#I leave it up for interpretation how much Maglor is lying about his own body
fuckingfinwions · 8 months
Maedhros smiled as Maglor slipped into his room. Maglor was far too old to be frightened by thunderstorms, but he still spent more nights cuddled in his big brother's arms than in his own bed. Maedhros enjoyed it as well, knowing that his favorite sibling was happy, some part of his alpha hind-brain relaxed at having his pack close. The two of them spent a lot of their time awake together as well, Maglor composing or researching, while Maedhros penned letters and embroidered, to the point there was now a second desk in Maedhros's study.
So there was no reason for Maglor to look nervous to intrude.
Maedhros held out his hands for a hug and Maglor willingly went, nearly tackling Maedhros to the bed.
"What's wrong?"
"Alphas don't cuddle with other alphas, do they?"
"It's not like it's forbidden, it's just that we get territorial. You're still a kid though, I like having you here."
"Not when I mature though."
"It will be awkward, but I'll get past it. We're more than our instincts, we are the Noldor, the wisest and most cunning beings in all Arda."
"Is the thing about not liking someone watching out for you true, or just a stereotype?"
"I don't mind someone watching out for me, but someone overseeing me and directing me itches. It doesn't come up much though."
"It would for me though, if I'm an alpha and keep hanging out in your room."
"I suppose."
"And alphas can't kiss each other. We couldn't even give familial kisses on the cheek, in case we slip."
"We could take turns, with one person holding very still. And one accidental kiss isn't enough to Change someone."
"Still, I don't want to be alpha."
"You have to grow up sometime, and the healer has known you were an alpha since you were a child. You're even called 'Commanding Finwe', I'm sure you'll get used to it."
"I have to grow up sure, but why does that mean I have to be an alpha? The healers are wrong sometimes."
"They get it wrong perhaps one time out of two dozen. You should accept and plan for being an alpha, not hope for a rare chance that you can't do anything about."
"I can do something about it though! I want to be an omega, and I can make it happen."
"No one has a way to let an undeveloped child pick their presentation."
"If the healers had said I was an omega and I wanted alpha, than sure, I'd be out of luck. But there is one very well known way to Change an alpha into an omega." Maglor moved his thigh between Maedhros's, rubbing against Maedhros's cock.
"What - you can't be serious!"
"Why not?"
"You're just a kid, way too young to make such a decision. The only people who Change are centuries old and deciding to follow their partner."
"I'm not that young. I've been waking up hard the last three days."
"That's no evidence of maturity, and Mom and Dad will never let you get fucked by a stranger just because you don't want things to get awkward between us."
"Oh, I agree we shouldn't tell Mom and Dad, and I'm not gong to find a stranger."
"I want to suck your cock every morning until I go into heat."
"You heard me quite clearly."
"I must not have, because it sounded like you wanted to Change by committing incest!"
"Maybe. Or maybe this is just my natural omega instinct to submit to a strong, loving alpha."
"There's nothing natural about his, Maglor. You're confused."
"Am I? Then why are you turned on?"
"It's a purely physical reaction to stimulus."
"The stimulus of having a young omega in your bed."
"No!! Just of having someone touching me there."
"Would it be so bad, really, to touch me? Am I so hideous that it's such an imposition?"
"That's not-"
"Come on, you said for yourself that just one kiss wouldn't hurt."
"A kiss, not a blowjob."
"Still, give me a chance to prove I want this."
"That's not the question!"
"Oh? Then what questions do you have for me, alpha?" Maglor looked up through his eyelashes at Maedhros.
"There's no questions, because there's no argument you can give that would make this a reasonable action."
"Sure there is. I could say that I'd go find someone else to Change me. Ecthelion's just a year older, and handsome enough. I don't think he even knows I'm not an omega yet, he'd have no reason to suspect I'm anything more than an eager slut."
"Don't you dare!" Maedhros held Maglor to him tighter as if Maglor might leave and seduce the other student right now. Maglor wriggled closer so his ass was under Maedhros's right hand.
"No? Why shouldn't I, as it wouldn't be incest?"
"Ecthelion isn't good enough for you."
"Oh, it wouldn't be anything serious, not bonding or even letting him fuck me. Just playing with his cock until I get what I want."
"You are still far too young to Change your body so entirely."
"I told you, I'm not sure I'm an alpha. My dick doesn't have a knot as far as I can tell, not that I've seen one in person."
"Maglor, we've gone swimming together often. You've seen my dick."
"Not when it's hard and your knot is full and throbbing. It's not as noticeable when you're soft."
"You're just trying to get me to take off my clothes to show you my cock."
"I could show you mine instead. You'd have to touch me though to be sure, I won't accept a glance from across the room as proof that I'm already doomed to life as an alpha. You could look at my hole as well, see if I'm starting to get slick." Maglor reached one hand between them to begin unlacing the tunic, brushing against Maehdros's hands as he did so.
"Keep your clothes on! You can look at my knot and see if it resembles yours, but you may not touch."
"Thank you!" Maglor kissed Maedhros on the cheek, a quick familial press of the lips an no more. Then he stood back and looked expectantly.
Maedhros stood as well, feeling self-conscious, but unfastened his pants. Really, he thought it's the best way to dissuade Maglor. To show him that his body is that of a normal alpha, and quickly before he has any more foolish ideas - or worse, acts on them.
Maglor knelt down in front of Maedhros.
"I said-"
"I know, I'm not going to touch you! But I can't see the base well standing up, I need to be closer."
"You ought to get more sleep if you can't see what's five feet in front of your," Maedhros grumbled, but he held still.
Maglor turned his head to one side and the other. He leaned down to view Maedhros's knot from below, then stretched up to see the tip, bracing himself with one hand on his brother's hip. Maedhros stood stock still, not daring to move a muscle.
"Thank you for letting me look," Maglor said, still so close his breath hit Maedhros's cock as a warm wind.
"So now you've seen an alpha's knot, and we can be done."
"Yes, I've seen your knot and it's highly impressive. I don't have one though."
"What? But you're an alpha!"
"Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm an omega all along, and I'm supposed to take a knot rather than have my own."
"Maybe it just hasn't expanded yet, wait a week or two and I'm sure you'll have a nice girthy knot."
"I suppose," Maglor sighed, and his lips nearly brushed Maedhros's shaft. "It seems such a waste though, if I get one and don't want it, meanwhile you have a gorgeous cock and don't do anything with it."
"I'm sure I'll find someone to marry someday," Maedhros responded a bit nonsensically.
"Perhaps. But that's a long time away, isn't it?"
"Can I please suck you? Even if I'm an alpha, I want to know every part of you."
"You've just spent several minutes staring at my dick, you won't learning anything more by touching it."
"Maybe not with my hands, but I am a singer. My mouth and tongue are how I shape my craft, can I not practice my art with you?"
"Why are you so insistent?"
"Like I said, I want you. And If I'm really an alpha, this might be the last time in a while you're comfortable letting me this close."
"I'll always let you hug me, Maglor."
"Sure, but it will take effort. Can't I do this for you just once?"
Maedhros sighed. "How Can I say no to you? Once, and then we never speak of it again."
"I promise, I won't mention it if you don't," Maglor said. He leaned forward and licked the tip of Maedhros's cock.
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