#I love accidentally-wincestie destiel posts
tsukiyo-7 · 6 months
Regarding a post I saw around: I'd actually pay to see Destiel ending up canon because Castiel possessed Sam and he and Dean ended up fucking because I'm just one of those people who likes to watch the world burn.
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i keep seeing posts about how jackles isn't homophobic but it's actually weirder and i get that he isn't homophobic and he's just got weird stuff going on but i don't know what the weird stuff...is? sorry if this is the wrong place but i was hoping someone could explain it to me lol
oh FUCK yeah, my brain thrives off of explaining spn stuff, okay someone pls correct me if i’m wrong but let’s get into the LoreTM
Okay so Jackles is almost definitely not homophobic, he played a bi poly character for a while, i don’t remember the name of the show but it was pre spn so like it was 90’s/early 2000’s
stuff starts getting weird since season 1, because like there’s no real explanation for his acting choices other than that he was actively making dean seem gayer. Like the scene where sam says that dean is “kind of butch,” dean is supposed to tell sam to fuck off, and instead we get this weird smile thing to suggest that he is, as sam says, overcompensating for something?? And then Cas comes in and it’s like he has insane amounts of chemistry with this man and Continues to actively make things gayer. like all of the face touches we saw?? a jackles jacting joices they usually weren’t in the script, like editors had to cut stuff out because jensen was making his scenes with cas too gay.
And all of this could definitely be like normal behavior BUT
He’s always been vocal about opposing Gay/Bi readings of deans, the most recent on being 2 0 1 8, like fucking 2018???? (that was the ?No. situation). I mean his distaste for bi dean is obviously to the point where they had to ask his permission for cas to be gay around dean and like it DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Why would he play dean as gayer and then not follow through???? why sow and not reap????
and the idea is that it probably comes down to a mixture of 2-3 things:
1) his first interaction with shipping involved death threats and wincesties generally being awful to him and his wife so i can definitely see that making u never want to discuss shipping ever again and a lot of bi/gay readings of dean involve destiel, this is the most likely offender. Especially since it became one of and eventually The biggest ship on the show
2) as u may know he is a dean kinnie, he’s shown (and talked about it) time and time again that he can’t really view dean from a third party perspective and only understands what dean understands, and fundamentally dean is probably not aware that he is bi and in love with cas, so jackles isn’t. I genuinly do think this one hold merit because that man needs therapy but it is on the insane side
3) i’m sorry for this but we have to mention rpf/s, essentially the theory is that jensen and misha r together and jackles got scared of people realizing either that he likes misha or that he likes men, i think there’s something to be said about cockles but i think it’s more likely that he accidentally played dean as bi and then got insecure about people finding out something about him because as I said, dean kinnie.
anyway the tldr is that it’s weird because he plays dean as bi in like very obvious ways but like refuses to acknowledge it because it hits too close to home wich is incredibly funny of him
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