#I love that Tanner in the background seems so happy to see Major. I wish they had done something more with the history Major and Tanner have
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iZOMBiE: S04E5 Goon Struck
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aromoji · 5 years
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I didn’t have the energy to make images for all of them, but here’s a very long summary of the background.
It all started when the twins were 10 years old. The year is 2398, and the Earth has managed to capitalize on space exploration. Now, people live all over the galaxy. Then the first people landing on different planets and moons (as the countries made it possible to live there, yes even the gas giants) started having their families there, and created new species different than the ones on earth. However, it was only the really rich and powerful that had the resources to travel the galaxy and settle elsewhere, so the galaxy is pretty much run by the same people who ran Earth. :/ Technology has improved so much that what would take 8 months to get a planet like Mars takes 8 weeks with good conditions. People got bored of the old names people gave to planets and decided to rename them.
Mercury becomes Koccore, Venus (where Abby and Cody live)is still Venus because people loved the name as is , Earth is still Earth (where Trent and Theo were born) because people are still debating on what to rename it, Mars becomes Lebos (Which is where Kamala lives), Jupiter is now Atharth, Saturn is Zonnioria, Uranus is now Ponus, and Neptune (where Melody is from) is now Sodoria. After regaining its status as a planet Pluto was later used as a prison planet to keep the galaxy’s degenerates and criminals away from everyone else. People have spent the least time working on making Pluto habitable so if one is sent there they are likely to suffer a long and painful death.
United under the Scott Empire, the Venusians live on a planet that is always preparing for war. However, unlike things on Earth, young men are not enlisted in the army to fight unless they choose to do so, and they are highly compensated for their time on duty. The Venusian military is highly respected because they do not take kindly to taking innocent lives in the name of war. People who commit war crimes are stripped of their honor and sent to Pluto for a life sentence (or straight up hurled into the sun if their crimes warrant the death penalty immediately), Additionaly, due to having spent generations in the proximity of the sun, not only are majority of Venusians darkskinned, scientists have found a way to use the energy absorbed from the sun to give Venusians powers (hence why Abby was able to temporarily blind Theo to throw off his attack). Some Venusians, such as Cody are able to emit this energy from their skin, others choose to harness their energy in wands and potions of some sort. Abby, with her scepter, alternates between the two at times. Abby and Cody, despite being cousins, grew up as brother and sister in the kingdom. Being that Abby is the only heir to the throne (Parents are out fighting war), the council that her parents have left in charge until she turns 18 has ordered that Abby be kept out of harm's way at all times. Cody took this message to heart, and relentlessly prevented anyone from laying a finger on her. (he once even dove in the way of an incoming paintball so that it wouldn’t get in her hair.) Although Abby loves her cousin to death she could do without him hovering over her at every given moment and wishes to set out on her own one day. That is, if Cody ever let her out of his sight. As for Cody, he’s one of the young men who dedicated his childhood to training for the army. As a result of his commitment, he was appointed as the captain of the royal guard when he turned 18. Not everyone was happy with the new position, and some of Cody’s closest friends soon deserted him out of jealousy. Cody pretends the fallout did not affect him as much as people believe, but Abby knows he’s still a little hurt at the lack of loyalty from his crew.
Trent and Cody were born on Earth to a single mother named Haruka. Haruka was a recently “widowed” woman shunned from Japan by the rest of her family because she got married to the man who made her pregnant with twins, only for her new husband to leave and never return to her before she gave birth. Haruka did everything she could for the boys working as a waitress, then as the manager of a local restaurant. The boys managed to live somewhat comfortably because of Haruka. However, now that the Earth’s population has spread out over the galaxy and people are making their own territories and governments, the countries on Earth are trying to cash in on intergalactic trade routes and colonies. Unlike on Venus, people were inspired by the Gen Z Revolution of 2070 and outright abolished the drafts that forced men to enlist. You couldn’t pay the disillusioned young adults of the 2390s to fight wars for other men. So the countries started targeting younger kids. They published cartoons and TV shows laced with propaganda encouraging children to enlist in a “space camp” that would train children until they turned 17 to be pilots, soldiers, diplomats, etc for the Space Armada (the global space program for dealing with intergalactic issues). One such commercial advertised that one of the programs mascots would arrive at an elementary school that Trent and Theo attended to have students sign up. The alarming part was that the representatives knew that parents would not be willing to let their children enlist in the “space camp” so they made a law that made it possible for children to enlist without their parents permission. Which was exactly what Theo and Trent did. They begged their mother to let them join