#I know the name censoring is clunky and I apologize for that… if I can find a better way I will
belicioustummy · 1 year
S.teve and C.esare share some onigiri.
“Damn, S.teve. That’s a lot, even for you,” C.esare said, looking at the assorted rice balls on the table in front of them. “You trying to challenge yourself tonight, or what?”
“Mm,” S.teve said. “A bit, but I was hoping to share some of it…”
C.esare looked incredulous. “You mean, with me?”
“Who else?”
He shook his head and smirked. “Yeah, not happening. I told you before, I don’t eat food, remember?”
“I remember,” S.teve said evenly, taking an onigiri. “You said you don’t, but you never said you can’t.”
C.esare chuckled, his strange toothy grin wrinkling the corners of his eyes. “Oh, you’re a sharp one, Steven.”
Being undead was different, though he’d gotten used to it over the hundreds of years he’d been a watcher. It was very hard for most things that hurt normal people to affect him. Certain actions, such as eating and sleeping, were also unnecessary. C.esare still slept. It was familiar enough that he didn’t see a point in giving it up. But when hunger didn’t come up anymore, it was easy to forget to eat. As a result, he had gradually stopped doing so. It left him a lot more time to do more important things.
S.teve, on the other hand… S.teve was alive, so he ate. And he ate plenty. C.esare was very into large men as it was, and he regarded S.teve with an admiring fascination. From his round, pretty face to his thick, strong arms to his broad, hairy chest, just being able to look at S.teve was wonderful. Being close to him to the point where he could touch and kiss and hold him… well, that was an experience. Lately, he’d found that they both enjoyed curling up together after S.teve had eaten a big meal, especially when C.esare rubbed his belly. Though they still called each other rivals, the way S.teve was comfortable enough now to relax with (and even fall asleep around!) him made it clear how much things had changed between them. It had been unexpected that they would grow so close, but honestly, C.esare wasn’t complaining.
“If you don’t want any, I’ll just have leftovers,” said S.teve. He took a bite of the rice ball. “They’re good, though.”
C.esare was unusually quiet as he considered this, watching him enjoy his food. It would be embarrassing to go back on what he’d said, but the warm rice balls did smell nice. They seemed like a far cry from the awful food his own truck served. S.teve’s burgers may have been pretty bad as well, but clearly the man had taste. If he’d still been alive, he would absolutely have taken him up on his offer to share. Then again…
“So what kind are these?” C.esare asked as S.teve finished his first one. “They put fillings in them, right?”
S.teve nodded. “These are all different. I know which ones I like, and I wanted to sample some I hadn’t tried yet.” He pointed to several in succession. “There’s crab, shrimp tempura, and fried spam-“
“It’s pretty popular, apparently. I like it.” He continued. “Kimchi, umeboshi- that’s spicy pickled cabbage and pickled plum,” he explained, seeing C.esare’s confused expression.
“I know what kimchi is,” C.esare grumbled, though he wasn’t really that annoyed. 
S.teve ignored his dramatics. “The last one is plain, just rice and seasoning. Oh, and I already had the tuna one,” he added. “It was okay, but not my favorite.” He unwrapped another one.
Ordinarily, C.esare would have just been content to sit back and watch S.teve partake in his meal. Tonight was different, though. Maybe it was the fact that S.teve had specifically gotten extra food for him, but he was becoming increasingly tempted to try some himself.
“Anyway,” he said, trying to act casual, “you said one of these is plain, right? I think I’ll have a little of that.”
S.teve’s eyes widened and he smiled. “Hm! Good choice.” He picked one of the onigiri up and handed it to him. It was still warm, and wrapped in a sheet of seaweed.
C.esare broke it in half- it was already small, but he wanted to take it slow. It had been years since he last had food, after all. Tentatively, he took a bite.
Immediately, he was struck by the crisp dryness of the thin seaweed, and then the warm, fluffy texture of the rice inside. It was seasoned with a salty flavoring that made him want to wolf down the rest of it like a starving coyote. Instead, he forced himself to chew it slowly, savoring each bite. It was a strange sensation to suddenly have food in a previously empty stomach when you hadn’t felt any hunger. He finished the half of the onigiri and looked up to see S.teve looking at him with interest.
