bpdxcat · 3 days
They should invent a new kind of Being Alive where it's not painful and it doesn't hurt constantly and actually feels worth it and you're happy for more than a few hours at a time
1K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 4 days
I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, I'm not interesting, I'm not funny, I'm not talented. What the fuck am I.
1K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 4 days
I feel like I was doomed the moment I was born as my parents daughter.
857 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 4 days
please don't leave; when I think you're leaving my head gets fuzzy and the world caves in and my heart bursts and leaks into my legs and the rot overcomes me
537 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 4 days
For someone who’s always angry I really fucking hate being angry
825 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 4 days
I am definitely going to die alone. I am going to die unloved, depressed and useless.
1K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 5 days
I’m very tired of having to beg everyone to stay
618 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 5 days
what if im actually the problem and I kill myself to test that theory
1K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 7 days
I just read an article about how BPD can cause a mutually destructive relationship between the person with BPD and their favorite person (FP). Pretty much it boils down to the FP's reassurance feeds the symptoms and the FP leaving also feeds the symptoms
How is that fair? What doesn't feed the symptoms? What's the healthy medium? Am I doomed to never have a close relationship without it harming both of us?
This isn't fair. I never asked for BPD. I never want to harm the people I love or have the people I love harm me.
This isn't fair.
It's not fair.
3 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
I miss feeling valid. I miss feeling understood. I miss feeling seen. I miss feeling important.
4 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
waking up lighter than the day before>>>
being scared you’ll gain the weight back<<<
8K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg-10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg -10kg
2K notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
i need someone to lure me into the woods and kill me
14 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
i need someone to kiss all my insecurities off me, to the dimples on my lower back to my smile.
17 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
Tumblr media
110 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
And eat child size amounts
45 notes · View notes
bpdxcat · 2 months
100+ Pro Ana tips!
BEFORE YOU READ! This is a mix of all the pro ana tips and tricks you need to know all in one! Thanks to all of your support I’m now able to post this and work this hard! All together are here more then 12 hours of work on tips for all of you, if you have any question or advice tell me and don’t be afraid to try this for yourself!
This is organized by topics such like «At home tips» and «Restaurant tips» and so on, so you have all you need here! IN ONE SINGLE POST! That you can take prints and reblog for your personal use! And yes, I will still be posting more and more tips and motivation don’t worry about that.
PS: If you don’t enjoy pro ana content or anything related please do not read this is only for those who need it and asked me to do so and everyone interested on losing weight but that can’t on a traditional way.
Let’s get started!
Binge Pervention
1. Whenever you eat (normal eating), stop throughout the meal and count to 100 or set the food down and do something else for at least a minute. This will help you practice stopping eating and will make it easier to stop yourself when you start to binge.
2. If you live alone, do not keep “bad” foods in your house. If there are things you’d be tempted to binge on cover the box with a thinspo/reverse thinspo picture or cover it so only the nutrition facts are visible.
3. If you catch yourself binging, immediately throw the rest of the food in the toilet and flush it. The trash can will work but the toilet is better because there’s no way you can go back and get another bite.  You will feel very powerful and in control. It’s not wasting food either because no matter how you look at it it all ends up in the toilet anyway!
4. Try to get away from all or nothing thinking. One mistake doesn’t ruin your whole day and no matter what you’ve already eaten it is still better than more and half a box is a HUGE difference than a whole box. Every calorie counts! Instead of just giving in try to salvage the rest of the day with negative calories and exercise so you end it on a good note.
5. Never say, I’ll do better tomorrow. Say, I’m doing better NOW!
6. If you find yourself binging all the time or constantly feeling the urge to binge try increasing your daily calorie intake. a daily intake of 600 calories that you can maintain is better than a daily intake of 400 with a couple 1,000-calorie binges thrown in.
7. Try thinking about other foods if a particular craving is too intense, you will switch to wanting the other food you thought about and then you can distract yourself from that. It’s not just filling time though you have to get your mind off it completely (but only for less than a minute!) and you won’t want it.
8. If you don’t want to increase calories, try increasing the frequency of meals without increasing calorie intake. If you’re less hungry you will think more rationally about what you eat even if you are still consuming very few calories. Check the safe food list for snacks to keep you on track.
