#knitter shows up 15 minutes late to tag memes with Starbucks
storyknitter · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday/Heads Up Seven-Up
Tagged by @starknstarwars and @commander-krios (and a handful of others that are so far back in my notes, they're near-impossible to find - I'm sorry!) for these fic-sharing memes. Please consider yourself tagged if you see this!
Since "Shan-anigans" came in second place in this poll, I'll share the last bit that I wrote of it! It's more than 6-7 sentences, but we'll consider it interest earned ;) This is set in approximately 40ATC in some nebulous SWTOR future where Sanna & Theron are still happily married but mostly RETIRED FFS, Amareesa is about 13 years old, and their youngest Lucca, is training to be a Jedi. The basic plot? Sanna's diplomatic meeting goes sideways and Theron rushes off to rescue her -- while Reesie tags along to help, unbeknownst to Theron at first. Then they team up, hence... Shan-anigans :D
“Are you ready?” 
The question, asked in a crisp Imperial accent, startled Reesie and she whipped around to find a man in uniform, hands clasped behind his back and posture impeccable. She reached for the dirk attached to her belt and froze as the man began to chuckle. Her mouth dropped open in recognition.
“Dad?” she hissed and he grinned, spreading his arms wide.
“What do you think: do I pass muster?” His regular speech pattern was back, thank the stars.
She took a moment, inspecting his cover: The brimmed, military-style hat hid most of his implants and hair, though a small amount of salt-and-pepper peeked out at his temples. The jacket fit snugly across his shoulders, belted at the waist, and the starched collar of the shirt underneath seemed determined to strangle him. The boots were shiny and looked like they’d pinch his toes.
“It looks uncomfortable.”
It also looked nothing like what he usually wore and it was weird.
“Unfortunately,” he said, tugging at the collar with a grimace, “it is uncomfortable, but I’ll blend in.” He gestured to the pins on the front left panel of the jacket. “High enough rank to not be questioned at every corner, but not high enough to draw too much attention.”
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storyknitter · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by @elveny​ - thanks!
Share your wallpaper:
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It’s a jellyfish I took a pic of at the Shedd Aquarium the other week!
The last song you listened to: Lone Dragon Inn by ASKII (yes, it’s a random song in a “Renaissance Faire” playlist on Spotify)
Currently Reading: I’m bouncing between rereading Mercedes Lackey’s Tarma & Kethry series (which subconciously influenced the MF!AU more than I’d realized until I started rereading it a month or so ago) and Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer (recced by @starknstarwars​)
Last Movie: ... honestly, I can’t remember
Craving: Travel. I have SUCH a craving for being somewhere else and especially showing my kids around the world.<-- stealing from J because YES.
What are you wearing right now: Wouldn’t you like to know! (a purple tank top and jeans)
How tall are you: 5′5″ if I stand up straight
Piercings: just regular ear piercings
Tattoos: 1 with a constant desire for more, but I’m too indecisive to actually settle on a design/location
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither!
Last drink: Coffee with milk
Last show: The Legend of Vox Machina/Shadow & Bone season 2
Last thing you ate: an everything bagel with cream cheese (alas! we’re out of lox!)
Favorite color: Blue
Current obsession: I recently fell back in love with knitting. After moving to the (way too hot for me) south a decade and a half ago, I started just collecting yarn instead of actively knitting: Why would I want to make a sweater when it’s only going to be chilly enough to wear it for a week or two out of the year? I don’t want to touch wool when it’s 100F for the twentieth day in a row! So that trip to Chicago jump-started my interest in knitting again - I managed to finish two cowls in as many weeks: one for Miss and one for Mr. Knitter
Unrelated Obsession: I mean, the mf!au has lived in my head rent-free for over a year now. If only I could scrape the stories out of my head and onto the page, I’d have a novel
Any pets: Oreo! a blue heeler/pit rescue mutt
Do you have a crush on anyone: nope
Favorite fictional character: Like, ever? Nah, there’s too many to choose from!
The last place you traveled: Chicago over Spring Break to be a tourist with the hubs and kiddo, as well as to visit my family
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storyknitter · 1 year
15 Questions
Tagged by both @captainderyn and @starknstarwars a while back. Again, open-tagging anyone who hasn’t done this yet and wants to!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not specifically, though I share a name with a character from a popular late 70′s/early 80′s tv show
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
Yep! An almost 10-yo sass monster that I love dearly, though I sometimes debate selling her on Etsy
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Sarcastic? Never!
