muntazir-ali · 3 years
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The pictures I took while I was in Mecca and Medina.
Do NOT repost anywhere.
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muntazir-ali · 3 years
خود اس طرف ، میرا دل سمندر کے دوسری طرف
خودم این سو، دلم آن سوی دریا
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muntazir-ali · 3 years
Myself on this side, my heart on the other side of the sea
خودم این سو، دلم آن سوی دریا
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muntazir-ali · 3 years
خودم این سو، دلم آن سوی دریا
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
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‏عرفتُكَ نذرًا للذين تعسروا إذا رفعوا كفًا إليكَ تيسروا .. إللهي بالعباس باب الحوائج❤️❤️.
‏أوَليسَ العبَّاسُ كافِل القلوبِ المُنكسرَة ♥️؟
‎#٤شعبان | ‎#مولد_العباس
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
Hussain was the fifth of the cloak,
But was the only one left uncloaked,
On the plains of Karbala.
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
If the ink of a scholar,
Is worth more than the blood of a martyr,
Then how valuable was the Master of Martyrs,
For rewriting history with his blood.
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
They claim God abandoned Hussain, As their swords severed his neck, But how could God abandon Hussain, When He says, “We are closer to him, Than his jugular vein (50:16)”
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
If Imam Hassan said,
“The distance between Heaven and Earth,
Is the cry of an oppressed person in prayer”
Then Heaven and Earth converged at Karbala,
Upon the dua of Imam Hussain,
The most oppressed of the oppressed.
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
Hussain remembered the verse,
“And protect the middle prayer” (2:238),
While offering his final prayer.
Then, Zuhair remembered the hadith,
“Hold onto the Quran and my Ahlul-Bayt”
While offering his body,
For Hussain’s final prayer.
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
Hussain remembered the People of the Cloak,
While praying with the People of the Tent,
Seeing the light of Muhammad in Ali Akbar,
The courage of Ali in Abbas
The nobility of Hassan in Qasim,
And the purity of Fatima in Sakina.
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
Abbas, the Saqqa’ (the Water Carrier), the Moon of the Hashimites, the Standard-Bearer of Husayn, and the eldest among his brothers. He went to fetch water and they attacked him, Abbas moved against them reciting: “I do not fear death even when it calls out to me, I will fight until I cannot be seen in the heat of the battlefield, my life is ransom upon the one who is the life of Mustafa, verily I am Abbas and came to fetches water, while I do not fear on the day of battle”.
He scattered the forces, while Zayd bin Warqa’ ambushed him from behind the palm tree with the help of Hakim bin Tufayl Sumbosi and struck his right hand. Then Abbas defended himself with left-hand while reciting the following Rajaz: “By Allah! Although you have severed my right hand, I shall keep defending my Religion and also my truthful Imam, who is the son of the Prophet”.
He fought until he was exhausted. Hakim bin Tufayl Ta’i ambushed him from behind the palm tree and struck his left hand.
Hazrat Abbas said, “O soul, do not fear the infidels, may you receive the glad tidings of the Mercy of the Omnipotent, along with the Prophet, the Master of the empowered. They have severed my left hand with injustice, O Lord burn them in the fire (of hell)”.
The accursed killed Abbas (as) with an iron mace.
When Imam Husayn (as) saw Abbas (as) upon the ground near the bank of Euphrates,
Imam Husayn wept and said, “You, evil people, you have transgressed in your wickedness opposing the religion of Prophet Muhammad (sawaw), was he not the Best Prophet bequeath to you regarding us, are we not of the progeny of the Righteous Prophet, is not Al-Zahra (sa) my mother among you, was not Ahmad (sawaw) the best among the creations, you are condemned and failed because of what you committed and very soon you will face the scorching fire (of hell)”
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
Imam Al Sajjad (as): I heard my father say to his followers: “I glorify Allāh with the most perfect glorification and I praise Him in happiness and misfortune. O Allāh, I praise You for blessing us with prophethood, teaching us the Qur’ān and making us understand the religion. You have given us hearing, sight and hearts, and have made us among those who give thanks (to You). I know of no followers more loyal and more virtuous than my followers nor of any House more pious and more close-knit than my House. May Allāh reward you well on my behalf. Indeed, I do not think that there will be (any further) days (left) to us by these men. I permit you to leave me. All (of you) go away with the absolution of your oath (to follow me), for there will be no (further) obligation on you from me. This is a night (whose darkness) will give cover to you. Use it as a camel (i.e. ride away in it).”
His brothers and sons, the sons of his sisters and the sons of ‘Abd Allāh b. Ja‘far (as) said: “We will not leave you to make ourselves continue living after your (death). Allāh will never see us (do) such a thing.”
Al-‘Abbās b. ‘Alī (as) was the first of them to make this declaration. Then the (whole) group followed him, (all) declaring the same thing.
“Sons of ‘Aqīl,” said al-Ḥusayn, “enough of your (family) has been killed. So go away as I have permitted you “
“Glory be to Allāh.” they replied, “what would the people say? They would say that we deserted our Shaykh, our lord, the sons of our uncle, who was the best of uncles; that we had not shot arrows alongside them, we had not thrust spears alongside them, we had not struck swords alongside them. (At such an accusation) we do not know what we would do. No, by Allāh, we will not do (such a thing). Rather we will ransom you with our lives, property and families. We will fight for you until we reach your destination. May Allāh make life abominable (for us) after your (death).”
Then Muslim b. ‘Awsaja arose and spoke: “Could we leave you alone? How should we excuse ourselves before Allāh concerning the performance of our duty to you? By Allāh, I will stab them with my spear (until it breaks), I will strike them with my sword as long as the hilt is in my hand. If I have no weapon (left) to fight them with, I will throw stones (at them). By Allāh we will never leave you until Allāh knows that we have preserved through you (the company of His Apostle) in his absence. By Allāh, if I knew that I would die and then be revived and then burnt and then revived, and then scattered, and that would be done to me seventy times, I would never leave you until I met my death (fighting) on your behalf. So how could I do it when there can only be one death, which is a great blessing which can never be rejected?”
Zuhayr b. al-Qayn (as) spoke: “By Allāh, I would prefer to be killed and then recalled to life; and then be killed a thousand times in this manner; and that in this way Allāh, the Mighty and Exalted, should protect your life and the lives of these young men of your House.”
All his followers spoke in a similar vein, one after the other. Al-Ḥusayn (as) called (on Allāh to) reward them well and then went back to his tent.
[Al Irshad]
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
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How unlucky we are!
On this side of life
We see violence, bloodshe and butchery;
But you were all blessed,
For you saw once you left
You were embraced by Hussain and embraced by Ali
“The Blessed of Quetta”  _______ Nouri Sardar
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
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سلام بر رہبرِ میزبانِ ثار اللہ سلام بر عیسیٰ روح اللہ ع Merry Christmas to the whole globe! ✨🌸
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
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winter studying challenge ❄️
10th December - What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
eating aladuschki / blinis every sunday morning( russian pancakes)! i absolutely love them and my mum makes the™️ best
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muntazir-ali · 4 years
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Finals week day 3: enjoying a cozy morning before taking my finance exam
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