#I love her and her lil feminist pins
alma-artts · 1 year
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the one and the only Lily Evans!!!
She's so special to me <3
alma.artts on instagram
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Happy Birthday Sarah!
@theheavycrown Thank you for existing. That there are so many of us that appreciate this says a lot. Hopefully you had a good day and your body offered respite. You my dear, are a penguin of great significance. So here is your gift- not late, it’s still the 3rd in some part of the world. This ended up a lil over 1K which maybe can be expect to make up for the potential belated-ness.
Jughead absentmindedly reaches for his prize. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is generally stocked but he snoozed on his alarm this morning and ever since his day had been harried. It was imperative he found a book store close by to the subway. He needed to take to get to JB’s dinner on time. And thanks to the brisk pace of his walk, he had- now he could relax for a moment. He jerked back when he touched a soft, warm hand and not the thin paper spine he expected. Pretty green eyes met his as he looked down before he registered any of her other lovely features. The blonde woman that was browsing the nearby shelf had apparently come to a decision while he daydreamed. 
“Here.” She spoke into the accumulating silence and Jughead cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment. A second passed and then he fumbled to take the book from her. 
“Thank you.” At least his voice kept itself together. He was 26, cracking should not be an issue anymore despite his earlier woolheaded mishap. 
“It’s the last one out, are you sure?” He took two steps back to give her space. Sometimes he looked imposing but he was without his leather and at his most spiffy today so hopefully that should do it. 
“Oh, I’m sure they have extras in the back. Unless... you don’t want it?” 
“I do. Well it’s not exactly for me but yes.” 
She laughed, “It’s not for me either. I’m getting a book each for my niece and nephew’s upcoming birthday. I loved this book as a kid so it seemed an obvious choice. It’s an ugly world they’ll need the beautiful themes within to help navigate. But I have weeks, early shopping so go ahead.” 
“Thank you.” He scratched the back of his neck, tugging on the edge of his beanie. Jughead felt honored instead of his typical annoyance that she shared. 
“It’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow and something this year had me feeling nostalgic. Maybe it’s because she’ll be twenty, no longer a teen. I know she’ll like it. We  both have fond memories of when I used to read this to her.” Obviously leaving out how both of their parents were passed out or drinking as they did this. He wasn’t feral enough to not understand polite conversation despite Toni’s teasing. And scowls were adequate communication!
“That’s sweet. May I make a suggestion?” 
“Yeah sure, proceed.” 
“You should get her something for this year too. If you can financially, to show her you also see her now. And even if she doesn’t subscribe to that reasoning, two presents instead of one is always nice.”
“Huh, alright. Any recommendations?” 
“What are her interests?” Her spine straightens and she leans in, the picture of attentiveness. 
“She likes rock music, zombie video games... I think she has an interest in historical settings and still reads ya fantasy occasionally. We saw all of the Hunger Games movies in theaters. There were a lot of thoughts to be shared afterwards.” 
They laugh. Hers is surprisingly throaty and he adds it to his steadily growing list of things he finds great about this stranger. A big accomplishment for a people hating hermit like him. “JB also is in her college’s feminist union and is majoring in chemical engineering. She’s a bright kid.” 
Betty smiles at him and then claps her hands. “Okay so how about-” Betty walks a few rows down and comes back. “Frankenstein. I think she can handle the horror and invasive ramifications of science and consent handled in the book. Sounds up her alley.”
Jughead nods, agreeing while processing that he doesn’t think he’s ever been so attracted to someone. “I’ve read it. I wouldn’t have thought about it but that’s perfect. And by Mary Shelley feminist icon that she is. I recognize teh layers.” 
His book muse beams, “I’m so happy to help.” Jughead searches for something to say, not wanting the conversation to end. 
“If that’s for your niece, what did you pick for your nephew? 
“I’m debating between From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler or A Wrinkle in Time. He is ten but his reading level is a bit higher than average so I think he could handle either.”
“I would wait on A Wrinkle In Time, I believe you about his capability but he might appreciate the themes more in a year. The Mixed Up Files are more exciting without making you think.”
“You know I think you're right Mister…” 
“Jones. Jughead Jones.” She nodded grabbing, her second book before turning back to face him. “Betty Cooper at your literary service.” 
“Well don’t worry Betts, I’m sure he’ll be ready to read it in no time and you can share your good taste with them more.”
“I may need more advice down the road. Christmas is in four months and all. We could exchange numbers if convenient.”
Jughead smirked, impressed and relieved that she beat him to it. “I would like nothing more, Miss Cooper. Uh, ignore the screen crack.” 
They both unlocked and then switched phones, putting in their contacts. He finished putting in his information and then went to home screen startling at the time written. 
“Shit. I have to go. I need to make the metro soon. Can’t be late to her party.” Betty handed him his phone back, brow slightly furrowed. “I thought it was tomorrow. I wouldn't have taken up your time otherwise.” 
He put his phone in his pocket and pulled up the suspenders, prepping to book it and delighting in her eyes on his arms. “I know, my bad for the confusion. We don’t celebrate the day of- family tradition. And I enjoyed this, don’t feel bad. I have to pay, we’ll talk later.” 
The look in her eyes pinned him down. “Don’t be the guy who runs. Walk fast. Bye for now Jug.” 
Jughead grinned at her stern warning, he liked her bossy. He rushed to the cashier and made his way down the street, reaching the subway entrance and went on with the normal routine. Even the heat didn’t put him in a bad mood and when he sat down in an almost empty car, he checked his contacts. Betty had put a book emoji next to her name. He hoped she thought his crown was half as cute. He fiddled with his suspenders, unused to having them put on correctly for once and then replied to a couple rapid fire texts from JB’s girlfriend asking about his status. He assured Annie that he would be on time to the restaurant that only seated parties of three if they were all in admittance at once, understanding her anxiety. JB deserved a nice time. 
Jughead left the restaurant hours later, full and happy to see JB bloom under Annie’s loving attention. He took out his phone when he was back on the subway. 
JB loved her gifts. And her girlfriend told me about the showing of the original Frankenstein movie at a local art house theater next Friday. Interested?
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the-wild-oracle · 3 years
Introduction of Spirituality, Women and God. The spark of Awakening.
If your one of the selected few who can across this page, God bless.
Hello I am called the wild Oracle and this is a brand new page. If you want to know the purpose of this page please read the description on my profile. I am all about representing women, the spiritual feminist movement, variation of topics and controversies. I am a free writer and my opinions is not someone else's reality. I am not here to bash, mislead, misrepresent anyone. Toxicity does not live here. In my next post I will be writing on the topic of 'Who am I?'. My content mostly contains writing, am not here to dress up. I will add one or two pictures now and then. I am also a very busy individual but when it comes on to my writing I'll delve in. Please feel free to ask me questions or message me. I do not offer tarot reading services. I do offer advice on dating and relationships etc.
So please prepare yourselves for a wide range of topics. Those who are not interested in, in depth spirituality please do not come here to mock me nor anyone else.
So why are people afraid of spirituality? To me in fact people are just scared to think that completely different realms are out there except from planet earth, people just want to stay stuck in materialism because its easier, people are afraid of shattering the masks, people them love to remain in their ego. They think being spiritual is something boring.
What if I told you spirituality is fun?
• Spirituality is Liberating.