9. An occasional sudden jump in calorie or food intake can actually help you overcome plateaus (when weight loss stops for no apparent reason) by increasing metabolism and digestion and helping bring your body out of famine mode. However, keep it controlled, decide what and how much you will eat in advance, and choose foods with nutritional value. Be careful with this if you are prone to compulsive eating. Also this method is not always predictable and you can still gain weight, especially if the calorie increase is too dramatic or if your metabolism is damaged or slowed.
10. If you binge do not dwell on it, just immediately start thinking proactively and distract yourself with positive thinking and activities. Negative thinking, especially guilt feelings, can become a cycle of thought and behavior. Do something that will get you back in the thin mindset and just focus on what you are doing now and in the near future.
11. Emotional eating is a leading cause of weight gain. Emotional eating happens when you subconsciously associate the food with an emotion, such as love, comfort, security, etc. If you suspect you eat emotionally keep a log of your emotions along with your food, focusing especially on those occurring before, during, and after eating. Identifying the feelings leading to a binge can help you identify what the food represents to you and find something to replace it.
12. Buy a couple bags of raw mixed veggies. Before you binge, you must eat either one or both of the bags. You also must eat 1 serving of brown rice. By now you should either be too full to binge, or if you are still craving, only be able to eat a little bit of the bad food. 
13. Whenever you make food, arrange it carefully so it looks beautiful. This will help you pay more attention to your food and how much you’re eating. It also gives you time to reconsider eating it.
14. Eat in the same place every day. At the table is best, not in your room or in front of the TV or computer. Focus especially on the first three bites; after that any pleasure from eating subsides. Chew each bite carefully, 10-30 times, and count. These are good habits to get into that will help you stop binging, or at least slow you down.
15. Allow yourself to have ONE SERVING of a crave food. Plan in advance when you will have it and how frequently you’re allowed to have them (once a week, once a day, etc). Even pastries or high-calorie treats will probably be under 400 calories. You can adjust the rest of the day’s food around the craving food. This will keep you from deprivation-induced binging, and teach you to indulge in a non-binging, pre-planned, controlled way. 
My tips/tricks.
16. Do not give up for what you want most, for what you want at the moment Find an ana friend!
17. If you are serious about loosing weight an ana friend is a must! Every day is a fight when you’re anorexic if you have another one to help you it’s a lot easier. It’s important that your ana friend is someone you trust and like. If you’re looking after an ana friend but don’t know where to find one you can ask after one in the guestbook on this page or in other pro ana websites.
18. Many people do find it hard to understand why they don’t lose weight. Well the problem can be that they’re not honest to themselves. Yes you can actually eat without noticing like if you take small bites from the food while you’re cooking. If you like me live with your parents be sure that you know what they serve for you. You can also ask them if you can make dinner sometimes. You can also use this website to help you count calories!
19. When you feel like you want to talk to somebody who understands you,  Ana chatrooms is the perfect place!  You can talk with people from all around the world who can help you as you can help.
20. If you, like me, don’t want anybody to know about you eating disorder it is important that you’re a good liar. I promise you’ll have to lie a lot but remember it is worth it. Don’t feel bad when you lie for example lie to your parents - they only stop you from your weight loss.
Tips to hide your eating disorder
21. Wear clothes that are in between fitted and baggy, Really baggy clothes are way obvious and can actually make you look skinnier. But wear a lot of layers. Wear tights, tight pants, or leg warmers under regular loose pants and 2-3 shirts at a time.
22. Say you eat with a friend and go for a long walk instead.
23. Press on your stomach when it grumbles.
24. Only eat around other people! They will know that you do eat and assume you eat alone as well.
25. Paint you nails so people don’t notice that they are starting to get discolored.
26. Check the fridge when nobody else is around. Find foods that you would have eaten and get rid of them.
27. Tell everyone that you’re allergic to some foods.
28. Say you’re sick so you can’t eat.
29. Don’t panic when people starts to talk about anorexia/bulimia, just say things like “Jennifer Lawrence is perfect” and “Mary Kate and Ashely are too skinny”.
30. When you eat with your parents wear big socks, where you can put food from the plate into when no one is looking.
31. Eat slow! Your parents (friends, whatever…) will think that you have eaten the same amount as them.
32. Talk! Talk a lot while you eat so your parents wouldn’t notice what you put on your plate.
33. Go out in the kitchen and pretend like you’re looking after food. Open the fridge and make something in the microwave so your parents not only can hear you’re looking after food but also smell it. Take some food into your room and throw it out. Leave some crumbs on a plate so it looks like you have eaten it.
