#I know what thought broadcasting is but that doesn't stop me from being paranoid that people can read my mind
makerofmadness · 1 year
hey guys can y'all like notif-bomb me. I got a hate anon and blocked the message but since I didn't delete it from my inbox and now I can't because I blocked them and now it doesn't show up so the notif for it is still in visible in my activity. like can someone go through and reblog or reply to a ton of stuff on my blog so it fills the thing up.
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
Hi Sally! I love reading your analyses, they are always so based and interesting. I have a question - sometimes I see that fandom blogs and fanartist feel uncomfortable interacting with older fans. I saw 27+ dni on some people's cards. I'd love if you share your thoughts and maybe thoughts of people from fandom that you know. I'm an older mcyt enjoyer and I really like reading different blogs and opinions and sharing them as well. I share my art and ramblings and opinions on my blog too. I saw the dni thing for the first time today and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable and weird in a way. I'm not doing any weird things for example not sharing nsfw stuff with minors or anything like that so I started feelling slightly paranoid and not welcomed. I didn't specify my age on the blog profile and I'm scared to do this now though I'm not like in my 40s, I'm only 27. what do you think is the general attitude to older fans out here? should I feel weird about interacting with others? what boundaries should I be aware of not to make others uncomfortable? how should I act if I wanted to start making friends in the fandom? it really scares me and makes me nervous cause I didn't expect that the fact I'm 27 and not for example 22 makes so much difference. haven't felt so bad about being older in a while to be honest. Thank you a lot for reading this and I'll be looking forward to your reply, thought of course you don't have to :)
Hi yes of course. Now i'm saying all this from the perspective of someone who's 19 but even when i was a minor in fandoms i never felt like that.
Frankly I don't often check ages of people i follow. All of my stuff is tagged so anyone can blacklist as need be And any thirsting happens in the dms with people who i know are also adults.
I wouldn't have an age in which I don't want people talking to me. Like I think there is a minimum age for tumblr lol like I don't want middle schoolers on here in general. But I don't see why I'd be interacting with a 16 year old in this fandom any different than a 27 year old obvious things aside.
It's also a bit hmmm when minors broadcast that they are teenagers and don't want adults interacting. Because a normal adult wouldn't be the issue anyways. No freak who wants to hurt a kid is gonna be stopped by a dni
I also think in this fandom I've seen it in other but esp in this one the entitlement is off the charts. So these kids believe the fandom belongs to them and they don't have anything in common with someone who's 27+ therefore they're not welcome. It's childish and should be ignored imo.
I just think it's good to find people who share your interests and anyone who's that worried about you being 27 probably wouldn't be that fun to talk to anyways. My dms are always open for a chat to anyone.
So i think we're all here to make jokes about funny Minecrafters and being 27 doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. I think Tumblr is probably going to be more welcoming of a space than Twitter in that regards but yeah.
So i'd say make friends the normal way in a fandom make funny posts interact with peoples content leave funny tags send asks all that sort of thing. You shouldn't have to conduct yourself any differently than you normally do. Other people have to decide if they want to interact with you or not
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Third chapter of ‘Buena suerte’ with Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas.
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1k.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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The Sundays were made to spend it with your family, but in Santo Padre, you were just Rosa and you. So, when Obispo invited you two to a barbecue in the clubhouse, your daughter begged you to go. It had been almost six months since you met them, and your little girl loved to be with them. The crew used to have a lot of fun with her too. So you couldn't reject it.
Bringing your famous chipotle sauce, Rosa stepped out from the car, running to the men who were practically fighting to hold her first. Creeper was the one to greet you, being a little confused because he always looked reticent to the idea of spending time with your daughter. But you didn't say anything. Maybe he wasn't for you, as you thought. Helping to carry the big container with the sauce inside, you followed him to where the barbecue was placed.
“You will have fun, I'm sure”. He said, trying to break the ice and have some kind of conversation.
“Yes, I know”. You just nodded, smirking at him with your lips puckered. “I don't have many friends, so it's good to be here”.
“Well, ahm… If you want… to hang out someday, you can call me”.
Squinting at him and almost chuckling, you couldn't believe his words. Was he asking you for a date, or it was a paranoid of yours?
