#I legit cried multiple times trying type all of this up..but this is soft hours for you
oathofpromises · 1 year
You've grown so much since we first started writing, bringing all your characters to life and giving them a voice when otherwise they wouldn't.
You've really stepped out of your comfort zone and attempt characters you were probably afraid to write and muse, thinking you weren't good enough. Your portrayals are unique to you and only you and you're growing and getting better grasping their voice in your heart each and every time you write them.
I'm so proud of you, I cherish the threads and drabbles we've written over the years and I can't wait to see what else you bring to the table
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All this can be said right back to you honey, you do such incredible job writing all of your muses and I am so happy you are writing ones that you were nervous to try at first. You've really stepped out of your comfort zone and are trying new characters that you've wanted to write for so long.
I know in the past some people tried to make you feel like you should only write for one character but you possess so much creativity in your mind and heart. I know how rough it was before we started writing on here. Which I am so glad we did make jump here and that you decided to go to multi. I know how restricting a single muse can sometimes be..how much that can wear you out.
I do want to remind you that it's okay to take your time on things. That you and your work are always worth it. Your happiness and well being come first and foremost. I know sometimes our minds will make us feel like we aren't writing a character correctly but all of your characters incredibly written. I will remind you of that every single day because it's so true. We have written together for years now, and built so much with our muses together. It was because of you that I started writing for my warrior of light..I was honestly nervous to write for her at first. I didn't know how it would go but writing with your Data and G'raha..those two mean the world to her.
I'm so proud of you darling, not just in writing but everything you do. I know lately things been exhausting and you know that I love you and am always here for you. You have so much to bring..my best friend. If you all aren't following Artemis please give them a follow because they honestly pour so much love into all their babies.
Your portrayals are unique to you and I don't do mains usually due to past things but I honestly see you as a main. Anytime, I see any replies from you I start to slowly work on those first because you put so much emotions into each piece you write. Your babies, I can hear them in anything you write for each of them. It never sounds forced or not something the character would say. You got them down so well and even before you met the Crystal Exarch you already had his personality in Shadowbringers down beautifully. You pay attention to their actions and really think about how they would react in different situations.
This is love and appreciation for you, so I am going to gush more. I legit don't know where I would be without you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You were there when I went through so much...never gave up on me. Always had my back and that means so much to me. I hope you know the same goes for me. That I will always love you and be here for you. No Matter what. Meeting you was honestly one of the greatest things to happen in my life. I mean that because I have never had anyone that has truly cared about me. Trying not to cry while I write this but, you are incredible person even if that's sometimes hard for you to see yourself. I hope one day I can show you just how special you are to me. That you are truly a luminous start in my sky.
We may've started with Kingdom Hearts but since that time have bonded so much over other fandoms we love too. Anytime I get to talk to you or spend any time hanging out with you is something I treasure because you truly mean so so so much to me.
Is breá liom tú thar am agus spás, a stór.
[I love you beyond time and space, darling.]
I tried be cute there with old gaelic and 14 doing the thing where it translated the pixie language like that. I hope you know that you truly are a treasure.
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