• Spirituality is the eternal consciousness of truth.
• Spirituality is for all: the rich, the poor, the sick, the needy, the fortunate, the business man, the business women. Everyone!
• Without spirituality you will forever be lost.
• Spirituality is empowering, encouraging.
• Spirituality offers empathy also destroys the ego all at the same time.
• Spirituality is cleansing.
Why will i mostly focus on Women. In this modern world women all over are being abused, raped, mislead, misguided, restricted. Someone on this platform will come across my page and find it comfortable. A spiritual place where the words that are being offered, are words of pure, raw, undefiled honesty. Men are important, don't get me wrong but our women have been so abused from History. In order to break the toxicity between men and women, it has to first begin from the women.
Can't you see that we women have been hurt from historical days where we had little to nor freedom. Men I am warning you to please stop abusing our women: mentally, physically and emotionally. Men need to understand that this is a linage from our once abused ancestral women that has passed on their hurt and pain unto our modern women.
I have a lot of serious topics to discuss. Before I delve into that, I am going to begin from the root.
Think of my posts as a tree of wholesome awesomeness. This tree cannot be found on earth. Its in a wonderful realm in the spirit which subjects you to wisdom, awe and wonder.
As a woman you are not only a queen, your a representation of wonderful goddess all over the world.
My favourite Hindu goddess is Mahakali which was derived from Parvarthi.
So who am I. Why must you read my content? I'll expound below.
Let me tell you a few details: I'm a black woman, I live in the Caribbean, I am my mother's last child, my main religious affiliation is Christianity.
In my posts I won't be focusing on Christianity. Why? Because no one should be defines by Christianity. You are yourself and not a religion. A lot of Christians also stress the fact of religion but has 0 (zero) intimacy with God.
Intimacy with God means having a bond or personal relationship with him.
God has no limits and a lot of Christians allow God to seem as if he is a stuck up God. God can use anyone and anything. God takes no shape, religion or form. Christians love to pin down God just like in Historical days men try to pin down women.
A lot of Christians are not diving into the infinite waters. They are limited and stuck in religion. Nothing is wrong with being religious but it has to be balanced with intimacy and spirituality.
1. The similarity between God and women. God has the holy spirit and women represent the holy spirit.
2. God loves unconditionally and so do women. Even when the world is on a woman's shoulder's she will still display love and gratitude. She will continuing going and keep moving forward.
3. Even when we disappoint God miserably he continues on being God. Even after a woman goes through heart break and sorrow, she has no choice but to continue being a woman. For e.g. The father of her child may leave but because she's a woman who represents the holy spirit, she continues being a parent to that child, even after the heart break.
The name that I gave myself sounds like the username of a Wattpad author's book. Do not judge these writings by the name.
This is the thing with being spiritual, you can't let the surface deceive you.
The thing with the people in the world is that, they would rather watch Beyonce and Lil Nax X shaking their asses etc on social media other than coming into existence with their selves. Nothing Is wrong with these celebs but what about you? Yes they are appealing, their rich etc but what are you doing? You cannot follow a man or a woman who has already been there done that...unless you know all the routes they take and most of the time the route is not pleasant. So be wary.
A lot of persons think spirituality is a fantasy. All they care about is science, scientifically proven evidence etc. Am sure Science did not create the moon, so science is not that powerful. It is useful but not powerful enough to explain hidden knowledge.
Imagine I'm here sharing these things but you'll always find one someone who is hateful, selfish and condescending towards understanding their own existence.
Just to be clear I love haters, scoffers, mockers, laughers more than even my supporters. You make me happy to know that I'm doing something well. I love you.
For all those who are suffering or struggling during COVID-19 times please this is your breakthrough. For those of who who's family members are in the hospital, God shall make you testify by healing that family member. As for the others of you who are mentally ill God has not forgotten you. For those of you who have been seeing things or visions with your spiritual eyes and you told others about it and they say you have a mental illness. That's a lie from the pit of hell. Your GIFTED!
Ask God to shield you from evil energies also.
For any pregnant, disabled or special people that came across this channel God loves you.
If your considering abortion don't do it. If you do it that's your choice to live with. I can hear God telling me a crystal, rainbow or starseed child.
When I say these things, am just writing based off what God is showing me. I hope all those who read this, I hope you are beginning to understand what a woman is, who God is and what spirituality is about.
The right persons will see this message. In Jesus name.
My next official post will be next Saturday EST Caribbean time.
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ohhcnnas · 5 years
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( benedetta gargari, female ) did you hear how HANNA RILEY is applying to columbia university as an ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES major ?! the 23 year old is living in the EAST CAMPUS. i heard that they got in because they are + BRAVE and + INDEPENDENT, but honestly i think SHE can be -RIGID and - SHORT TEMPERED. they’re a real STICK IN THE MUD. oh well, only time will tell if the SENIOR will make it til the end.  
about the mun !!
hi hello its sam again ! i also play lukas but i felt like bringing my fave lesbian to the table bc i havent played her in fuckin ages and i miss her
about hanna !!
full name: hanna kate riley
nickname(s): han ?? idk hanna is technically already a nickname lmao
age: twenty three
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
hometown: north lake, wisconsin
date of birth: may 2nd
occupation: student ( ecology and environmental sciences, senior ), retail assistant at a reclaimed vintage store
relationship status: single but maybe dating some npc that doesnt go to columbia im still deciding lol
drink / smoke / drugs: rarely / no / no
faceclaim: benedetta gargari
positive traits: dedicated, brave, quick witted, protective, independent, organised
negative traits: stubborn, isolated, self doubting, lonely, short tempered, rigid, blunt
if he was in a hogwarts house: gryffindor
now some more dot points that are just me talking about hanna !!
growing up in small town wisconsin hanna didn’t ever really plan on going to a college like columbia. 
number one she doubted her own ability to get into an ivy league university, despite being heavily involved in extra curricular programs and having very good grades she never thought it was going to be enough to earn her a place in such a prestigious institution
number two she kind of always thought she’d stay closer to home, maybe the university of wisconsin or something in chicago. she’s incredibly close with her family, having grown up with most of her extended family living in her hometown or at least quite close to her hometown 
but all the same she applied, her driving motivation being columbia’s brilliant environmental science research programs. she’d been an avid environmentalist since she was a tween. a vegetarian since she was eleven, a vegan since she was fourteen, and even trying her best to live as waste free as possible from time to time ( senior year she’s not very focused on it because it takes a lot of time that she doesn’t have between study and work but she still tries a lil )
she’s a very old soul, heavily influenced by the fact that she grew up living with her grandparents. she loves reading, is always carrying a book in her bag if not several. she dresses pretty modestly but thats a comfort thing more than like a wanting to be modest thing lmao. big introvert but not shy, she will absolutely tell you to go fuck yourself if you’re annoying her even slightly
as you might have already put together she’s very passionate. being a gay environmentalist teenager in small town wisconsin she’s always felt the need to label herself and make sure she’s very strong in her opinions so no one questions her identity or tells her that its a phase and it will pass. she’s calmed down like, a little bit as she’s gotten older but she’s still very passionate about who she is and making sure people know what the fuck she’s about
she’s currently president of the lgbt club at columbia, vice president of feminist thought, a member of the outdoor orienteering club, and ex member of the student council. she “quit”/”was asked to leave” after getting into a v heated argument about something or other lmao
finally: she is a very nice and caring person. she likes to joke around, and really isn’t that tightly wound you just have to get past the hard shell asshole exterior and then she’ll be the gay mom of ur dreams
i just said finally but i want to include her aesthetic from the app bc it really just summarised her very well: recycled denim, thrifted sweaters, homemade rally signs, second hand books, x files on repeat, doc martens, liking plants more than people, carrying her bike upstairs so it doesn't get stolen, patches sown onto bags and jackets, pride pins, headphones in podcasts on, colour coded notes and a meticulously organised day planner, putting way too much soy milk in tea, looking forward to farmers markets
wanted connections babey !!
