#I like to imagine what goes on in this world while we're not looking owo
tev-the-random · 3 years
The Crystal Cliffs Academy of Wizardry is finally open, which means it’s time for me to headcanon.
> Mineralogy and Crystal Healing classes are the most popular in Crystal Cliffs due to the empire's huge natural collection of magical minerals.
- Gem is particularly knowledgeable in this field, as it is the basis of her magical studies. Surprisingly, - or perhaps not so much - Fwhip also excels in this subject, and he sometimes helps Gem with the classes.
> A class closely tied to Mineralogy is Tool Crafting. The students learn how to craft staffs and wands that can amplify, direct and purify their magic. General studies of minerals, wood properties, carving and sigil-making are applied, as well as the general handling of magic tools.
- This is another subject Fwhip likes to help with, specifically when it comes to applying technology to the craft - meanwhile, Gem knows best of the traditional crafting and magical applications of said tools.
- Pixl sometimes provides copper wires to be used in Tool Crafting. Gold sometimes is provided by Scott, while Joey offers a small supply of jungle wood.
> Sigils is another popular class, due to its sheer usefulness. Though Gem likes to keep these classes objective, she doesn't aim for mere memorisation of the symbols. Their history and properties are explained, as well as their formation, so students can create their own sigils or simplify/stylise existing ones without losing their effects.
- Shubble Shrub Berry's Forest Golems are used as a prime example of sigil carving for giving life, and although Shrub is having a hard time right now, I can see Gem asking her to bring some more of her carvings to be presented to the students in Sigils class.
- There is a whole section on most students' grimoires dedicated solely to the sigils discovered in Rivendell.
- Although material is provided for writing down sigils, it's not rare to see loads of sigils written everywhere, as students often do. On the desks, sometimes on a wall, behind tests, on any susceptible wooden structure... sometimes on cheat sheets - the headmistress doesn't allow those, though. Although Gem is very proud to see her students applying their Sigils learnings, she sometimes has to use magic to remove the symbols scattered around the school.
> Classes on Fairy Circles are sometimes available; Gem learned just how useful they can be during Xornoth's time. Lizzy, Shrub, Katherine and Gem herself give the students their own teachings on the subject.
> Lizzy's classes on Sea Magic sometimes alternate with the usual Study of Magical Beasts. Her insight on the magic of the deep ocean, oceanic structures, water-based magic and aquatic creatures is considered almost cryptic, and sometimes field trips to the Ocean Empire are scheduled to give the students a better understanding.
- There are many benefits to being a marine biologist-
> Gem dreams of being able to take her students to see dragons. Growing up amongst those creatures, she knows there's a big difference between studying Draconology in theory and actually meeting dragons.
- Although the dragons of Crystal Cliffs aren't hostile towards the students, they're not exactly cuddly either. They keep a close watch of Hope's egg and act rather territorial to strangers. The headmistress would rather not bother the ancient creatures.
> Although she was hesitant at first, Gem has classes on Dark Arts and Demonology. Less so people can practice them and more so they know how to deal with it. What happened to Sausage and Joey should not repeat itself with anyone else, and that'll be much easier to accomplish if more people know how to avoid being tricked into those things.
> People like Joey, Scott and Pixl often have tips to offer about elemental magic.
> Though a lot of the initial students in the Academy are directly invited by Gem, the school will be open for anyone who wants to enrol and learn about their magic. Some people are sent from other empires through recommendation. Some are travellers that stumbled upon the Crystal Cliffs and decided to stay. Some travel far with the intent of finding other wizards and learning more. And some, like the very first students Gem housed, came with an initial hostile intent, but ended up caught up in the wizard's business and, through some threatening hospitality, decided to abandon the bandit life and stay at the school.
> Travels to the elder Elven Library are scheduled at least once per semester. Scott doesn't mind it, and Gem thinks the vast knowledge of the old tomes are a unique learning experience she shouldn't study alone.
- Although some students are prone to trouble, the Great Wizard believes they'll be able to do great things with their knowledge. If not, then it pleases her immensely that the magical arts are being revived trough each and every one of her students, and she can see the old wizards the lived on these cliffs would be proud as well.
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