5. Favorite time of day?
Evening, when everything is settled and I can get some quiet time
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I’m a big chicken when it comes to scary stuff
8. Any special talents?
9. Where were you born?
Midwestern US
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, gaming, knitting, sewing
11. Have you any pets?
One blue heeler/pittie rescue mutt named Oreo
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Tennis & softball when I was younger, martial arts in college
13. How tall are you?
5′5″ if I stand up straight
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music and history
15. Dream job?
Traveling! There’s so much world out there to see!
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storyknitter · 1 year
Last Line Meme
Tagged back in February (in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season) by the lovely @captainderyn @elveny @keldae and @dingoat !
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Two more steps forward and Sanna reached up, gently placing her palm on his cheek. Theron closed his eyes, leaning into her touch with a sigh, and her eyes burned with unshed tears. “I won’t stay here, only to watch you marry—” The lump in her throat strangled her words, silencing her. He pulled her close, hugging her tight. “Be careful on your journey, Vassanna,” he whispered. “You’re taking my heart with you.”
Leaving the tags open to anyone who wants to take them since I’m a month and a half behind
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storyknitter · 1 year
Tragic Greek Figure Quiz
Tagged by both @dingoat and @captainderyn previously (we’re not counting how long it’s been, okay? We’re just showing up to memes with Starbucks and not worrying about how late it is)
Done with this quiz here
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Odysseus you are that which men dream to be: strong, courageous, and noble, with more intelligence than you know what to do with. and, like all men, you do not account for your overabundance of pride. you long for your name to be wrapped in glory and honor, and your journey home is only made longer by your search for fights to win and monsters to trick.
Yeah, that tracks!
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Achilles best of the greeks, eager for honor, and quick to rage: you could easily live content and easy until you're gray-haired, but glory and fame call for you just beyond the horizon. you are not prone to self-reflection and trip into the same pits of wrath at bruised pride over and over. are you truly ready to sacrifice everything so that your name will be immortalized? is your fury what you want to be remembered for?
Hmm, not sure this one is super accurate but it was fun nonetheless!
I’ll tag @abbee-normal​ @starknstarwars​ @rannadylin​ and anyone who wants to do it but hasn’t yet!
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storyknitter · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: post the last line you wrote in a WIP and then tag the same amount of people as there are words.
Tagged by the lovely @starknstarwars - thank you!
Well, the last sentence I wrote was a fragment, so I’ll give you a whole sentence:
Tenebris caught her moment of weakness; the pressure on her mind increased to nearly unbearable heights before he yanked her back to kneel at his feet.
Tagging: @should-i-say-it-like-a-spy @queen-scribbles @dingoat @keldae @captainderyn and YOU! Yes, you, the one reading this post!
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storyknitter · 2 years
Song Challenge!
Tagged by both @should-i-say-it-like-a-spy and @keldae -- thanks, lovelies!
RULES: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
S - Same Dark Places (JR JR)
T - Treat You Better (Shawn Mendes)
O - One Foot (Walk the Moon)
R - Renegade (Styx)
Y - You Are the Best Thing (Ray LaMontagne)
K - Killing in the Name (RATM)
N - No Need to Argue (The Cranberries)
I - If You’re Over Me (Years & Years)
T - Tik Tok (Ke$ha)
T - Tragic Kingdom (No Doubt)
E - Erase (Mika)
R - Re: Your Brains (Jonathan Coulton)
And because I’m a dork who forgot to tag people, an edit to add tags for: @commanderlurker @greyias @haledamage @starknstarwars @bramblebea @captainderyn and anyone else who wants a tag!
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storyknitter · 2 years
OC Rage Language - Ellie
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(art by @theoasiswinds​) Tagged by @starknstarwars​ like a month ago Thanks for the tag!
Take this uquiz to find out what your oc’s rage language is…
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I mean, yeah. That tracks. :D
Open tagging, since it’s been so dang long and I’m not sure who’s been tagged already
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storyknitter · 2 years
Tagged by @queen-scribbles about two weeks ago (sorry!). Tagging @starknstarwars @keldae and @elveny
Time: 10:53pm
Relationship Status: Married
Favorite Color:  Blue. No, pink. No, green-- *screams falling off a cliff*
Favorite Food: Do I have to just choose one? Queso Compuesto from our local Tex-Mex place
Song that is stuck in my head: Back in Black, AC/DC
Last thing i Googled: Obi-Wan Kenobi cast
Something I want: for this stinkin’ fic to write itself already
Dream Trip: ANYWHERE that’s not here! I’d love to travel and see the world; there’s so much to see!
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storyknitter · 2 years
@a-muirehen tagged me last week to make my OC in this picrew. To the surprise of no one, I created mf!au Sanna 😁
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Tagging @queen-scribbles @haledamage @elveny and anyone else who wants to share their OC!