“You look happy.”
“Damn straight. Have you tried this?“ C.esare pushed the other half of the plain rice ball towards him. “I don’t know how they make it taste like that.”
S.teve raised an eyebrow. “That’s all you want?”
“No, I want to try a new one,” said C.esare, “but I don’t know how much I can eat.” He gestured to his slim stomach. “I’m- I’m a lanky bastard, S.teve. I didn’t eat much even when I was alive. For all I know, a whole one of these could fill me up for a week. But I’m not tappin’ out yet.” He looked at the table. S.teve had finished his second rice ball, so there were four left, plus the half.
“What’s left?” he asked.
“I just had the kimchi. The crab, spam, shrimp, and umeboshi are up for grabs.”
“Let me get some of that umeboshi.”
C.esare broke the rice ball in half again, while S.teve started on the plain half. The filling was a reddish orange and smelled salty. When he bit into it, he was surprised at just how sour it was. He made a face.
“Agh, that’s HEINOUS,” he said loudly. S.teve laughed- a soft, humming little giggle. “Not to your taste?”
C.esare took another bite and screwed up his face again, but a bit less so. “Actually, it’s not that bad. I just wasn’t really expecting it to taste this way.” He got an evil glint in his eye. “Umeboshi on a burger, though…”
“You have some strange ideas about being a burger vendor,” S.teve said, looking amused. “Though people might enjoy that if it was cooked well.”
“Yeah, IF. Sour plum with a burger that’s charred to ash would be terrible,” said C.esare, clearly relishing in the idea. He finished his onigiri. Having a proper amount of food in his stomach was unfamiliar, but not unpleasant. He looked to S.teve. “I think I could handle a little more.”
“Want to try the spam?”
He considered it. “It doesn’t sound great to me, but maybe I’ll be wrong.”
S.teve gave him a small piece of it. The seaweed and rice was good as always, and the texture of the meat was fine. But as he chewed, C.esare frowned at the taste.
“That’s a no, then?”
C.esare shook his head. “The spices aren’t doin’ it for me, S.teve. But on the plus side, this would taste even worse if you burned the hell out of it.”
“I think that’s true for most meat,” S.teve pointed out. “You can’t go wrong with the last two, though.” He paused. “Unless you’re allergic to shellfish…”
C.esare wasn’t. He took half of the crab onigiri, which he was pleased to find tasted much better. The crab was savory with a hint of sweetness, it was seasoned the same way as the plain one had been, and…
“Does this have mayo in it?”
“Yeah, it does. Why?”
“I wouldn’t have thought it would go this well with rice.”
“Mm, I can see that. It’s basically a sandwich, though, just without bread.” S.teve patted his big stomach. C.esare realized with a start that he’d been so focused on trying the new food, he’d missed him eating the spam rice ball and the umeboshi half. He himself was beginning to feel pretty full, and S.teve had eaten more than twice the amount of food he’d had. Of course, there was the difference in size between them, and the fact S.teve was much more used to it, but even so, C.esare was impressed.
“You want to share the last one?” he asked him.
S.teve nodded. “Shrimp tempura. That’s a good one.” This time he was the one who halved the onigiri. C.esare caught him stealing a brief glance at his middle as he handed it to him. From where he was sitting, he could feel how much he had eaten, but he wasn’t sure if he was visibly full yet. Maybe when they were finished, Steve could feel his tummy. Those soft, gentle hands against his skin… He shivered delightedly at the thought and began to eat again.
The fried tempura batter around the shrimp was wonderfully crunchy, providing a nice contrast to the rice. The shrimp itself was also delicious. As C.esare ate, he made sure to watch S.teve finishing his last two halves. He could tell the clown was getting full by the way he was slowing down a bit, but he was still savoring them. C.esare swallowed the last bite and put a hand to his stomach. The feeling of comfortable fullness was something he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. He was pretty sure his shirt wasn’t tight enough to show it off. It definitely felt a bit rounder than usual, though.
S.teve finished soon after and looked at him curiously. “Did you have enough?”
C.esare let out a satisfied breath. “God. I’m like a risotto right now, S.teve.”
