#I know rivals to lovers is kinda cliche but everyone loves redemption arcs done right
Here's is my proposal of how to fix G1 Gil Webber:
[part 1]
At least Volume 1:
Gil's introduced as a freshwater student from another school. And he and Lagoona start to become rivalry during the swimming competition.
First half Volume 2: Gil gets transferred to Monster High: Due to his family moving in and M.H is the closest school that he can attend it. He doesn't like it being around "air breathers" monsters and his only comfort is being in a pool.
He joins Swim Team joins just despite Lagoona, intentionally sabotaging the swim competition...
After losing another competition: Lagoona has a serious talk with Gil. And tells him if he doesn't get better for the next match. She will kick him out of the team.
Gil makes a poor excuse saying the only reason he's kicking is that he's freshwater. And he's should be captain of the team.
Second Half: In an empty hall. Gil stumbles Manny. Gil calls Manny Dumb Earther. That makes Manny furious and pushes Gil to the lockers breaking his helmet.
Manny leaves before he gets caught by the teachers. And Gil falls unconscious...
Lagoona enters and she sees Gil laying on the floor. She took some water bottles that she always carries in her bag and use inverse recitation mouth to mouth. 
[While Lagoona is saving Gil's life. Spectra takes a photo and plans to make an article about them]
Gil wakes up in the nursery room. Luckily they found another helmet and ask the nurse how he gets there. And Lagoona was just sitting over there watching him.
Gil confused asks Lagoona why do want to save him. 
Lagoona responds it doesn't matter she can't just turn back someone who needs help. Despite he's done nothing but trouble for her. Lagoona leaves the room and Gil has some time to reflect 
Volume 3: Gil has slightly improved his behavior and starts to be more cooperative with the swim team and starts to like Monster High and "air breathers". Even he made friends with Deuce, Clawd, and surprising Heath
At lunchtime: Lagoona was chatting with girlfriends about Gil's change. Suddenly everyone got a notification from Ghostly Gossip blog.
[Rivals to Lovers: Gil and Lagoona story]
Everyone starts talking and Gil leaves the Creepateria and Lagoona follows him.
Gil shouts at Lagoona to just leave him alone.
Leaves MH and goes straight to his parent's house. Luckily nobody was home at the time. Go to his room and laying on his bed staring at the photo of Lagoona "kissing" Gil
He shouldn't be angry at Lagoona, He knows that she saved his life. But he can't help to have this feeling every time he sees Lagoona. He didn't realize how beautiful and kind is Lagoona. 
Sometimes Gil asks Lagoona to help him with his homework [and viceversa] or swimming techniques despite his being good at it. Gil just wants to ask Lagoona for a date.
But Gil knows very well that his parents will not approve of this relationship. More importantly, does Lagoona has the same feelings for him ? or she just saw him as a teammate? 
He doesn't know what to do?
Yes I'm practically rewriting Gil character. Like he considering the worst characters in the fandom. As for me I don't hate him but I wish Lagoona and Gil just broke up and maybe they could find better partners You know they say: There plenty monsters on the sea (and rivers) I know still have 2 volumes left so I will make part 2. I will making more rewriting or fixes in Monster High G1. Maybe Its all depends on my mood and if I have time to write it down.
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