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storyknitter · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I’ve been tagged in more writing “days” than I can count and I finally have a little something! Thank you all for thinking of me and I’m sorry it’s been such a while. <3 Leaving the tags open, so if you read this and have something ready, I’d love to see it!
A soft chuckle drifted to Reesie on the wind.
“Do you remember that hike we took to the waterfall? The one where your implants--along with our map--mystically stopped working?”
[Theron] let out a chuckle himself and murmured something to Mama, low enough that she couldn't understand it from six paces ahead. She turned around, now walking backwards on the path, to stare down her parents. 
“Ugh, are you two being gross back there?” she asked. “I wouldn’t have come along if I knew I’d have to deal with this lovey-dovey osik!”
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storyknitter · 4 years
OC Questionnaire Meme
Tagged by @starknstarwars -- thank you for the tag! I answered a very similar meme for Sanna a while back, so I’m going with Ellie!
Tagging: @actualanxiousswampwitch @keldae @grumpyhedgehog @queen-scribbles and anyone else who wants to join in! (Seriously, I mean it!)
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I will also use awesome art by @commander-sarahs-art ! :D
name: Captain Eli’anara Nabeshin
alias(es): Ellie, The Republic’s Greatest Outlaw Hero, Voidhound, Hey You Come Back Here With My “thing she stole”!, Lia (only briefly and when she was transporting questionable goods)
gender: female
age: 39 as of the current story timeline (born 13 BTC)
place of birth: Mirial
spoken languages: Basic, Mirialan, Smuggler’s cant (though she can understand binary & Shyriiwook)
sexual orientation: straight
occupation: Smuggler extraordinaire, part-time privateer for both the Alliance and the Republic (and sometimes the government of Mirial)
eye colour: Bright blue
hair colour: Black with dyed blue & turquoise streaks
height: 5’2” if she stands up straight
scars: She has a small scar on her cheek from an accident when she was around 13-14 (she still won’t go in water deeper than her ankle), various little scars from a life of fixing ships and playing rough with boys as a kid
burns: There’s a scar from a blaster burn on her outer left bicep and the right side of her ribcage
overweight: No
underweight: No
colour: Pink
music genre: pop, dance
movie genre: action
tv show: she doesn’t really watch too many shows
pastime: Dancing, drinking, playing sabacc, karaoke
food: whatever the gffa’s version of chips and queso is
drink: caf (black), whiskey (neat)
book: she’s a sucker for trashy romance holonovels, especially the historical ones
passed university: she didn’t do university per se, but she did complete all the requisite education on Mirial, including family histories so boring she dozed off
had sex: Yes
had sex in public: Well, wouldn’t you like to know?
gotten pregnant : No
kissed a boy : Yes
kissed a girl : Yes
gotten tattoos : Of course! She’s got traditional Mirialan tattoos pretty much everywhere, though the most noticeable are on her face, hands, and arms
had a broken heart : I mean, there had to be a reason for her to leave her family and friends behind to become a solo smuggler, so yeah.
been in love : She’s been in love with Corran since she was … 12? 13? It was a rather low-key crush at the beginning, but then things just grew from there
stayed up for longer than 24 hours : Yes
a virgin : No
a cuddler : Yes, until it’s time for sleeping. Then, Corey has his side of the bed and she has hers
a kisser : Yes
scared easily : No
jealous easily : not really
trustworthy : sometimes. always, for family
dominant : It depends on the day and whatever idea pops into her head ;)
submissive : See above
in love : Very much so
single : Very much not
have they harmed themselves : Not purposely, but she didn’t take as good care of herself as she could have at the beginning of the smuggler storyline
thought of suicide : No
attempted suicide : No
Wanted to kill someone : Yep (and did!)
rode a horse : No
have / had a job : Yes. She repaired ships in a shipyard on Mirial around 9 ATC and was a merc (with a crew and everything) before that for a couple years
have any fears : water, drowning, dying painfully
sibling(s) : Yep, an older brother and sister
parents : Kirana Nabeshin & Arekk Saretti
children : Thanks but no thanks. She and Corey are happy as they are; besides, there are so many cousins for them to spoil
pets : a Gree Companion Cube (that she absolutely painted a pink heart on)
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storyknitter · 4 years
OC Quiz: Vassanna Nabeshin
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art by @eluvisen tagged by @queen-scribbles, tagging in @starknstarwars @corey-067 @greyias​ and @honekitteh​
Asked someone to marry you? Guilty
Kissed one of your friends? Guilty
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? Innocent
Ever told a lie? Guilty
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? Guilty (she eventually got him, though)
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Guilty
Kissed a picture? Innocent
Slept in until 5pm? Guilty
Fallen asleep at work or school? Guilty
Held a snake? Innocent
Been suspended from school? Innocent
Stolen something? Innocent
Done something you regret? Guilty
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Guilty
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? Guilty
Kissed in the rain? Guilty
Sat on a rooftop? Guilty
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Guilty
Sang in the shower? Guilty
Been pushed into a pool lake with all your clothes on? Guilty
Shaved your head? Innocent
Slept naked? Guilty
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Innocent
Donated blood? Innocent
Eaten alligator meat? Unsure -- do they have alligators in the gffa?
