#I know we all make fun of gladion for having friendship evalvs
2manyflannels · 9 months
What’s wild is that Type: Null (at the time) was the only one of its kind so the fact that it COULD evolve was a concept Gladion did not know about. Was Type: Null a Pokémon created to evolve? Because the Aether Foundation created Type: Null to “fight” Ultra Beasts. Or did Gladion love and care for this Pokémon so much (and of course type: null loved and cared for him just as strong) that it broke free if not only it’s mask but also it’s genetics. It genetically grew stronger with Gladion to protect/continue to fight with him. I can only imagine Gladion’s surprise! The Dex even says
“Although its name was Type: Null at first, the boy who evolved it into this form gave it the name by which it is now known.” (-Moon Dex Entry)
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