so with lukas i had a literal week to come up with some specific ones, i did not do that here so mainly will be looking at brainstorming but here’s some starting points
old roommates: maybe they got along, maybe they didn’t. hanna is a very neat person but she also needs everyone else to be neat as well, would definitely lose her shit about people leaving leftovers in the fridge until they stunk 
club members: this one is much more vague bc it’ll depend on what clubs, what their connection is to the club, give me some people that were on student council with her lmao
sorry i hit u with my bike but what the hell were u doing in the bike lane: it’d be funny give it to me pls 
live a little: someone that’s trying to break her out of her shell, it’s senior year and she’s probably only ever gone to a handful of parties, she hasn’t done a lot of stuff simply because she always felt she didn’t need to, but now she’s worried she’s missed out on some valuable college experience
cryptozoology enthusiasts: hanna loves weird stuff, she doesn’t really believe in everything but she thinks its fun to talk about cryptids like they could be real. her uncle goes to a mothman festival every year and brings her back a t shirt so she has an extensive collection now. she loves a good ghost adventures and roast zak bagans session. bonus points if this connection also includes a plan to go to vegas just to go to zak bagan’s haunted museum
hanna has probably pissed off a lot of people, feel free to hate her: thats it thats the connection ( im kidding pls lets plot it out and come up with something funny )
ben wyatt voice its about the found family:  found family pls like dont have to be gays but bonus points if they are but either way hanna is the mom thats just the facts
literally anything lets mcfreakin lose it
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booksandtea · 5 years
NYALitFest | Northern Literary Festival in Preston This post will be about my time at NYALit Fest back in March. I was very excited to attend as book events are always a good excuse to see great friends and meet fab authors.
I was even more excited about this as it was 2 days before my cast came off so it was my last outing struggling with only 1 hand. Now, this post is a little late but alas reminiscing about good days is a great way to pass the time.
If you haven’t had the chance to attend either of the events I really would recommend trying the next one. I love the fact its in the North so it was much easier for me to attend and it was a free event too!
BOOKS & MERCH Even though there was a rather large amount of authors attending, most were authors I’d seen before or contemporary writers so my pile was rather managable.
I was also thrilled to hear that Dawn Kurtagich was attending to help with one of the stalls there! I reached out to her to make sure it was okay to bring my copies of her books along too and she was more than happy to sign them.
a song of sorrow | the dead house | a girl called shameless | and the trees crept in | the priory of the orange tree
Whilst there I also accidentally picked up a few books…
Honestly though it could’ve been much worse but I made sure to do my best to keep to my rule of “only buy bookish merch to support your friends” and even did my best to not spend too long at other stalls there.
However, I did end up with a few books and I’m very excited to read them. I only bought 1 book too, which was the hardback copy of The Dead House from Dawn, of course I wasn’t going to say no. (Also, when I got to the stall she was at she came around and gave me a hug so my day was pretty much made)
frostblood [book swap] |the creeper man | music and malice in hurricane town | we are blood and thunder | the kingdom | the harm tree | the dead house As I mentioned I did pick up some merch too! It was really tough what to pick because both Jenn @ Literary Galaxy and Fiona @ Felfira Moon Designs have such awesome designs and work.
But I did end up buying a lovely amethyst necklace from Jenn, a lil bookish pin from Penguin, and 3 bookish stickers & 3 Studio Ghibli inspired pins from Fiona! I love these all so much and have already made use of the stickers in my bujo.
PANELS NYALit Fest had a variety of panels throughout the day but I only attended 3 of them, I found this worked well for me as it allowed some down time to chill with friends and have lunch. Its important when you go to these events to also make time for your friends!
The first, and the one I was most excited for, was the Feminist Fantasy Panel with Melinda Salisbury, Samantha Shannon, Laure Eve, and Rose Edwards. Hearing this dream team talk all things feminst was amazing and I felt so full with love for these authors.
I had a bit a of wait till the Shame-Less panel with Katherine Webber, Laura Steven, and Tamsin Winter. This was another very inspiring panel to hear them talk about how shame is handled in books and why we need to be shaming people less. Laura also shared a story from her time in high school which struck a cord with me.
Lastly as I was staying to get a book signed for a friend I also sat in the Mental Health panel, which I was a little late for as I got side-tracked talking books with Dawn. Lisa Williamson, Alice Broadway, Akemi Dawn Bowman, and Alexandra Sheppard were wonderful to listen too. Their exploration of mental health in their books and also lives were discussed and I think everyone felt touched.
SIGNINGS I loved getting books signed and the fact Laura instantly came and gave me a hug. Day actually made tbh! Also, Alice Broadway remembered me from YALC two years ago?! Wild, still shook.
I do really need to remember to make an effort to get selfies with authors from the side I prefer or I just end up hating half of them like I do here.
As with most authors I’ve met everyone was such a love and I’m so blessed to have met these wonderful women.
As I’ve already mentioned I had such a great time with my pals and love every opportunity I get to get to know these gals even better.
Lastly, NYA did a great time at putting on such a wonderful event with no fuss. I don’t recall hearing any complaints or concerns; there was room for people to chill when they weren’t at the panels + whilst some of the queues were a lil messy we all figured it out calmly.
As they had more timely posts cause I’m a mess, make sure to check out Fiona, Sarah & Sophie, Lois, Beth, and Bec’s posts.
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Have you read any of the books I hauled?
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  #NYALitFest 2019 | A lil wrap up @NYALitFest @LiteraryGalaxy @MidnightTopaz NYALitFest | Northern Literary Festival in Preston This post will be about my time at NYALit Fest back in March.
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mass-and-volume · 7 years
EPISODE 24 | THE WORK (with Joycelyn Wilson)
The summer between my sophomore and junior years of high school, I went to a summer program called the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (GHP). Basically, if you were particularly good at a subject (ranging from traditional subjects like Language Arts and Science to offerings like French, Fine Art, an instrument, or Dance), you lived on campus at Valdosta State University for 6 months with 600 other highly-passionate nerds. I was there for Math (probably the least passionate and most nerdy sub-group), but nearly all of my memories that summer come from some place other than the 6-8 hours each day I spent learning about new kinds of mathematics. Most of what I remember is from the two guys I spent the most time with on my hall: my roommate, Dallas, and my best friend that summer, Colby. Each had a lasting impression on me in a distinctly different way.  And every single thing we did that summer was soundtracked to hip-hop.