because they thought it was some cool club that they would get to go on adventures and be famous and whatnot, and their mother outright screamed at them to never bring it up again. Later that evening Theo comes across an old scrapbook, and in it is what he believes to be his missing father, in space. Mind you, he found it in his mother’s closet. Angered by the thought of his mother potentially hiding something very important, he decides to go against his mother’s wishes and enlist. He starts packing his things when Trent confronts him. After Theo explains his reasons for enlisting, Trent tearfully agrees  not to tell their mother until after Theo had left. Or so he thought. Once he had signed up and packed his bags, he headed out of the door to catch the train that would take him to “space camp” his mother stops him and demands to know where he thinks he’s going. Theo sheepishly admits that he went behind her back to enlist and now she is furious. It gets worse when to Theo’s horror, Trent had enlisted too! Haruka attempts to get the boys to go back in the house, but Theo refuses, nothing that the train was on its way to the house. Haruka pulls Trent away, only for him to wrench his arm free and join his brother, stating that he couldn’t stand being apart from him for so long. After a few minutes of struggling, the train arrives to pick the boys up. Haruka makes one last attempt to keep them from boarding, but the two are persistent. Haruka scowls, blaming Theo for getting them both hooked into this nonsense, and tells him not to bother returning if something happens to Trent (he’s Haruka’s favorite) or that Theo fails to find whatever he hopes to look for “wasting time for people who don’t care for” him. With one last glance, they board the train and travel to the “space camp”
At first glance, the space camp is everything the boys expected and more. Pristine facilities, expert staff, the finest technology. It seemed perfect. That is, until the boys ran into the upperclassmen who pretty much ran the program when the instructors weren’t around. One such upperclassman was Tanner (yes, this creep). After Theo stands up to Tanner because he and his gang were picking on Trent (he had come out recently), Tanner spends the time spent at the camp torturing Theo specifically. Trent has suspected that Tanner has gotten physical with Theo at some point or worse, but Theo became so withdrawn as a result of the torment that he refused to say anything to Trent, lest he be targeted too. Nevertheless, Theo strove to be the top of his class in all aspects. By the time they turned 17, the two of them passed their final test and became pilots for one of the Brigade’s space ships. At first, Theo thought this meant they would be leading their own crew and go on missions for the government. In reality, they could be escorting the fancy folk from the galaxy around while staying out of the warzone. Theo feels disillusioned by the disappointment, and wants to quit, but he remembers his mother’s warning to never return if he didn’t make something for himself out here in space. And that’s what he plans to do.
Lebos is like the Capital in the Hunger Games. People have a bunch of money and waste it on things they don’t need. Unlike the Capitol, people don’t do plastic surgeries, God. They have big feasts virtually everyday and parties on the weekends.  And in the middle of all that luxury is Princess Kamala, the only daughter of the dying king. Kamala’s father was the victim of an assasination attempt recently, and the doctors fear that he is beyond saving. Kamala’s brothers were all killed in the assassination attempt (some people think  the kind should be doing more to help pther planets instead of being a financial glutton), so she is the last heir to succeed the throne. As a result, the king appointed Melody of Sodoria as her guardian. The two fell in love with each other, and when they were caught, Melody for some reason panicked and fled the planet. Little does Kamala know, Melody is a sorcerer, and can see things in the past, present and future that no one else can, and that even though the  memories of the past may be wiped from the collective minds of Lebonians, Melody never forgot what they did to her planet, and what they are planning to do to Kamala.
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pllrocks · 7 years
7x18. More mystery solving please!
The liars get their places searched and phones confiscated by Tanner who is now in charge as Marco has excused himself.
Aria get a caught as black hoodie by the liars and is banished from the group
Spencer changes her outfits a lot and seduces Toby. Spencer twin vibes ? A little but it isn’t my favorite theory. This bugged me because he’s been a widower for less than a month. Just..no.
Emison finally went to the kissing rock as a couple.
Haleb got married
Mona has the game and I’m sure she will be the one to figure out who A.D is
Everyone except Mona gets laid in a montage style scene
The game is now CHOOSE or LOSE. One must plea for the others to go free.
Any one else think Alisons personality is missing ? She was the center of the mystery that started those whole show and now she’s part of the story with the Emison baby but that’s it. I think I compare her to flashback Ali who had a personality that stood out. Alison seems like a background character now. Just my opinion ! I know many may not agree.
A.D likes Aria.  Major Jason vibes only because of this! And they mentioned Ali went to see him in NY
I hate that I watch promos and read spoilers but I do. The promos give away all the big stuff. I already know what happens with Aria and cops for example.
There’s a lot of parallels for Mary and Spencer IF There’s a Spencer Twin. Seducing the twins man..Mary slept with Peter and it’s possible Spencer twin slept with Toby.