S.teve paused for a second and looked a bit confused. Then he nodded, understanding. “Want to go lie down?”
“Yes, please.”
C.esare’s bed was just big enough for the two of them to fit comfortably. They lay facing each other, close enough to reach out and kiss the other if the need struck them. For the moment, though, they were just gazing at one another, sleepy and full of wonderful food.
S.teve was the first to bridge the gap between them, cupping C.esare’s gaunt cheek with his hand.
“So pretty,” he whispered. C.esare couldn’t help but feel fluttery inside over the flirtation, and tried to cover it up by brushing his fingers through S.teve’s soft red hair. From the expression on S.teve’s face, he wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding it. He decided to switch gears. Slowly, teasingly, he brought his hand down to S.teve’s stuffed belly. His long fingers brushed over the surface. Every now and then he softly pressed down to get a feel for just how much was inside. S.teve, who had his eyes closed and a smile on his face, was clearly enjoying the attention. C.esare reached under S.teve’s shirt. He let out a surprised honk.
“Your hands are FREEZING!”
“Oops,” said C.esare, smiling wickedly. That was another part of being undead- he was cold as the grave pretty much constantly. It did keep him cool in the summer, which S.teve took advantage of when he could. C.esare didn’t mind. The tradeoff was that he got to sneak-attack him like that every now and then.
He rubbed his palm in small circles from S.teve’s side to the crest of his stomach. It was easy to gauge how full of rice S.teve was. His skin was noticeably stretched from the sheer amount of food. The texture of his body hair felt fuzzy and pleasant against his hand, too. 
S.teve’s stomach gurgled quietly, and he let out a contented little sigh. “Mmh… that‘s nice.” He seemed like he’d adjusted to C.esare’s chilly hands. C.esare leaned in to give him small kisses from his jaw to his neck, leaving blue lipstick marks on his pale skin. He caressed the side of his belly as he did so. S.teve pressed his forehead against C.esare’s, then brought his hand down to his companion’s slightly rounded middle. 
C.esare’s breath caught.
“Is this oka-“
“Yes. Keep doing it.”
S.teve gave his tummy a loving pat. He was shy about showing affection in public, but when the two of them were alone, it was a different story. He let his hand drift over it. C.esare let out an involuntary sound. He hadn’t realized that his stomach felt a lot more sensitive when it was full. Or maybe he’d just forgotten.
“Hm?” S.teve paused to let his hand rest just below his ribs. The light pressure was just right, but C.esare felt like he’d go crazy if he didn’t feel the warmth of his hand against his skin.
“Steeeeeeve,” he said, putting his hand on top of his. “Don’t be shy about taking it under the shirt.”
S.teve blushed and gave him a sheepish grin. “I was hoping you’d ask…” He lifted up the bottom of his black turtleneck so his tummy was just peeking out. Now that it was uncovered, it was clear that his ordinarily empty stomach had filled out into a soft, healthy-looking little curve. S.teve beamed as he began to touch C.esare again.
C.esare had been right. The way S.teve gently massaged his bare stomach was absolutely heavenly. As he lingered around the tighter spots, S.teve hummed softly. He was giving as much care and attention to C.esare as he’d received from him.
“Mmmh. Does it feel this good when I do this for you?”
“Well, you seem to be enjoying this a whole lot. And I always look forward to it when you invite me over, so…”
“You deserve it, baby.” Though he meant it sincerely, there was a little note of cheekiness to disguise it. S.teve responded to this by giving his nose a little tweak. C.esare playfully snapped at his fingers when he did. Since they were both a bit too full for a proper play-fight, a silent truce was declared after a minute or so. S.teve laid against C.esare’s chest, and C.esare put his head on top of S.teve’s. Their hands still rested on top of each other’s tummies. C.esare could feel the steady rhythm of each breath S.teve took, and closed his eyes. After a while, he was pretty sure he’d fallen asleep. He kissed him on the forehead, and was surprised when he spoke up.
“… I’m glad we ate together tonight. I had a good time.”
C.esare nestled into S.teve’s hair, feeling lucky and cozy and absolutely loved.
“So did I.”
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