 When I walked into my room for the very first time, Dallas was blasting Biggie. Life After Death had just come out, and Dallas was all about it. I was more of a lighthearted listener of hip-hop - OutKast was my group, I knew all the words to “Regulate,” and I had some favorites off E. 1999 Eternal, but I had no  real exposure to and New York or LA rap. Dallas made sure to learn me. He played a steady dose of Biggie and Tupac, explaining to me the history of both coasts, the sampling techniques, the rivalries. While we were at Nerd Camp, No Way Out and The Art of War both released, and I’d later go home and buy them for myself. Dallas’ biggest contribution to my life - one that still lives on today - is introducing me to “Mo Money Mo Problems” (sidenote, what a glorious video. So weird, though, that Puffy’s caddy didn’t pull the pin for him), one of the top songs of my life and the one that will always make me break conversation and beeline to the dancefloor.
Colby’s sensibilities were drastically different. He was also a Math major, but the type of kid who scared me: loud, brash, inappropriate, and disrespectful to authority. At the time, I didn’t know how those qualities could co-exist with an affinity for mathematics. I’m not sure why he paid me any attention, but we found ourselves in conversation on the first night of GHP and were close to inseparable for the rest of the summer. One of us mentioned OutKast at some point - it’s difficult to believe there was a pre-Aquemini world, but this was… somehow pre-Aquemini. And even though we were in Georgia and it would have been weirder for someone to not know OutKast than to love them, this connection was the keystone for our friendship. It opened up the world for our summer in Valdosta: sitting in hallways, cafeterias, or laundry rooms, playing Spades as ATLiens blasted, front-to-back, from the AIWA boombox I’d brought. Colby turning me onto Pete Rock and CL Smooth while we worked on a math project. Debating whether or not the next album should be Goodie Mob or The Roots.
That summer changed my life in a lot of ways, but the one thing I’ll never forget is how it sounded. And how it bounced. And because I was taking in so many new experiences (first or new definitions of independence and romance and connection), the values I underscored for each were shaped by the stories I heard day and night. Hip-hop became one of the primary lenses through which I see the world, and it remains the form of art or media that excites me most to consume, absorb, investigate, and understand.
After that summer, my path traveled through Bad Boy and Bone Thugs, 2Pac's Greatest Hits, and The Roots' catalog in between OutKast releases every 2 years. After Stankonia, I drifted more into the crossover and/or R&B side of rap (thank you, TRL): Nelly and Murder Inc. and Aftermath and Snoop and basically anything Neptunes-produced along with a lot of stuff from the South: Cash Money, Ludacris, T.I., Jeezy, and others. Around the time I moved to LA, it was all Kanye and The Black Album all the time. And then Drake. So much Drake. Still here for all the Drake.
And it's with this backdrop that I now see the dilemma.
It's an easy listening path from Nostalgia, Ultra to Kaleidoscope Dream to House of Balloons to Late Nights to I Am Not A Human Being to anything-DJ-Mustard-produced... and in what is a very natural sonic progression, the messaging of romance goes from "here are the ways I want to love you, if only I could" to "I'm going to do x with y and you’re gonna z," the variables substituted for words that make most folks (but not the President) very uncomfortable. For pretty much my entire life, I had no interest in finding that line of demarcation.
The song I reference in the podcast is 6LACK's PRBLMS. It occurred to me that I can't stand up the way I want to stand up in the world while fully embracing certain messaging in music, film, television, or otherwise. And while lyrics and storytelling are open to interpretation and speak to that artist's experience, language, or expression, I have to draw my lines. As Dr. Joyce said, that's the work. But I see now that the art of storytellin’ that drew me in and built so much of my world led, years later, to a collection of music I enjoy but doesn’t present the art nor the storytelling I want to present to the world.
As part of an experiment, I thought I'd share a handful of some (previously) favorite tracks by some of my favorite artists. These are artists (or songs) I listen to weekly, if not daily, and have appeared on many a playlist I've made and shared. Some of them have issues because of the year in which they were written, others because of the genre they fall in, others because of the writing itself. But, regardless:
Ray Charles - “I Got A Woman”
She's there to love me both day and night
Never grumbles or fusses, always treats me right
Never runnin' in the streets, and leavin' me alone
She knows a woman's place is right there now in her home
Yikes, Ray. And yet debatably less problematic than the anthem it inspired.
Dean Martin - “I’ll Buy That Dream”
Imagine you in a gown white and flowery
And me thanking Dad for your dowry
Imagine me on our first anniversary
With someone like you in the nursery
Sounds like Dean’s got all the roles scoped.
 OutKast - “Jazzy Belle”
In this dog-eat-dog world
Kitty cats be scratching on my furry coat to curl
Up with me and my bowl of kibbles and bits
I want to earl cause most of the girls that we was liking in high school
Now they dyking…
This one breaks my heart, as this was my first favorite Kast track. I guess for every Sasha Thumper there’s a Suzy Skrew, for every Ms. Jackson, there’s a Hootie Hoo.
 Drake - “Shot for Me”
I'm the man, yeah I said it
Bitch, I'm the man, don't you forget it
The way you walk, that's me
The way you talk, that's me
The way you've got your hair up, did you forget that's me?
And the voice in your speaker right now that's me
That's me, and the voice in your ear
That's me, can't you see
That I made it? Yeah, I made it
First I made you who you are and then I made it
Another one that cuts deep. This was a longtime favorite for several choice lines in the 2nd verse.
 Jay-Z - “Bitches and Sisters”
Sisters get respect, bitches get what they deserve
Sisters work hard, bitches work your nerves
Sisters hold you down, bitches hold you up
Sisters help you progress, bitches will slow you up
Sisters cook up a meal, play their role with the kids
Bitches in street with their nose in your biz
I mean, the entire conceit of the song is trouble. But in the second verse, after a sample says, “Say Jay-Z, why you gotta go and disrespect the women for, huh?” this is how he defends his point.
In the words of Dr. Joyce on the podcast, “Who wants a sexist social activist?” That’s the work.
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Show notes:
Dr. Joyce (website | twitter | instagram)
Four-Four Beat Project / Hip-Hop 2020 (website)
Bring The Noize by Dr. Joycelyn Wilson (Bitter Southerner)
In this episode, we referenced:
Big Gipp Details Future's Dungeon Family Background; Rapper Was Known As Meathead (HipHopDX)
Future Describes Dungeon Family Ties And Purposely "Dumbing Down" His Music (HipHopDX)
The Art of Organized Noize documentary (Trailer on YouTube | Watch on Netflix)
Blues People: Negro Music in White America by Leroi Jones (Amazon)
The Making of OutKast's Aquemini (Creative Loafing)
Bad and Boujee Civil War lesson (AJC | youtube)
Migos Rapped A Children's Book. It's Funny, But It Makes Perfect Sense (NPR)
Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Amazon)
Why Is My Life So Hard (Freakonomics podcast)
“SpottieOttieDopalicious” by OutKast (YouTube)
“Synthesizer” - OutKast (YouTube)
“It’s Okay” - Slimm Calhoun feat. Andre 3000 (YouTube)
“She Lives In My Lap” - Andre 3000 (YouTube)
“Coldest Winter” - Kanye West (YouTube)
“Street Lights” - Kanye West (YouTube)
“Made of Glass” - Lil Yachty (YouTube)
“Pretty” - Lil Yachty (YouTube)
“Belly of the Beast” - Da Connect (YouTube)
“March Madness” on Saturday Night Live - Future (YouTube)
“Mask Off” Remix - Future feat. Kendrick Lamar (YouTube)
Soul Music - Tr380 the Future (SoundCloud)
“I’m The One” - DJ Khaled feat. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance The Rapper, and Lil Wayne (YouTube)
4 notes · View notes
queerofcups · 7 years
why do u think tumblr is trash for fandom? not that i disagree lol, i've just never noticed u talking about it and would be interested in hearing your thoughts
 terrible for fanfic writers - i’m biased obviously but tumblr is a really terrible format for any kind of text based art. 
