#I love run on scentences<3
ghostbeam · 2 years
Touya wants to marry you one day.
He can’t yet, not now, probably not even in the near future, but he wants to marry you. He knows that much. Touya buys you a ring. It’s nothing special, doesn’t even have a stone. It’s just a small silver band, but it fits you perfectly. Touya wears his on a chain around his neck because it gets too hot when he uses his quirk. The inside of his ring is engraved with your initials, and his are on yours too. He likes to hold you close to him in bed, likes to call u his wife, likes how it flusters u when he does.
Touya wants to marry you one day. And every time he comes home to you, and you hold his face in your hands and look at him with nothing but love in your eyes even though there’s blood on his cheek, he knows he will.
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