“Sure. Sounds good to me”. Your tone of voice was more happier than you wanted to show, making him smile delightedly.
“What about… tomorrow night?”
You weren't expecting to be these soon, but you nodded again.
“Mama, you look beautiful!”
Your daughter stuck his head out the door frame, coming into your room. You were wearing a tight black dress over your knees, something simple, and a pair of Converse of the same color. You knew how much he liked them, so it was a good point too and they matched pretty well with the dress. Your hair was perfectly straightened falling behind your shoulders, and you used soft makeup to complete your look. You didn't want to seem as if you were waiting for that date for too much longer, so you tried to look normal when you welcomed him at the entrance of your house. Rosa gave you a kiss, before running to the kitchen to see what Grace was doing for dinner.
“I thought we could go to a bar close from here, just in case you need to come back quickly”.
That was very considerate of him, even if you knew that your daughter would be safe with your friend. But then, you felt the imperious need to ask about it.
“Do you… like kids?” You mumbled, walking by his side and practically following his steps.
“Yeah, 'course”. He didn't doubt his reply, turning his face at yours. “Why the question, mama?”
“Dunno… Just… I think you're the one who has less contact with Rosa. I mean… you don't have to, if you don't want it. It just… curiosity, I guess”. Shrugging your shoulders, you pursed your lips.
“She commands me a lot of respect”.
You were surprised because of that new answer, looking both ways before crossing the road to the front sidewalk.
“Does she?” You chuckled for a second.
“C'mon! Don' laugh… She's so tiny and small, and sometimes I am so… brute… I don' know. I don' wanna hurt her”.
That confession squeezed your heart, before making it jump a brief moment. He had that aspect of a bad guy surrounded by risks and danger, but it was just that. A facade. He was polite and extremely kind, with small gestures that let you know that he could be a good man for you. Opening and holding the door for you, helping you with the chair, serving your drink, asking you what would you like to order (...). You weren't used to these things. Not even to talk this much, as if you knew each other all your life. And for a moment, you noticed that he wanted to ask you about Rosa's father, but he didn't dare. So you simply told him. Maxwell was the perfect man, the perfect husband, but one day he just disappeared. He left the divorce agreement with a note saying that he was tired of playing house. That he didn't want a family.
“And you didn' try to find him?”
“For what?” You just asked, having a sip from your Coke. “A man who does that, doesn't deserve anything. I'm lucky Rosa has already forgotten him”.
“How old was she?”
“Two. The first months she used to ask for him, and I used to tell her that he was on a trip. Until she just… stopped asking”.
“Shet', I'm sorry, mama”.
“It's okay, it doesn't matter. That happened four years ago and it doesn't hurt anymore”. Puckering your lips, you showed him your most sincere smile. “Listen… I wanna be clear with you… Ah… If this is a date, it's okay to me. I mean, I like you and all… these things”.
You couldn't help but chuckle a little nervous, pulling away a lock of hair behind your left ear.
“But… I don't want you to feel like… you have to be a father for Rosa. We're a pack, that has to be clear too. But yo—”.
“Hey, mama. It's okay”. Neron held your hands over the table, intertwining his fingers with yours. “If we, one day, start a relationship, I will be whateva' she wants me to be”.
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
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It had been more than two hours since Tanaka and Tsukishima's dispute, with majority of the members siding with the latter's decision to take refuge in the gym and Tanaka's outburst, it had caused the atmosphere to be eerily tense. Tanaka still unmoving from his spot by the benches clutched and glared at his phone so hard that the phone might as well break, onlookers would pity the phone in his grip as he held on it with a vice. The other members were all busy with other tasks but still stayed cautious and tensed everytime they so happen as passed by the buzzedcut haired boy in fear he might blow up on them.
Since the team had opted with Tsukishima's idea the boy was the unspoken "leader" of this little survival game as the boy likes to put it. Teams of two were made and taskings were settled upon to make sure that the whole team would survive the night.
Kageyama and (Y/n) would gather the food supply they acquired by rummaging through their fellow teammates' bags and distribute rations afterwards. Yamaguchi and Kinoshita were on look out duty, perched towards the windows of the gym to see if amy of the volleyball club members who left would make their way back to the gym or if someone looked to be a threat to them and made their way towards the gym. Lastly, Ennoshita and Narita were scavenging for tools, supplies or anything that might be useful to them at all by the storage closet. Then by nightfall each would take turns and patrol in shifts.