formatting - theme fonts are really variable and i’ve seen countless writers blogs (usually younger/newer writers who need the attention) with fics that I won’t read because I *can’t* read them. 
getting people to read your fic - Also, if you’re posting to tumblr only and not to the Ao3 (which I totally understand especially for drabbles) there’s a strong chance only your followers will see those as opposed to posting in a community where, if its a central fandom comm you’ll probably get decent traffic from folks who’ve never heard of you. and if you want more people to see something you have to keep reblogging it because it gets pushed down by your other blogging because you can’t have pinned posts (which is way easier than creating a separate masterlist page). also tags work like 60% of the time
feedback - if you get feedback on fic on tumblr its either a. a reply that you may or may not be able to reply to easily depending on if tumblr/xkit is freaking out or b. in a reblog that you then have to reblog to reply to cluttering your/your followers dash further
 terrible for building community
If I go to someone’s tumblr and they don’t have an intricate tagging system, chances are pretty good I don’t know shit about them other than their name/age/maybe pronouns. Y’all don’t know shit about me as an actual person unless you happen to catch the one post or hell, the one tag where I talk about being from the American southeast or the weirdness of planning a wedding while feminist, or how I’m working up to weightlifting. Meanwhile, I have a friend that I friended in 2007/8 when I was in bandom who just graduated with her PhD! She was just starting her program when we met. She also just proposed to her boyfriend whom she’d just met when I started following her. I know her, as a person, not just a fic producing machine.
Which brings me to my next point. Tumblr’s great for being a lil bitch without accountability. Don’t get me wrong. Wank is as old as fandom. Where there is fandom there will be wank, bet on that. And its not like the journal-based websites and forums didn’t often have an anonymous function. But anon hate on tumblr is so normalized and so easy-- you don’t even have to log out to ask a question on anonymous on my blog! And even if you aren’t leaving hate. I talk to 2.5 people regularly via tumblr chat regularly. I think of them as my friends. I know their names. They know mine. They call me by my name. You could be the same anon that’s asked me an anon question since I started this blog. We could be well on our way to fandom besties and I would have no idea. To be a lurker on tumblr is to be anonymous, whereas to be a lurker on your livejournals and dreamwidths still came with some name recognition. 
Also tumblr is great for BNFs. Which like. Whatever, I don’t think there’s any one unifying quality I can place on everyone who’s The Most Popular in a fandom (...and I’m not sharing my phandom bnf opinions with an anon) but I do think that tumblr makes it feel like you either have many thousand followers and a constant stream of anons or you’re Nothing and that’s some ol’ bullshit. 
Livejournal and Dreamwidth (the ones I’m most familiar with) had community functions where one person created a blog to which lots of people could submit fanworks. The bandom one I was most familiar with was called bandslashmania (go check it out!), there was minimal modding and it was on you to post your fic, post it with the correct formatting, tag it so people could find it later, etc. And it was a hub that everyone could go to. It could be your daily stop, congrats now you have a selection of the fic that got posted that day. And if you miss a day, or you read a fic and want to go back to it weeks (or even years) later, you can just go to the tag. I’m having very strong feelings about how much fic we’re going to lose because of fucking tumblr (seriously. post your shit to Ao3. Also if you have a favorite fic? C/p that shit and save it to your computer. That’s the only way to (sort of) guarentee you’ll always have it) and the fact that you can accidentally delete your blog.
You ever made friends in the replies or reblogs of a tumblr post? If you did you’re a rarity. That shit happened every day in forum/journal based 
And I love IDB, I think its a really cool space to have more extended conversations, but I still don’t think its a great place to get to know people unless you have time to be really active on there and pay a lot of attention to peoples usernames, lol.
This is. A delicate one. I’m not going to shit on the tumblr’s contributions to people’s growth in awareness of social justice and the experiences of marginalized folks. Its been a really integral piece to amplifying the voices and communities of people who, previously, would have been shut down and made to talk about their issues only on their blog. That’s a statement. And I think tumblr likes to get on a high horse. There’s some shit fandom does that I have real problems with (the fact that I have to block extreme underage on Ao3 is A Problem for me. The blatant racism of who fandom chooses to write about over and over again is A Problem for me. I could go on). But I do think that there’s a subset of fandom that’s like oh, I don’t like this thing, lets use social justice language to talk about why its Bad and Morally Wrong, rather than just not reading it. And that gets extra annoying because they then sound like people who are trying to point out some real ass problems and so people lump these groups together and I have to ask myself before I follow someone if they’re disagreeing with the idea that fandom’s collective love affair with whitecock is problematic, or if they just want to write their fucking otayuri fic.
This is probably way more than you were expecting! I don’t hate tumblr (...mostly). I just find it really frustrating that we’ve decided that this (and a little bit twitter and a little bit instagram which i’m just flummoxed by) is our fannish home when its actually The Worst for a hobby of which one of the main tenants is community building. Like we’ve glued and stapled shit together, we’ve adapted like fandom always does but like Dreamwidth is right there. We could have it all, we just don’t take it. 
Lol, other Fandom Olds that follow me, feel free to hop on this post, I’m sure you have other shit about fandom on tumblr that you hate.
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noahmanskar · 5 years
Favorites from 2018
The drives to my old job were mostly miserable. But I looked forward to my Friday commutes for two reasons: the obvious one, and the fact that I could spend a couple good hours with that day’s new music. I first listened to two of 2017’s best albums — Kendrick Lamar’s “DAMN.” and SZA’s “ctrl” — on my way to work, absorbing their brilliance and briefly forgetting, in a nice way, where I was going and why.
This year was my first without a car, so I’ve felt tuned out of the new work that’s been released. Music can get lost in the noise of the subway and the street, and it’s too easy to get distracted by email or something else. But a handful of albums cut through through the noise.
These are the ones I liked best, in no particular order (plus some one-offs that I could listen to on repeat).
Courtney Barnett, “Tell Me How You Really Feel”
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Courtney Barnett’s songwriting here is still tinged with her trademark wit and self-awareness. But she’s abandoned any lingering self-consciousness to speak frankly about the tumult in her inner and outer worlds. “City Looks Pretty” is full of human contradictions between anxiety and optimism. There’s a pair of righteous feminist anthems in “Nameless, Faceless” and “I’m Not Your Mother, I’m Not Your Bitch.” And the closer “Sunday Roast” offers a soft landing in a reminder that friendship and support are out there, no matter how invisible they often seem.
Empress Of, “Us”
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Lorely Rodriguez’s sophomore album is a little less dark, a little less experimental, but no less beautiful than her debut. Her voice lilts over production that evokes a particular warmth of young love and companionship. Her sharp songwriting captures such images, especially on “Everything To Me.”
