#I love his goofy little jokes Thoreau-ly
atombonniebaby · 1 year
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MacCready: Hey Hancock, I heard the Brotherhood are looking for new recruits. You ever think about joining?
Hancock: Oh, sure kid! Absolutely! It's my life's ambition! To shack up with those ghoul haters! *backhands MacCready* what kinda question is that?!
MacCready: *rubbing head* Oh c'mon, man! I was sure it'd be a perfect fit...y'know... Seeing how they're looking for *snickers*...High Fliers *Chuckles hysterically and saunters out of the Old State House*
Hancock: *Dumfounded* Fahrenheit It'd be justified if I shanked him right? People would understand?
Fahrenheit: *trying to maintain composure* Oh absolutely boss!
The next day... Hancock getting ready to leave with Sole.
MacCready: *Casually leaning against Daisy's discounts* Jet-ting off are we Hancock?
Daisy: *gravelly laughter fills the square*
Hancock: *fingers itching for knief* Sole, I hope you're not too attached to this one...
MacCready: *Fake runs away in slow motion*
Sole: *sighs* I need to take him out more
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