#I love my ranger but pls give this man anxiety medication he needs to stop feeling like he is not wanted anywhere
petalpierrot · 1 year
Chronicling my CoS Adventures as always
So after we got The Tome of Strahd, Eidys got invested in reading that hot garbage. She reads it a little bit at every rest stop before her trance.
We are returning to the Wizard of Wines. (My Ranger stayed there one night because a raven told him it was a safe place) he feels really awkward coming back, even though the Martikovs think of him as a friend. He feels like he is overstaying his welcome (please give this sad elf man some anxiety medication)
Ireena is being cute and cooing at some ravens. She can do no wrong. She is so cute
Once they arrive on location they discuss how to approach this whole situation. They are aware that an item of power is located there, but the Ranger tells the party that the reading he got was more like riddles. So he is unsure what to look for, though he also says to start by asking if the family experienced some trouble/conflict. The party seems to agree that's a good way to go about things.
Eidys decides to take the lead and let the more intimidating elven men stay hidden for now ( 6'0 drow (Ranger) and 6'1 Shadar-kai (cleric)). She goes to speak to the young boys gathering grapes outside and takes Ireena and the party druid with her. She manages to convince the older boy to get his parents. The older boy stays speaking to the women but tells his younger siblings to get their parents.
The younger boys get their mother and Eidys calls over her male party members, telling the teenager that "the boys are a bit shy" and that they are actually very sweet, but they both know how intimidating they can come off to others.
The boy's mother recognizes the ranger and treats him warmly. When he asks her if there has been trouble around, she tells her children to go inside and confides in him that she's seen some Scarecrows and Druids lurking about and would like the party to investigate the area. She is worried that they are looking for something.
The ranger feels *responsible* so he immediately begins to look for anything (with detect magic). He manages to find the two Emeralds and tells the Martikovs to hide them for the time being. They all figure out that if the party can use certain magic to find their livelihood, so can said druids.
with detect magic he also manages to find The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. He asks if it is also an item that needs to be hidden, and also makes sure to tell the Martikovs that he is not here to rob anyone of their protection. The Martikovs let him know that they were hiding this particular item from the agents of Strahd and that the party is free to take it as they are working against the vampire.
ranger takes the item outside, where Eidys casts identity on it, and they find out its properties.
Cleric gets a vision from The Raven Queen. She shows him the previous owner of this amulet (Lugdana the paladin) and wants him to wield the item in her name to defeat Strahd. She also tells him that she is always with him, even if Strahd tries to keep her away from him (I cried)
The next session is probably going to involve fighting druids/twig blights
AFTER THAT HOWEVER! Eidys could possibly have a date with her not-husband (Rahadin. it is Rahadin) And also finally meet the Baron/his family.
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konaizumi · 4 years
A Tale of a Thousand Stars ep 5 thoughts/reaction
so tian killed torfun, but does tian know this yet? bc that would make more sense for why his parents didn’t want him to know about the donor
 tian, pls stop comparing yourself to torfun, you don’t like phupha bc of her heart and he doesn’t like you bc of her heart
also, yesterday i listened to the full ost yesterday for the first time with the lyrics and it’s so beautiful and meaningful
tian had better be on his on the get his medication refilled
i love tul’s pretty casual reaction after being able to contact your friend for the first time in two months after they vanished with only a vague note
awww, tian looking up stuff to do with the children
poor yod, just wants to eat
can’t believe phupha is still trying to deny his feelings to his friends
lol p’aof
but what’s he gonna do with the second scent pouch?