Earl Sweatshirt, “Some Rap Songs”
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This album reveals a new layer of its ingenuity with each listen. The rich production coalesces with Thebe Kgositsile darkly meditative lyrics to form a composition that’s cohesive but hard to definitively pin down. Earl has a way of making the beats conform to his flows without putting his own voice out in front. This one also gets points for the “Black Dynamite” reference.
Cardi B, “Invasion of Privacy”
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What else is there to say about Cardi B? This record runs the gamut of 2018′s popular music without feeling like an amalgam. Cardi runs the show, outshining all her guests on an album with some of the year’s best features (Takeoff’s verse on “Drip” is a revelation and SZA’s vocals on “I Do” are extraordinary). She’s at the top of her game and not coming down any time soon.
Pusha T, “Daytona”
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There were so many things that made me want to dislike this album — the tasteless cover, the Rick Ross feature, Kanye’s unnecessary verse. But there’s no denying its excellence. Pusha T is probably the only artist well served by Kanye’s seven-track stricture. Every word is in its place. Every line, every image, every jab is carefully considered. The songs are not spare, but nothing is wasted. It is, suitably, the antidote to Drake’s double-album indulgence.
The Beths, “Future Me Hates Me”
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The New Zealand quartet’s debut LP is full of clever songs about anxiety and and self-consciousness. They have a sense of self-awareness and charm — as NPR noted, it’s hard not to love the phrase “I’ve been stressed” sung in a tight harmony on “You Wouldn’t Like Me.” The Beths also released a couple of great Christmas songs at the end of the year. I’m looking forward to more from them.
Natalie Prass, “The Future And The Past”
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The swirling funk rhythm and Prass’s alluring vocals on “Oh My” drew me into this album. The rest delivers similarly rich compositions paired with earnest lyrics about the current political reality and how to resist it (”You gotta keep your sisters close to ya”). The songs maintain a sonic aesthetic that makes it tough to turn away.
The Carters, “Everything Is Love”
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Here are The Carters at the peak of their reign as America’s royal family. On this summer surprise, they’re unapologetic about their success, their blackness and their love for each other. There are just so many good songs! Beyonce is the album’s most impressive force, crooning and rapping and delivering hooks and one-liners (”If I gave two fucks about streaming numbers, woulda put Lemonade up on Spotify”). But Jay Z also has some strong verses, and their dynamic is a delight.
Ty Segall, “Freedom’s Goblin”
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In my favorite movie, “Frances Ha,” there’s a scene where the protagonist wanders absentmindedly through Paris after sleeping through most of her only day there, oblivious to the glittering sights around her. The soundtrack for this brief montage, Hot Chocolate’s “Every 1’s a Winner,” contributes to its bittersweet irony. Ty Segall’s cover of that song on “Freedom’s Goblin” has no time for such things. It explodes a disco-esque jaunt from the band that also produced “You Sexy Thing” into a mosh-worthy romp. It sort of encapsulates the first of six projects Segall released last year — he draws on seemingly all of his eclectic influences to create a sprawling album with surprises at every turn. It has echoes of his garage roots but moves well beyond them.
Noname, Room 25
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I admittedly haven’t spent enough time with this album to entirely unpack it, but I’m unsure I’ll ever be able to. Noname shows her mastery as a lyricist here, and her roots as a slam poet show through. The production is both warm and urgent, serving as an ideal background for her performance.
Courtney Barnett, “Small Talk” — I didn’t think it was possible to so perfectly capture the small agony of making conversation at a party where you just really want to see one person, but Courtney Barnett has done it.
Madeline Kenney, “Cut Me Off” — An eerie sample of the “wait” that some crosswalks bark at you builds into a wonderfully layered song that comes to a perfectly abrupt end.
Lil Baby feat. Drake, “Yes Indeed” — Drake tweaks the triplet flow just enough that it sounds inventive and Lil Baby offers such brilliance as “Cartier glasses, I won’t even peek at you/Yellow Ferrari like Pikachu.”
N.E.R.D. feat. Rihanna, “Lemon (Drake Remix)” — This version is best because it has the least Pharrell. But we’re really just here for Rihanna. The song really should have had three Rihanna verses, but the one she slays here is worth everything else.
21 Savage, “a lot” — The first song on 21 Savage’s latest is also by far the best. His rapping is impressive and there’s an actually tolerable feature from J. Cole.
Childish Gambino, “This Is America” — The video makes the song, but the chorus of ad-libs is an ingenious device in itself.
Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future and James Blake, “King’s Dead” — This standout from the “Black Panther” album moves effortlessly from Jay Rock’s no-nonsense flow to Future’s falsetto jesting to Kendrick Lamar’s compelling interpretation of Killmonger.
0 notes
supere1113 · 4 years
The Conflict Within Myself - Track 5: Diversity
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From the wind howling in the background at the end of Synchronized Sound emerges a song even older. A love letter to creativity and ingenuity well as the longest social media bio ever written. But above nearly all, a sign of its own time.
It was late October in 2013. I was on the bus headed back from a Skills USA trip when some creative force entered my head. It had this spunk, this swag, this air about it that was just a feel-good type of vibe. Now that I typed it out, it sounds a lot like the Spirit of Hip Hop paid me a visit on the bus. So, I whipped out my phone, opened Springpad and started writing what would become the first song I would ever write... and complete.
I wasn’t really looking very hard for a name or a writing prompt, but the word “Diversity” seemed to fit what I was itching to write, the spirit of it, at least. When you haven’t ever seriously written anything in a song before, some advice I would give (and you could continue to use this the rest of your life, honestly) is to write what’s around you, and inside of you. What do you do? What happens as a result of that? How does that make you feel? These are the questions I was subconsciously asking myself (I guess) and the song became a poetic stream of answers to those questions.
So yeah, the first official song I ever wrote started with “I walk into school, dominate my classes!” I literally started there. if you’re interested in expressing yourself through written or spoken word, just know that greatness and success are not these esoteric things only so-called “great people” can reach. Everybody has (even if hidden) greatness inside of them, and you can start from anywhere that makes you comfortable. Anywhere.
With Diversity, I wasn’t focused on song structure. I was just letting myself rhyme and stitching together ideas as they came, in the order that they came. As a result, I riff over and bring up a lot of different topics and things that mean something to me. The flow of the song is a confident meandering through the core values of my mind, starting with school.
I’ve always been a passionate person, giving everything my all, and school was most of my life for most of my life up to this point (I’m 22). So, I naturally started with that. I wrote this the year after I got my first (and only) iPod, so I threw that in there before simultaneously representing hip hop and 60s Americana culture (You know, beat poetry and all that lot). After referencing my own overactive mind and the far-reaching extent of my music tastes, I go postmodern on y’all and write about my writing ability.
For the second time on the album, I make note of my own perfectionism, in this case, in the context of writing and literature in general. people always tell/told me that “it doesn’t have to be perfect,” but no one really ever asked me why I thought everything had to be. My answer at that point in my life: I want them to be perfect because as the Christian that I am, I’m doing God’s work, and I want it to be right, and I want to help people. I’m not that far removed from this ideology right now, even at 22, but as a current recovering perfectionist, I would revise a few things to cut me some slack, but I’d be aiming high for the same reasons (bear in mind that the first line of my first album, The Artist In Me, is “It all comes from God.”)