"I can't believe theres no reception right now" Narita said with a sigh waving his phone around in the air to see if he could get any bars.
"Quit doing that and help me out here."
"Alright alright I'll help, its just gah a little reception wouldn't hurt"
Ennoshita, who was carrying a small box looked over to his companion with a rather unreadable look before opening it up and looking at its contents, "They must've cut it off right after they sent the broadcast"
Shrugging at the response, "I mean maybe?" grabbing a box of his own his face grew solemn before looking up at his partner, "Hey. . . did you ever get the feeling that this was. . . I dunno like planned . . . and someone knew about it. . . and-and that we aren't locked in by accident."
"Wait. . . what do you mean? planned? knew? a-accident? you aren't making much sense." The dark haired boy said sweating and laughing it off dismissively with a slightly panicked look in his eyes as he went on carrying the box to the other side of the storage room.
"Someone locked us in on purpose."
Ennoshita stood a few feet away from Narita. The box carefully laid on the floor, his back was turned towards Narita. His second year companion couldn't see the expression the dark haired boy was making but he did note the split second Ennoshita had froze up.
Meanwhile. . .
Kageyama and (Y/n) were sorting through various snacks and lunches they had found in their teammates bags. Water was scarce and it was noticeable to anyone that two bottles of water wasn't enough to fit 8 people. The nearest fountain and vendo was literally just a few feet outsode the gym yet it doesn't seem like they were getting out anytime soon.
"This is stupid." Kageyama muttered under his breath.
"What is?"
"This," he gestured towards the food supply they had and at the two bottles of water, "We could be finding a way out but instead we're doing this."
"Tsukishima is trying to stall us"
The girl met the boy's cobalt blue eyes and furrowed her brows trying to make sense of what he was saying.
"He could've told us to just gather the all the food and leave it at that but he's making us do ration counts and listings for this. . . we don't need to do that since this will definitley last us the night and he knows that."
The boy then cautiously looked around to see if there were anyone other than them before continuing in a lower voice, "The gym door. . . it locks from the outside with a key."
"Well. . . I know that," the female stared at him deadpanned almost judging in a way.
Kageyama's face twisted to a scowl from the look their manager had given him, "Dumbass, I'm trying to say that we were purposely locked in. . . someone," his face hardens before continuing his words, "Someone used the key and locked us from the outside."
"I-impossible the key's in my bag a-and I thought it was jammed"
"I did too, before that lamppost told me to stop before the hinges broke.”
The girl bit the inside of her cheek not liking where this was heading, “Do you mean to say-?”
“That bastard locked us in.”
Going back to Narita and Ennoshita
“That’s absurd”
“I'm not saying that it is but It’s a possibility though. . ."
Ennoshita's legs were unnoticeably shaking as he carried another opened box to the side of the room. The boy's mind was clouded with thoughts at the moment and momentarily forgeetting about this loose floorboard that he was unconsciously heading towards.
A jolt woke him up from his almost spellbound trance his thoughts ensared him in, the next moment he had found himself in pain wincing as his elbow collided with the floor. The floorboard continued to squeak as his body weight still put pressure on the wooden tile.
The boy ignored the searing pain by his elbows and prepped himself up by his forearms.
“We ought to do something bout that wonky floorboard.” Narita said offering his hand for the latter to take, “But now that I mentioned it. . . It’s my first time seeing that loose board.” The boy thought aloud.
The two shared a look before inspecting the floor. Running his hand over the creaking surface Ennoshita felt and irregular bump over the surface, sharing a look with his companion the boy audibly gulped before taking the board in his two hands and lifting it up a bit.
An object wrapped and covered with a white cloth lay before them in the place of the now missing tile. Narita dared to touch the unknown object but when he had lifted it up the cloth fell of revealing a M-60 revolver with a single bullet.
The two boys shared a panic look.
"Now do you believe me?"
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
(Y/n) had just finished her chat about Kageyama being suspicious of Tsukishima. The boy went over and joined Yamaguchi and Kinoshita on look out duty leaving the poor girl all alone.