34. Find some activities and say that you have eaten there. Like I fasts every Tuesday because I’m not home from 4pm to 9pm.
35. If your parents find you looking at a Pro Ana website or thinspo, say that you have a project in school.
36. If you go down in dress size cut the size marks out!
37. In the night, throw out some of the foods that you feel tempted to eat and tell your parents that you have eaten it.
38. If you freeze, because you have gone so much down in weight, NEVER tell your parents. If it’s really bad just say that you feel sick.
39. Take sun. You always look healthier when you’re tan- Eat a tiny piece of onion or a pinch of garlic powder so your breath will smell like you ate. This is especially good for if you say you went out for pizza.
40. Make sure you continue buying/asking for tampons. Carry them with you in case a friend needs one. She’ll thank you and unknowingly help you hide your missed period!
41. At a party try to drink from opaque cups or beer cans. You can bring it with you to the bathroom and dump it then refill with water. At a bar always volunteer to fetch the drinks for everyone, then order a diet coke for yourself. Your friends will think it is a rum and coke and the bartender will just assume you’re an ex-alcoholic or something- Before going to the doctor drink a TON of water. also load up your pockets with spare change or rolls of change. You can also sew quarters or other small weighted objects into your underwear or bra. if you’re desperate you can wear ankle weights under your pants but if you’re discovered its a dead giveaway, and probably not worth it. *If your doctor is aware of your ED, drinking water won’t work because it’s likely they’ll test your urine for water-loading.
42. Feed leftovers to the dog. They’ll think you ate it.
My Ana Tips and Tricks
43. Before you start your diet, make a list of 10 ways you envision your life will be better once you lose weight. (Look at my list under Why? / Motivation) This is a powerful way to keep you motivated. Also remember to make 3 goals and a final goal (Look under My Goals if you want to see mine) and let yourself have something to like when you finally get there. Think about it if you’re about to have a binge and remember that if you hold out a little longer you can eat without feeling guilty. Example my goal present is a 150 ml Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie (Not more than that!).
44. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize the stomach is full. Eat slow and drink a lot of water while you’re eating.
45. Downsize your dinner plate, the less food that is served to you, the less food you will eat. The same goes for liquid with the exception of water.
46. Use dark colored plates. Dark blue or black plates makes you eat less.
47. When you go out, take very little money or only enough to buy whatever non-food item you plan on buying. This will make it harder to buy food on impulse.
48. Never eat something just because you want to finish it. Only eat until you are satisfied. Those extra bites add up.
49. Every calorie counts. Remove calories in recipe every chance you get. Choose the diet or low cal version when given the choice. Drink water instead of other beverages.
50. Do other form for excises that you enjoy like badminton, tennis, swimming and do it regularly.
51. People tend to over-eat when they are depressed or stressed, so be mindful to indulge in comfort-food when you feel down. It helps a lot if you GET MORE THAN 6 HOURS SLEEP.
52. Eat in front of a mirror, naked or in underwear if possible. If you can’t, carry a picture of yourself in a revealing outfit and look at it when you want to eat.
53. When you have cravings pinch your fat and look at your problem areas, don’t add to them!
54. Do like me and make an Ana website ( + It also take your mind away from food!).
55. Snack on fruits, celery and carrots.
56. Get rid of the fear of wasting food. The sooner you change yourself, the better. Leave a bite at first and pretty soon you will throw away food without any thought.
57. Chew your food more. 30 bites for every mouthful. This helps digestion and also slows your pace of eating.
58. Cut your food into smaller pieces. It slows your eating, makes you feel like you are eating more, and makes other people think you ate more, too.
59. Decide beforehand how much you are going to eat. It helps to cook for one serving, so you can’t eat anymore.
60. Don’t eat after 7 pm or before 7 am. Chances are, your choices will be very unhealthy like carbs and sugary food. Also, it isn’t good to eat within 3 hours of going to sleep at night.
61. Sport. You are losing weight,so you must to burn extra calories that your body has.The only way to burn these calories is start moving more.I’m talking about the sport,the most effective sport is going to the gym! But if you really really can’t and not searcing for excuses then you should at least start running.