I mention my faith a little more, explaining how we are all a part of each other intrinsically, whether you consider it fate, the universe, God, the force or whatever you may believe. Riffing off of that idea, I start speaking of equality and questioning hierarchy in the same breath before throwing y’all off in saying “God is the pinnacle.” I’m not fine with a person standing above everyone else, but I’m fine with God doing that because he knows everything, and he unconditionally loves us and he’s not out to screw me/us over, not ultimately.
I think I wrote Diversity in three stages over a few, about 6 months, and this next part was the beginning of the third stage.
I start by passing on some of the advice from the music I was listening to at the time in a nice, creative little package. I reference Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Whitney Houston and Third World, all in that first part. Then, I wanted to yet again mix the past of modern music with the present by referencing Paramore and No Doubt. After that string of references, I put a lil disclaimer on there unless someone a little too picky tries to hit me with copyright infringement. I was learning how to write songs, and when you’re learning, it helps to lean on the shoulders of those who came before you. That’s how you find your taste, your writing style. Try a lot of different things, and keep the parts you like, and there, you have a style! I finish by referencing a song I haven’t put out yet and finally explaining where in my mind the genesis of this song came from (What!).
I have this thing with with time and this thing with numbers (and kinda all symbols). I like beautiful, even arithmetic and nice, round numbers. But I also like the complexity of exact numbers and, in the context of song creation, estimating how long you think a song will end up being after you write it. As for the numbers and other symbols, I have what’s known as Personification Synethesia. That basically means I see personas in numbers and other symbols (even letters). Like, 1-5 are guys, 6-9 are women, 5 is a jockey who’s really full of himself, 6 is feminist who wants to put 5 in his place, and 7 is her lanky, quieter, yet equally passionate, wingwoman. 4 lowkey kinda has a thing for 7, and 0 is gender fluid. When I see combinations of the 10 digits (larger numbers, time stamps, etc.), I begin to see situations, where the digits are interacting with each other (4:40s are an army fighting a battle or war, 58 and 59 are symbolic of death, 3:42, the length of Synchronized Sound, is fierce, light and tight. J is a hillbilly lolz! The list goes on...). Anyway, when I was making Diversity, I had a vibe that I wanted the length of the song to match with. The song, was epic, fierce, imposing, and quite interesting and beautiful. Lengths from 5:00 to 5:30 fit that bill for me, and Skillet’s song My Obsession (which I heard somewhere was lowkey about John’s love of Dr. Pepper, or at least in part lolz) was about 5:01 and had a similar vibe to Diversity’s, so taking the lyrical song length into account, I put it around 5 minutes, and due to the similar vibes, I aimed to put Diversity’s timestamp around that of My Obsession. I ended up with about 5:03. not bad. Personification Synethesia, everybody!
I only say the word “diversity’ once in the song; intentionally. Ever since I found out the title of ‘I Write Sins, Not Tragedies’ by Panic! At the Disco in the late 2000′s, I’ve always been perplexed by such instances when the artist or band does not include the title of the song in the lyrics. Or, when an album (or any project, really) does not include a title track (like Linkin Park with Hybrid Theory and literally every album of theirs before One More Light, which did include a title track). And also when a music act doesn’t have a self-titled album. And this is no statement on the quality of any form of music including these things, but moreso my preferences on how music should be, particularly at this point in my life.
If you were to pin down one thing Diversity stands for, it would be that the sky is the limit for whatever you want to do in life. Whatever it is. Or, as Big Sean will tell you, the sky’s the point of view, so... you’re basically limitless. And I say that because although there may be limits and obstacles that get in your way, you can conquer anything, so it won’t stay in your way.
The sky is the limit. If you want something, you can go get it.
0 notes
surrendertodaniel · 6 years
Surrender To Daniel’s Top 250 Tracks Of 2017ish (Just The List, Please)
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It’s a busy world out there and you could do with a version of this list without all the jackass commentary. Below are my Top 250 Tracks of 2017ish in countdown form. Thanks for hanging out. I look forward to listening to your list.
250. Kelly Clarkson - Love So Soft (Cash Cash Remix)
249. Trinidad Cardona - Jennifer
248. Arcade Fire - Electric Blue
247. Valerie June - Shakedown
246. Rozwell Fitzroy - Block Game
245. Fickle Friends - Hard To Be Myself
244. Katy Perry featuring Migos - Bon Appetit
243. Chip - Snap Snap
242. Borussia - Kinda Love
241. Lady Gaga - The Cure
240. Sonamoo - I (Knew It)
239. Taylor Swift - …Ready For It
238. Joyride - Aunty Tracey’s Cookies
237. Carly Pearce - Every Little Thing
236. Eves Karydas - There For You
235. Vic Mensa featuring Pusha T - OMG
234. Tigertown - Warriors (St. Lucia Remix)
233. Lady Leshurr - Juice
232. Frank Ocean - Chanel
231. DYGL - Let It Out
230. Old Dominion - No Such Thing As A Broken Heart
229. Super Junior - Black Suit
228. Barenaked Ladies & The Persuasions - The Old Apartment
227. Ayo & Teo - Lit Right Now
226. LCD Soundsystem - Tonite
225. Pip Blom - Babies Are A Lie
224. Shay Lia - What’s Your Problem
223. Lauren Alaina - Doin’ Fine
222. Jachary - Yellow Vision
221. Cende - Bed
220. Waju featuring Phantom Thrett - If U Wanna
219. AOBeats & Annabel Jones - Strangers
218. CupcakKe - Barcodes
217. Aly & AJ - Take Me
216. Tyler, The Creator featuring A$AP Rocky - Who Dat Boy
215. Joe Goddard - Music Is The Answer
214. Gabrielle - Nye Joggesko
213. Amber Coffman - No Coffee
212. Diamond Platnumz, Harmonize, Rich Mavoko & Rayvanny – Zilipendwa
211. Ugly God - Fuck Ugly God
210. Royal Canoe featuring Begonia - Fussin’
209. Ah Mer Ah Su - Meg Ryan
208. Wesley Gonzalez - Piece of Mind
207. Smino - Anita
206. Hannah Jane Lewis - Raincheck
205. Mollie King - Hair Down
204. Ten Fé - Twist Your Arm
203. Charlie Worsham - Cut Your Groove
202. iLoveMakonnen featuring Rae Sremmurd - Love
201. Allison Crutchfield - I Don’t Ever Wanna Leave California
200. Drezus - Get Up
199. Aimee Mann - Patient Zero
198. Fekky x Ghetts - Call Me Again
197. Slow Dancer - Don’t Believe
