#I love reblogging somethng and being like I'm gonna check my follower count now and then in 5 minutes... oh yep!
statementlou · 1 year
I think it depends on what you’re used to in prices. As a Canadian clothing prices are usually higher just because a majority of clothes are import from the US. So his prices aren’t that far off from what I’d pay for say Nike or Adidas. Of course we haven’t seen the quality of the garments yet, so it’s hard to make a determination if the clothes are over priced.
I'm aware that it's industry standard, just as I was aware at least one person would unfollow me for daring to say anything other than pure simping (✔ I was right lol) but industry standard is bullshit and is fake. Those items, like all fashion, cost a tiny amount of that to manufacture. Occasionally brand stuff costs more because it's actually made of higher quality materials or manufactured in more expensive conditions- all I said was that we can see that neither of those things is at play here (no one goes out of their way to use union labor and doesn't mention it as a selling point though yes future defensive anons, ofc anything is possible) so, like Adidas and Nike (who are notorious for their use of sweatshop labour so maybe not the ideal example actually), these items are priced to a standard that is made up and not tied to physical value, by which I mean they could still make a profit at a lower price, even if they're very good quality manufacture (which I would guess they are given Louis' attention to detail generally and the fact that we have seen him wearing them and he is fussy about his own clothing quality and would have for sure noticed if they were shoddy, plus the honestly remarkably high quality of his general merch). Whatever- it's not some huge deal. That's how fashion works and it could be MUCH WORSE. Louis is a businessman who is good at launching profitable enterprises and this is one, me saying that it's that and not an exercise in making streetwear more accessible to poor people isn't that big a deal. And honestly, for me, acknowledging that he is focused on the fashion end rather than the supply end isn't some huge callout- I would celebrate him paying attention to that and thinking about the workers, but him having his hands in only 80% of the details of all of the 28 or so projects he's currently juggling is plenty impressive enough
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