62. Eat with the opposite hand you normally do. Left handed people eat with their right hand, and vice versa.* Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you want to eat. You’ll train yourself not to think about eating. This also works for trying to quit smoking.
63. Wear tight  jeans so you remember how much weight you have to lose. Always keep a pair that is to small for this!* Pinch all your fat if you want to eat and see how disgusting it is and then you’ll think that if you eat you’ll just add more to it - and you do NOT want that!
64. Go shopping and try on clothes that you wish you could fit you and that should keep you focused and on track of your goals.
65. Do NOT drink diet coke! Idk if there is 0 kcal’s in and everything - trust me it is just as bad as the normal coca cola!
66. Watch programs like Supersize Vs Superskinny and Secret Eaters!
67. Caffeine is great - it decreases appetite you can use other types of caffeine products like guarana.
68. Drink sparkle water with citrus! It makes you feel full.
69. Stay away from laxatives. Remember, I do not support any habits of mia, and no longer wish to be, this is a good way to go completely ana, and regain control. Any type of purging can become an addiction in a short amount of time. An uncontrollable addiction!
Resturant Rules!
70. Drink a glass of water before going.
71. If really hungry have some tea, or even veggies beforehand.
72. If at a restaurant drink at least a full glass of water before the food comes.
73. Take a sip in between each bite.
74. Eat slowly.
75. Sabotage food with too much salt, etc.
76. Try eating with opposite hand (if right handed use left hand and vise versa).
77. To avoid temptation, don’t even look at the section of the menu with the fattening foods. Out of sight, out of mind, out of body.
78. Stick to ordering items including the words ’ baked’ ‘broiled’ and ‘steamed’.
79. Always order sauces on the side.
80. Dip the tines of your fork into the dressing then into meal, so you can still taste the sauce but with a fraction of the calories.
81. Eat half and pack it up.
82. Start with soup or side salad to fill you.
83. Eat in the order of veggies first, protein next, carbs last.
84. Have salad with only negative calories vegetables.
85. Try not to be the first to start or last to finish.
86. Aim to drink at least 3 glasses of water during the meal.
87. Put your utensils down between each bite.
88. Talk a lot so you spend more time speaking than eating.
89. Look up the nutritional info online before going to the restaurant so you can decide before hand what you want.
90. Ask for lunch size portion or children’s size.
91. Say ‘No thank you’ to dessert. 
General Tips and Personal picks (May repeat)
92. Eat denser food because it feels like more. Light and fluffy foods compact in your digestive tract and you will feel hungry soon after.
93. Take out only the amount of food you plan to eat and don’t allow seconds. Think before you eat. 
94. Don’t eat while distracted (TV, etc). Stop and consider if you really want to eat that then consciously give yourself permission.
95. 4 100-calorie meals is better than one 400-calorie meal.
96. Never eat anything bigger than about a cup, your stomach will expand and you’ll get hungry more. If you need to, eat more frequently, not bigger amounts.
97. Slim-Fast and other “healthy” bars and shakes have more carbs and calories than in the meal they’re intended to replace. Stay away.
98. Drink at least a glass of water every hour. It’s better for weight loss to sip throughout the day than to chug a full glass (except before eating, in which case it can make you eat less, or make you slightly nauseous so you don’t want to eat at all). Try keeping a water bottle somewhere you’ll see it a lot, like every 10-20 minutes, and take a drink from it every time you see it/notice it.
99. Drink up to a shot of apple cider vinegar before eating, it’s supposed to minimize fat absorption. Also speeds metabolism and can help curb cravings. Drinking more than a shot causes a vague nausea which helps suppress appetite.
100. Ice or gum are good food substitutes. Celery works too if you’re really hungry. Use small, dark colored plates. Dark blue or black makes you eat less, and smaller plates and utensils cause you to take smaller portions from the start. Make a list of “bad” foods. Periodically, cross one of the list and pledge to never, ever eat it again. Eventually there will be none left.
101. Eat a lot of fiber for digestive health and low calories.
102. Create a methodical routine for eating. Cut food into tiny pieces, count your bites and the number of times you chew, set your utensils down between bites, and sip water between bites. Add other rules or rituals of your own.
103. Eat higher-calorie items earlier in the day so you have more time to burn them off; if you eat late eat light or it will be more likely to be stored as fat due to inactivity.