Eaten cheesecake? Guilty (look. if it has cake in the name, she’ll eat it)
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? Innocent
Have/had a tattoo? Guilty
Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty
Been too honest? Guilty
Ruined a surprise? Guilty
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? Innocent
Dressed in a man’s clothes? Guilty
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? Guilty
Joined a pageant? Innocent
Still have communication with your ex? Innocent
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? Guilty
Cheated on someone? Innocent
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? Innocent
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? Innocent
Got so angry that you cried? Guilty
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? Guilty
Thought about suicide? Innocent
Thought about murder? Guilty
Actually murdered someone? Innocent (does killing someone in a fight count?)
Thought about mass murder? Innocent
Actually committed a mass murder? Innocent
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? Guilty
Stalked someone? Innocent
Had a girlfriend? Innocent
Had a boyfriend? Guilty
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? Guilty
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storyknitter · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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What??? I actually wrote something?!?!? XD Tagged by @elveny​ @captainderyn and @starknstarwars (...a bunch over the past few months -- curse this stupid writer’s block!)
But have a fun little WIP from the perspective of one Jonas Balkar!
The next morning, Jonas nearly fell over when Kira announced the total for his daily cup of coffee.
“What? Don’t tell me that pricing went up twenty dollars overnight— wait.” He stopped, eyes narrowed suspiciously as he recalled their wager. “I didn’t miss anything yesterday. [Theron] would’ve said something.”
Kira gave up on hiding her grin and shrugged in faux-sympathy. “You were at the door of the shop when she kissed him. Therefore,” she said, holding out her hand palm-up, “you owe me twenty bucks.”
Resting his hands on the countertop, he leaned forward, studying Kira intently. “He would’ve said something.”
Her smile simply grew in response, blue eyes crinkling with mirth.
“Look, I’m telling you...”  Jonas trailed off as he thought about Theron’s behavior yesterday: constantly distracted, staring off into space, a small grin all the damn time.
Open tag for anyone reading this! (no pressure, of course)
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storyknitter · 4 years
Author Interview
Tagged by @queen-scribbles​ :D
Name: knitter
Fandoms: SWTOR
Where You Post: AO3, Tumblr, and Pillowfort when I remember
Most Popular One-Shot: Going by notes/kudos it’s A Sucker for a Good Romance
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Kintsukuroi, but I only really have two multi-chapter stories, so yanno, there’s that
Favorite Story You Wrote: Theron and Sanna’s snowball fight on Alderaan. There’s even art for it!
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Aside from the first fic I ever posted, It’s Fantasies & Illusions. Yeah, there’s violence in Star Wars, but not usually like this. And also, there’s the “it was all just a dream!” trope which can be a bit hit-or-miss with reader reactions
How You Choose Your Titles: Pick a theme that fits the story and search through a thesaurus/list of quotes in hopes that something will scream at me, “YES, THIS!!! This is the elusive title for which you search!” (not pictured: weeping, wailing, and lots of swearing)
Complete: I tend to write one-shots, so a bunch of those!
Incomplete: *stuffs all my WIPs under the desk*
Do You Outline: Rarely. I have one for the coffee shop, but I think I may have shot myself in the foot with that. My brain’s like, “But it’s written down now! I don’t need to write anymore!”
Coming Soon: HOPEFULLY the coffee shop? Fingers crossed?
Do You Accept Prompts: *also stuffs Tumblr inbox under the desk* Yes, but life’s been crazy and my spoons for writing have been used on other things of late
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: The AU that feels like it’ll never be written and there’s some angsty angst from, like, Iokath 2.0 that these dorks have been poking me about.
Who hasn’t been tagged yet in one of these? Consider yourself tagged! I mean it!
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storyknitter · 4 years
OTP Meme: Ellie & Corey
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(art by @thegarbagechute)
Tagged by @queen-scribbles​ and I’ll tag in @honekitteh​ , @lumielles​ , and YOU! Yes, you!
Bold What Applies
Italicize What Somewhat/Sometimes Applies
height difference (points at art --^) | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes (they’ve known each other since she was a baby. they have tooonnns of inside jokes!) | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other (him more than her; it’s generally a disaster when she cooks) | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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