#I literally stayed awake after BBH stream thinking about this
glitterstarly · 1 year
You know, I kept thinking about the conversation that BBH, Maximus and Foolish had last night, and there's something that really caught my attention.
BadBoyHalo said to Foolish when he was explaining his theories, "Why they're giving us smart eggs to take care off? And why are the missions getting more and more difficult every day that pass?" Well, if you think about it, apart for the players, there's no other intelligent living creatures on that island. Sure, there's mobs, and whatever-the-duck-and-Cucurucho-are, but apart of that there wasn't anything else as smart as the players.
But then the eggs arrive.
The eggs are conscious.
They're living. Creatures. Controlled by a real person.
So, Why are the eggs real people, when they perfectly could be just mobs in the form of eggs? Why the "00101010" thing is trying to kill them so badly? We already know that the island is some kind of experiment, that is using the players as lab rats for who knows what purpose, but, isn't it weird that the ones that assigned the eggs to the players are trying to them to get killed in their care? The only other intelligent creatures in the entire island? And where the eggs came from? Are they really dragon eggs? Or they were another thing before?
What if the eggs are just some of the "labs rats" that were mentioned in the documents posted by the Quackity accounts before the server was officially announced? What if they were originally real people, turned into eggs, with their memories erased and introduced to the players as the form of "kids" that need to relearn everything form scratch? What if after the egg arc ends other intelligent creatures appear on the island, whether be animals, objects or human-like things, that the players are forced to take care or erase because are introduced as "a danger for their lives"?
What if they're making the players kill real players without they knowing they're doing it? As sort of a twisted natural selection or some kind of entertainment like the squid games?
And apart of the egg dilemma, What was that thing that Quackity saw on his dream? That black thing with huge teeth and red eyes? I thing I have an idea of what exactly is that thing, and if you watched Karmaland V when it was on air then you will recognize the picture above:
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And this is what Quackity saw on his dream:
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Sounds familiar?
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