104. Try not to eat too late, sleep burns calories and is a good opportunity to burn fat with little effort. The body must burn through all digesting food before taking energy from stored food (fat).
105. When you go out, take very little money or only enough to buy whatever non-food item you plan on buying. This will make it harder to buy food on impulse. Don’t take bites, either from others’ food or while cooking, as the calories add up surprisingly fast and you may not realize how much extra you’re taking in. Write down everything you eat and its calories. This will make you think before eating and also make you more aware of how much food and calories you are actually consuming. You can also write down other things such as how you’re feeling, who you’re with, place, time, and why you chose to eat it, this will help you track patterns in your eating behavior.
106. Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you want to eat. Food = pain.
107. Set a time you cannot eat past. 6:00 or 7:00pm are good choices. This is especially helpful if you are prone to night binging. Then make a rule that you cannot eat before 6:00 or 7:00AM, this is like having a 12-hr fast every day.
108. You shouldn’t eat for at least 3 hours before going to bed. The extra hours will help burn off the calories. If you eat soon before sleeping, you absorb more calories due to inactivity and you put on weight.
109. Have a peppermint or peppermint tea. Peppermint decreases hunger.
110. Brush your teeth when you want to eat. The clean feeling and mint aftertaste will put you off food.
111. Carry a list of all the reasons you want to be thin and avoid food. Look at it when you want to eat to remind yourself why you won’t. Or, write a new list every time you want to eat. It’ll distract you, postpone eating, and thinking of the reasons will inspire you.
112. Cut a ribbon the size you want your waist to be. wrap and tie it around your wrist like a bracelet. Every time you look at it you’ll be reminded of your goals. When you’re tempted, take it off and wrap it around your waist. See how close you are, or how far you have to go, and resist the temptation.
113. Always leave at least one bite of food on your plate. This will help you to be able to stop eating and prevent binges. It will also stop you from compulsively finishing portions even when you have eaten enough.
114. Save $1 for every meal you don’t eat, then use the money to buy yourself a non-food present.
115. Friends will only get in the way. Avoid them until you reach your goals. Never eat in secret. This is a terrible habit that leads to compulsive binging. If you wouldn’t eat it in front of all your friends you shouldn’t be eating it at all! Also if you only eat around other people they will know that you do eat and assume you eat alone as well, thus lessening suspicion that you have an ED.
116. Never eat out of a box or jar. Always eat from a plate or bowl. This will help you in several ways: You will see how much you are really eating; you can determine in advance how much you will eat and not go back for seconds; using a small plate or bowl will make you eat even less; you can count/measure out an exact serving and know the accurate amount of calories you are consuming.
117. If you live alone, put thinspo and/or reverse thinspo pictures on the pantry and refrigerator. A mirror works well too.
118. When you have hunger pangs, picture your stomach eating away your fat, and that what you feel is the feeling of thinness and your fat burning away. Coffee is an appetite suppressant. Drink it black or with Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener.
119. Count your bites, and the number of times you chew them. Plan in advance how many bites you can have. Then make them smaller or use smaller utensils. Paint your nails so you can’t eat until the polish dries. Teeth whitening strips are good too.
120. Eat low-calorie foods with strong flavors. Sometimes you’re craving taste, not food. For bouillon, use less water than is recommended. Peppermints, pickles, peppers, and mustard are good choices.
121. Keep food out of sight, not sitting out, and stay away from food and the kitchen to keep your mind off it. 
122. For sweet cravings, lick a chopstick and dip it into a diet Swiss Miss pack. Write your current weight on one hand, and your goal weight on the other. When you go to eat, you’ll be reminded how fat you are, and how skinny you could be.
123. Start the morning with stretching to wake up your muscles, the morning is also the best time to exercise because your body will use stored food (fat) as fuel instead of food you ate. It also processes food better throughout the day and gives you more energy if you exercise in the morning.
124. Eating protein increases your metabolic rate by 14%.
OMG YAY, are you still here and reading, ok, then i’ll make sure just to do a quick disclaimer, as you may know I’m a guy, so some of these tips and tricks I don’t do or apply, but my girlfriend helps me a lot with these as well so I know what I’m talking about, if you have any questions or something like that tell me! And sorry if I can’t reply fast, I just get so many!
Reblog and Help others!
Much love!
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