dr nam, at it again
tian trying to trash talk phupha but with a smile the whole time
dr nam knows exactly what he’s doing
tian, pls stop lying to the doctor, the one that’s going to have to take care of you if something happens, like i get that you don’t want people to know, but dr nam is literally the person who needs to know
“like those who reforest but decorate their house with ivories” tian throwing shade at his father
prediction: tian’s father will get involved with the situation at some point and will somehow be involved in resolving the situation with the mob boss (bc he’s the minister or former minster of environmental smth)
tian really is a trouble magnet tho
it’s great to see tian interact with an old friend, mix and white really have good chemistry of friends who’ve known each other forever
i can’t stop laughing at the product placement being used as an excuse for tian to be horny
*pictures shirtless buff phupha* “yeah it is good for your health” XD, i cant
tian, i know why you don’t want your mom to know where you are, but pls at least give her a call
tian complaining but seeming super happy about the bad parts of the village is so pure, my boy is so happy
not phupha going through the 5 stages of grief while tian is gone
he’s such a tsundere
I’m all for phupha being one of the main reasons tian stays at the village but at the same time there’s no need for them to downplay the importance of the rest of the characters to tian’s happiness, like the village and the children are allowed to be just as important as romantic attachments
phupha’s like a dog with separation anxiety
i loved tul and tian’s whole conversation about tian being gay, i was so relieved that’s how it went
can’t believe gmmtv actually avoided making an entire plotline out of a character being gay but thank god
also the implication that tian knew he liked guys even before he started liking phupha, pls give us more content like this gmmtv
also i love the editing that switches between tian’s and phupha’s conversations
also i just love nam/yod/rang/phupha friendship
thank you tul for immediately telling tian that torfun’s heart has literally nothing to do with tian’s feelings
“ i never said i had feelings for him” lol, sure tian
phupha lowkey sulking while his friends make fun of him
tian literally can’t trash talk phupha without smiling, huh?
pls stop hurting my precious baby, he’s very fragile right now
“i have someone there protecting me already” oh if only phupha could hear that
i’m just very glad that there’s not a whole plotline around tian and phupha realizing and admitting their feelings to themselves, like they both have reservations about telling other people, but they both are clearly aware of their own feelings and seem pretty comfortable with them
i can’t wait for tul to meet phupha and spill all the of tian’s dirt
gives the middle finger (affectionate)
tian seeing that phupha is sulking and immediately assuming it’s bc he didn’t tell phupha his plans (and he’s right lol)
tian being super confused by nice phupha
phupha trying really hard to follow dr nam’s advice is so cute
tian, he’s literally smiled for so many times
“what do you want me to be?” my boyfriend
tian immediately feeling embarrased after calling him p’phu
tian brings up phupha’s relationship status for someone who “doesn’t have feelings”
god, phupha smiling a the secret picture he took of tian is just so pure
the phutian content throughout the whole episode is honestly god tier
you know it’s a good scene when you sit there mentally shouting at the characters to just kiss already
(and you know they want to kiss each other so bad)
i really appreciate them giving phupha valid reasons for being insecure like he’s much older and he’s tied to the village, starting a relationship with him would mean staying in the village rather than going back to the city, and him thinking that tian (a young 20 year old rich boy who’s still in the middle of a college degree to be an engineer) wouldn’t want that isn’t unrealistic, like i just appreciate that his reasons for hesitating aren’t stupid
shit, there’s so much fondness~~~~
how many sexual innuendos did phupha make this ep lol
i love how natural their relationship feels too, like it’s just genuinely two people falling in love with each other
everytime phupha fondly watches tian interacting with the children, i gain a year of life
okay but i love all the forest rangers encouraging phupha to ask tian to stay longer
they’re literally so in love it hurts
tian using phupha’s full title when he’s embarrassed
they’re so happy flying the kites together
the very last scene is heartbreaking but also very satisfying to watch
the fear in phupha’s eyes
also i imagine it must be pretty terrifying bc tian’s not just passed out, it’s not like he just fainted, he’s still conscious but can’t move or speak and seems to be in a lot of pain and to have to watch that and not knowing what’s happening to him or what to do
but that’s literally why you need to tell people, tian, so they can help you in emergencies like this
dr nam, hate to break it to you but phupha definitely knows how to flirt
“im also strong” i cant with this man
yes, dr nam, tell my son to quit being such a dumbass and take care of himself
tian and phupha better kiss next week, they deserve it
shit, this was such a good episode, all the quality phutian moments, finally the heart transplant will be revealed, the tul and tian content was great and I hope we see tul again
MVP of the episode: Tul
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