#I know I've been tagged a bazillion times and I see them all! I promise!
storyknitter · 4 years
OC Questionnaire Meme
Tagged by @starknstarwars -- thank you for the tag! I answered a very similar meme for Sanna a while back, so I’m going with Ellie!
Tagging: @actualanxiousswampwitch @keldae @grumpyhedgehog @queen-scribbles and anyone else who wants to join in! (Seriously, I mean it!)
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I will also use awesome art by @commander-sarahs-art ! :D
name: Captain Eli’anara Nabeshin
alias(es): Ellie, The Republic’s Greatest Outlaw Hero, Voidhound, Hey You Come Back Here With My “thing she stole”!, Lia (only briefly and when she was transporting questionable goods)
gender: female
age: 39 as of the current story timeline (born 13 BTC)
place of birth: Mirial
spoken languages: Basic, Mirialan, Smuggler’s cant (though she can understand binary & Shyriiwook)
sexual orientation: straight
occupation: Smuggler extraordinaire, part-time privateer for both the Alliance and the Republic (and sometimes the government of Mirial)
eye colour: Bright blue
hair colour: Black with dyed blue & turquoise streaks
height: 5’2” if she stands up straight
scars: She has a small scar on her cheek from an accident when she was around 13-14 (she still won’t go in water deeper than her ankle), various little scars from a life of fixing ships and playing rough with boys as a kid
burns: There’s a scar from a blaster burn on her outer left bicep and the right side of her ribcage
overweight: No
underweight: No
colour: Pink
music genre: pop, dance
movie genre: action
tv show: she doesn’t really watch too many shows
pastime: Dancing, drinking, playing sabacc, karaoke
food: whatever the gffa’s version of chips and queso is
drink: caf (black), whiskey (neat)
book: she’s a sucker for trashy romance holonovels, especially the historical ones
passed university: she didn’t do university per se, but she did complete all the requisite education on Mirial, including family histories so boring she dozed off
had sex: Yes
had sex in public: Well, wouldn’t you like to know?
gotten pregnant : No
kissed a boy : Yes
kissed a girl : Yes
gotten tattoos : Of course! She’s got traditional Mirialan tattoos pretty much everywhere, though the most noticeable are on her face, hands, and arms
had a broken heart : I mean, there had to be a reason for her to leave her family and friends behind to become a solo smuggler, so yeah.
been in love : She’s been in love with Corran since she was … 12? 13? It was a rather low-key crush at the beginning, but then things just grew from there
stayed up for longer than 24 hours : Yes
a virgin : No
a cuddler : Yes, until it’s time for sleeping. Then, Corey has his side of the bed and she has hers
a kisser : Yes
scared easily : No
jealous easily : not really
trustworthy : sometimes. always, for family
dominant : It depends on the day and whatever idea pops into her head ;)
submissive : See above
in love : Very much so
single : Very much not
have they harmed themselves : Not purposely, but she didn’t take as good care of herself as she could have at the beginning of the smuggler storyline
thought of suicide : No
attempted suicide : No
Wanted to kill someone : Yep (and did!)
rode a horse : No
have / had a job : Yes. She repaired ships in a shipyard on Mirial around 9 ATC and was a merc (with a crew and everything) before that for a couple years
have any fears : water, drowning, dying painfully
sibling(s) : Yep, an older brother and sister
parents : Kirana Nabeshin & Arekk Saretti
children : Thanks but no thanks. She and Corey are happy as they are; besides, there are so many cousins for them to spoil
pets : a Gree Companion Cube (that she absolutely painted a pink heart on)
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