rewatch, the end of the world!
I've also decided to add two things to each post: whether the episode passes the bechdel test (in anticipation of the moffat era bc I'm petty) and whether it makes me cry. For this episode:
Bechdel test pass: yes
Makes me cry: no (but almost though)
The end of the world
"I know exactly where to go" *takes her to the destruction of her planet* good job nine
"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're gonna get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive" help
The music is so beautiful help
This one has some bits a little like Martha's theme
"Mind you, when i say 'the great and good', what i mean is the rich" ily so much nine
Jabe!! I love her
The adherents of the repeated meme [insert ah bit like you then]
"I give you, in return, air from my lungs" he's so smooth omg
"Ladies and gentlemen and trees and multiforms" the four genders
'The Arctic desert' — is that a commentary on global warming or Cassandra being a liar
If there were only a few songs that survived the destruction of the earth and were what people remembered us by, tainted love and toxic are pretty good bops I'm not complaining
God the way they introduced the time war and destruction of gallifrey are so fucking good
Nine's offhand mention of fighting in the war in the previous episode, the way jabe scans for his species and doesn't believe it, etc
It's so well done!!
The way Rose doesn't talk at all to any of the fancy rich people at the party but happily (and more comfortably) strikes up conversation with the workers she meets on the station!! Such good characterization you love to see it
She asks Raffalo for her name immediately and emotionally opens up to her
"Thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate" they really said fuck the rich
Rip my girl, Raffalo. You were super sweet and i miss you
"They're just so alien! The aliens are so alien. You look at them... and they're alien" ily rose
And he's like evading her questions about who he is and where he's from and when she doesn't stop he gets angry and ugh his arc is so good
And she can tell it's a sore topic for him so she breaks the tension w a joke
They're so good for each other
Love how there's a button on his keyboard that lowers the sun filter and instakills anyone inside
Maybe they shouldn't have added that when they did the designs
Jabe and nine besties
I want an au where she and Raffalo survived and traveled with nine and rose and are their respective besties
Not sure I'm a big fan of the implications that cosmetic surgery makes you less human/real
"I just wanted to say how sorry i am" and she's touching his arm and comforting him and aagh the tears in his eyes and he's touching her hand too and WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL RTD WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE i know why it's bc (a) he would've invited her to come with and they didn't wanna deal w that (b) we needed the first person we see comfort him to die saving him bc he's not allowed to be happy and neither am i
Seriously though they've been really good this episode about making you care about the minor characters that die (i mean most of them. Not very torn up about the steward)
Such a bop
That's why they had such bad special effects; they blew all their budget on song rights
I mean the heat in the room would've killed her way before the direct beam of sunlight would've but oh well
The spider robots are really kinda cute shame they're evil
Really polite of her to monologue her entire plan
Great design, putting the important switch on the other side of all the fan blades
Nine baby if you hadn't argued with her and just ran there probably would've been time
oh damn rip the moxx of balhoun ig
Nine's theme my beloved
Wow the earth kinda looked like an eye while it was exploding
Angry nine is so good i love it
The definition of people is a technicality the courts will argue over? Oh please
First of all they're not even speaking English and there's way the doctor would've used a word that didn't mean like sapient beings or some shit
Also c'mon like there aren't laws against killing sentient beings by the year 5 billion regardless of what word you use
Rose's theme again my beloved
"You think it'll last forever. People and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day, it's all gone. Even the sky." I'm fine
Nine's theme again my beloved
I'm beginning to think they didn't have that much music composed for this
Next up, ghosts and Charles Dickens and Gwen's great great great grandmother!
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statementlou · 2 years
Hits 96 (because Louis said he didn’t want to say what BTM was about): do you enjoy that as a songwriter kind of not giving it all away, letting people make their own interpretations?
Well its something I've learned along the way, cause on the first record I told everyone what absolutely everything was about and although, you know, that is nice for the fans to get to know more about me I suppose, in my opinion music is about the listener and how they interpret and what it means to them
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