#I love Siona but I will admit that Noivarn is my favourite. gremlin child who WILL bite but at the same time loves you a lot
blue-eli · 2 years
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Fusion au my beloved
This is one of the (many) AUs I have popping around in my brain. A good old fusion au! In particular an au where, while sheltering their hearts, Sora can fuse temporarily with the members of the heart hotel! These are sketchy little character sheets I did for my favourites, Siona (Sora + Xion) and Noivarn (Sora + Vanitas), who I also imagine are the most common out of all the fusions. More under cut!
Starts around kh2. The fusion would only happen in the heat of battle; at first it was accidental, Sora panicked and unconsciously reach out for help and Xion… answered? And then suddenly they were dual wielding and Siona!!! Then it took like,,, thirty minutes of calm (and a nap) for Sora to go back to normal. After that it was a little more intentional as they figured it out together! Add the other heart hotel members to the mix and you got SO many different fusions to have fun with. The fusions are very much one person, but not they’re own person? They are SORA and whoever he’s fused with but like,,, at the same time? They view themself as one being not two (or more) people piloting one body, but at the same time they don’t view themself as a separate person to their parts. They can’t grow a new heart because they already HAVE one.
Anyway notes on these two in particular:
-The first! Also the most likely to fuse after figuring out they still can post split. They think it’s fun!
-baby™️, they use these powers for evil.
-dual wielder!
-a sweetheart, extremely traumatised
-Sora’s need to tease his friends mixed with Vanitas’ want to insult everyone and anything make it Donald’s worst nightmare
-very protective and aggressive about it
-got to meet Yen Sid once, is no longer allowed to meet Yen Sid
-can summon unversed! This freaks everyone out when he first does it. Summons them when bored/just to have something to hold
-besides Ven it’s the most mean to Aqua, they Do Not get along but she can’t physically fight them without hurting Sora so she is just >:(
-sorta??? Flirts with Riku
-pretty much only uses nicknames
-likes being part of Sora/Sora+Vanitas!!! It doesn’t hurt as much and he gets to eat ice cream and have friends!!!
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