196. Kiesza - Dearly Beloved
195. Cam’ron - 10,000 Miles
194. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott - I Gotta Praise
193. THANKS featuring Sam Sparro - Your Man
192. Desiigner- Outlet
191. Maya Killtron - Whiplash
190. Maty Noyes - Say It To My Face
189. Tee Grizzley featuring Lil’ Yachty - From The D To The A
188. Bhad Bhabie - These Heaux
187. Sean Nicolas Savage - Opposing Truths
186. 2 Chainz - Trap Check
185. Evening Glow - Love Tonight
184. Liv Dawson - Searching
183. Bruno Mars - Versace On The Floor
182. Paramore - Hard Times
181. Ghost Twin - Plastic Ghost
180. Lao Ra featuring Konshens - Boby Bounce
179. SOB X RBE - Lane Changing
178. PIXEY - Hometown
177. Feltworth - Forget This Feeling
176. Twice - Likey
175. Craig Finn - God In Chicago
174. Axolotes Mexicanos - Trececatorce
173. Charli XCX - Boys
172. Lil Uzi Vert - XO Tour Llif3
171. Steven Wilson - Permanating
170. Promiseland - Take Down The House
169. Estrons - Strobe Lights
168. Future Islands - Ran
167. Shamir - Straight Boy
166. St. Vincent - Los Ageless
165. Maluma - Felices los 4
164. John Maus - Touchdown
163. Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
162. Stormzy - 4PM In London
161. Adult Mom - Full Screen
160. Luke Combs - When It Rains
159. HAIM - Want You Back
158. RVIVR - The Tide
157. Torres - Helen In The Woods
156. Partner - Play The Field
155. Manuel Turizo - Una Lady Como Tú
154. The Moonlandingz featuring Rebecca Lucy Taylor - The Strangle Of Anna
153. April - Mayday
152. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - Drowning
151. Cassius - Ibifornia (Myd Remix)
150. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Harajuku Iyahoi
149. Goodbye Honolulu - Typical
148. Electric Six - I’ll Be In Touch
147. DJ Khaled featuring Beyoncé and Jay-Z - Shining
146. Sløtface - Empire Records
145. Tank - When We
144. Jerry Williams - I’m Not In Love With You
143. Gothic Tropic - How Life Works
142. Girl Ray - Don’t Go Back To Ten
141. Ski Mask The Slump God - Babywipe
140. Mike WiLL Made-It featuring Big Sean - On The Come Up
139. Pkew Pkew Pkew - Before We Go Out Drinking
138. Brockhampton - Star
137. The Perfect Kiss - Broadcast (From You To Me)
136. Fishbach - Un Autre Que Moi
135. Surfbort - Back To Reaction
134. Highlight - Can Be Better
133. Dagny - Wearing Nothing
132. First Hate - The One
131. Sorority Noise - No Halo
130. Playboi Carti - Magnolia
129. Alex Cameron & Angel Olsen - Stranger’s Kiss
128. Real Numbers - Frank Infatuation
127. Rejjie Snow featuring Pell - Virgo
126. YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Untouchable
125. Kesha - Learn To Let Go
124. LOONA Odd Eye Circle - Girl Front
123. Middle Kids - Never Start
122. Kelela - LMK
121. Hey Violet - Break My Heart
120. Sean Paul featuring Dua Lipa - No Lie
119. Papooz - Trampoline
118. Lab Coast - Back To Your Future
117. Mise en Scene - Waster
116. Weaves - Walkaway
115. Aymee Nuviola - Rumba de la Buena
114. Plaitum - Ovation
113. New Swears - Dance With The Devil
112. The Regrettes - Seashore
111. Kane Strang - My Smile Is Extinct
110. Red Velvet - Red Flavor
109. Lovely Bad Things - Hiding to Nothing
108. Century Palm - King of John Street
107. Jessie Reyez - Gatekeeper
106. Jay Som - Baybee
105. YBN Nahmir - Rubbin’ Off The Paint
104. Milk Teeth - Owning Your Okayness
103. Bakermat featuring Kiesza - Don’t Want You Back
102. Jimmie Allen - Blue Jean Baby
101. FAUX - Take Back Time
100. Joey Bada$$ - Land of the Free
99. Tove Styrke - Mistakes
98. A$AP Ferg - Plain Jane
97. Astrid S - Such A Boy
96. Wax Idols - Everybody Gets What They Want
95. DeJ Loaf - No Fear
94. Hamell On Trial - Safe
93. Tay-K - The Race
92. Fazerdaze - Lucky
91. Jax Jones featuring Demi Lovato & Stefflon Don - Instruction
90. Jon Pardi - Heartache on the Dancefloor
89. Heart Attack Man - Taking Sides
88. RaeLynn - Lonely Call
87. Young Guv - Traumatic
86. Baka Not Nice - Live Up To My Name
85. John Moreland - It Don’t Suit Me (Like Before)
84. Lil Yachty - Bring It Back
83. The Drums - Blood Under My Belt
82. Amaal Mallik - Maine Tujhko Dekha
81. Jillian Jacqueline - Hate Me
80. Lizzo - Water Me
79. Joy Again - Kim
78. Yaeji - Last Breath
77. Daniela Spalla - Prometí
76. Peach Pit - Seventeen
75. Baio - Man of the World
74. Rostam - Bike Dream
73. Juiceboxxx - Freaking Out
72. Mabel - Begging
71. Bleachers - I Miss Those Days
70. The Killers - The Man
69. Dude York - Love Is
68. Pale Waves - There’s A Honey
67. TYSM - Honeymoon Phase
66. Artificial Pleasure - All I Got
65. Tei Shi - Keep Running
64. vivienxo - TTYN
63. Lanikai - Motor Inn
62. Midland - Drinkin’ Problem
61. Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs - Talk 2 Her
60. Thundercat featuring Michael McDonald & Kenny Loggins - Show You The Way
59. Rozwell Kid - Wendy’s Trash Can
58. Jazz Cartier - Tempted
57. BØRNS - Faded Heart
56. Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe
55. Leikeli47 - 2nd Fiddle
54. QTY - Rodeo
53. The Big Moon - Formidable
52. Kenshi Yonezu - Peace Sign
51. Ski Mask The Slump God - Catch Me Outside
50. Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano
49. Danny L Harle - 1UL
48. Sälen - Heartbreak Diet
47. Iron Chic - My Best Friend (Is A Nihilist)
46. Phoenix - J Boy
45. Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling
44. Mozart’s Sister - Moment 2 Moment
43. Peter Perrett - An Epic Story
42. Miguel featuring Travis Scott - Sky Walker
41. Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry
40. Cathedrals - Try to Fight
39. Janitor Scum & The Scums - Shopping Cart
38. ARY - Childhood Dreams
37. HMLTD - To The Door
36. KWAYE - Little Ones
35. Fitness Forever - Canadian Ranger
34. The Cornshed Sisters - The Message
33. BETSY - Little White Lies
32. Rae Morris - Do It
31. The Steves - I Feel Like Dying
30. Future featuring Kendrick Lamar - Mask Off (Remix)
29. Rita Ora - Anywhere
28. Needles//Pins - Miracle
27. Dream Wife - Fire
26. Ralph - Tease** **
25. Hall N Nash - Machine Gun Black
24. Pixx - I Bow Down
23. Starley - Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix)
22. Dave x J Hus - Samantha
21. Charlotte OC - Shell
20. Slow Leaves - Enough About Me
19. PRETTYMUCH - Would You Mind
18. Kendrick Lamar - Humble
17. Amber Mark featuring Mia Mark - Monsoon
16. Denzel Curry - This Life
15. Breakfast Muff - RU a Feminist
14. Deem Spencer - Soap
13. ionnalee - Samaritan
12. Pristin - Wee Woo
11. Quay Dash - Decline Him
10. Confidence Man - Boyfriend (Repeat)
9. Dance Movie - Penny
8. Clairmont The Second - The Ave In You
7. MUNA - I Know A Place
6. Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo
5. IU - Last Night Story
4. Tove Lo - Disco Tits
3. IU featuring G-Dragon - Palette
2. Dua Lipa - New Rules
1. Lorde - Green Light
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