She couldn't help but be paranoid at the words Kageyama had spoken. She was looking around to see if others were looking at her general direction before stalking of to where she had left her bag.
'Please don't be true, please don't be true' the girl pleaded in her head as she rummaged through her bag looking for the gym keys. Her eyes widened and felt her blood run cold as she didn't feel it anywhere. She quickly took of all the contents of her bag and still nothing.
A small 'ding' emitted from her phone, the screen lighting up enough to signal that she had just recieved a message.
'Odd' she thought as she vaguely remembers the others saying that there wasn't any reception anymore. Sliding her finger across her phone she had tapped on the notification to see an unknown number.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖
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██████░░ 80%
𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝙾𝚅 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 🔓
7:19 (2 hours and 37 minutes prior)
"Hinata, I think your nose already stopped bleeding." Kiyoko, the dark haired female manager said as he inspected the boy as they made their way towards the nurse's office.
Hinata quickly removed the tissues that were plugged up his nose and started skipping. Yachi frantically waved her arms coaxing Hinata to stop.
"I-i don't think it's safe to run right after getting a nosebleed."
"Nonesense, its gonna take a heck more than a ball to the face to bring Hinata down, right Shoyo."
The four were just a little ways pass the gym and heading towards the main campus building when Kiyoko had abruptly stopped as one of her classmates had called on her from the halls.
The trio was only a few feet away from the two girls but they talked in hushed voices but somehow Hinata caught a hint of, "Class has been suspended today."
"Eh? Kiyoko-senpai?" Hinata called out towards the girl who was having a conversation with one of her fellow thirdyear. The girl shook her head before excusing herself from (R/n) who patiently and headed towards her underclassmen.
"I have things to do as they're calling for an emergency meeting in the teacher's lounge, Hitoka-chan I'm placing Hinata-kun in your care."
"Ehhh? did something happen??" Noya said pushing past Hinata and Yachi standing slightly infront of them in an attempt to get closer to Kiyoko.
"Apparently, class would be suspended for two days because of an emergency national protocol and the teacher's and student volunteers are going to have a meeting about it." She said before walking back towards her female companion who walked on the opposite side of the hallway they were in.
The door of the infirmary was standing before the trio. Nishinoya twisted the knob open and called out, 'obaa-san'. The boy then bounded inside the room after hearing no reply.
"Maybe she went home early after hearing the news." Yachi quipped with a finger on her lips in a thoughful manner.
" I don't know much about first aid but I'm pretty sure we gotta ice down that swelling on your face before it gets worse." Noya said.
Hinata was seated on one of the beds while Noya taped an ice pack around Hinata's head. Yachi was on her phone looking for news updates on the Emergency Protocol.
"That's funny, there doesn't seem to be any reception anymore," the girl said as she saw one bar on the upper left corner of her phone screen.
Faintly they could hear the sound of an alarm gradually growing louder and louder. The three had lifted their heads uo and peered outside the hallways to check what the alarm was about.
"Maybe it's a nationwide earthquake drill?" Yachi said.
"Uwoohhhh so cool." The boy had shouted while the alarm was blaring. Nishinoya was still looking left and right in the hallways as he saw a figure in black at the end of the hallway.
The boy had shook his head to see if it were just his eyes playing tricks on him, he turned his gaze back and saw that the figure was gone. Faint inaudible words could be heard from the intercom inside the nurse's room. The boy had just reentered with two of his other companions to hear;
"Any and all crime, including murder will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and emergence medical service will be unavailable until 7-"
A loud bang was heard from outside the nurse's office as loud footsteps followed. Noya ran towards the door and locked it, switching off the lights and holding a hand up to cover Hinata and Yachi's mouths.
"ᴍᴀʏ ɢᴏᴅ ʙᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ." The intercom finished before a shrill scream and a gunshot was heard.
(Y/n)'s text message
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𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎: 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚞𝚗?
𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎
➣ 【 Narita 】
【 Ennoshita 】
【 (Y/n) 】
【 Kageyama 】
【 Tsukishima 】
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@burnt-tomato @afuckingunicornn
@reogou @blushinbbbyy
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