2 episodes left and we don’t have much new info. None at all on A.D.  newest fact is aria once filled out a report on Ezra. All original ships are coming together. I dislike how all of them are coming together, Emison is together because of this baby born out of a strange psycho ok with rape. Ali was unconscious and inseminated. That’s insanely rapey! I’m just floored that it’s not being called that. Don’t get me wrong, those two are adorable as fuck together. Wicked chemistry and some crazy history, there’s love but this baby isn’t some happy accident. I wish they had been flirting this whole season and finally gotten together or something. My rant on this is done now.
Other ships they railroaded together..haleb who are now married with no jobs and lucas loft to live in ?! Where is Lucas living ?! Isn’t he broke? Haleb is just meh because they broke up Spaleb and hurt Spencer. I have always been anti Ezria so seeing Aria tell Ezra he’s fantastic and she was just angry was infuriating. Spoby is too soon. Yvonne died a few weeks ago right?
I’m disappointed we are not getting more mystery. The ships were never my favourite thing about the show I watch it for the mystery and I just hope the end is satisfying and that I’m going to rewatch these episodes and see things are clues one day that seem like nothing to me now. I hope to be floored. You know what they say though..hope breeds eternal misery.
I’m still for an Alison twin. It would come full circle. Alison as A. And the Alison we’ve seen with Emily is really the twin, possibly Bethany?   I think they will keep Emison so an Alison twin would make sense. Flashback Alison is A.D. The Alison that returned has always been Bethany the twin. We have seen A.D before but only in flashbacks.
Are the liars just giving up?no solving the mystery just give up and fuck once more and go to jail?
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Good day!  This time our group wants to talk about a tv show, a song, movie, an advertisement, and a news article.
So starting off at the tv show
 F U L L   H O U S E (season 5 ep. 14, Sisters in Crime)
           Watch it here:
  This show is created and directed by Jeff Franklin for ABC at 1988 to 1995.
           Here is a widowed father who is making the house happy and giving his time to the kids despite of his job. Having his three daughters which is a self centered, a talkative one, and a little, cute, funny, 5yr old girl. This show really attracted me with this little 5yr old girl, Michelle Tanner. She is so funny and cute. You should try watching her she makes me laugh all the time. Didn’t I mention her sister, Stephanie Tanner? I love her humor! Actually everyone on the show!
           People might think that this show seems impossible. How could a family be such at joy even though they don’t have a mother and what makes them incomplete. But for others fathers can bring joy and completeness it just depends on how you face that problem, and the way you handle the problem.
           The show has a lot of values to get on, we have here that we should not be carried away with our boyfriend/girlfriend and sneak out the house. We should always follow our parents no matter what, because they know more what is best for us. Most importantly we should not tell lies, the truth will set us free. We should always tell the truth even though we are in big trouble and take the consequences and punishments.
           This specific episode is intended for the kids or teens out there that wishes to lie and not following their parents order. You can see the consequence that if you sneak out the house, you will be in big trouble. Same in lying, your conscience will not leave you at peace but by telling the truth all things will be better.
This show “Full House” is a great show for kids and teens because it has values and lifestyles that we can follow and live about, and its full of humor. You’ll laugh and laugh and be happy after you are done watching it. So give it a try.
  H O L D I N G   O N   T O  Y O U  (song)
Listen to the song here:
             Tyler Joseph, lead singer of Twenty One Pilots wrote the song Holding On To You, and is played by the band itself. Twenty One Pilots is a band duo composed of Joshua Dun as the drummer and Tyler Joseph as the singer, pianist, bassist, and ukulele player.
           There are a lot of creative techniques used to attract the audience’s attention. One of the things that could be noticed easily is the catchy beat and unique chord progression used. The song is also unique because the verses and second part of the bridge is done through rapping but the chorus and the first part of the bridge is sung. It has a different set of instrumentals because the rap song uses a piano which is somewhat uncommon. Lastly, the use of deep and meaningful lyrics to inspire the audience, for example, “When we gonna stop with it? Lyrics that mean nothing, we were gifted with thought. Is it time to move our feet to an introspective beat? It ain’t the speakers that bump hearts, it’s our hearts that make the beat.”
           Many people interpret this song differently mainly because songs are meant to be subjective. Some people don’t typically like the mix of rap and piano and rock while some appreciate the mixture of genre. Content wise, some people might think that the song is about love because of the title but really, the song talks about Tyler Joseph, singer and song writer of the song, having insecurities and fears. In the bridge, he stated that we should stop listening to songs that don’t have meanings and start creating something meaningful because we were gifted with thought. He also stated that we should not let fears and insecurities contain us but we should make these things obey us.
           The song tells the audience to not let fear and insecurities control you but, you should control them. The writer also wants to tell the audience that if you make something, make it meaningful. We should avoid something that doesn’t have any content or meaning to it.
           The song is created for the band duo to have a gain. The message is also created to inspire and move people who have relatable problems, fears and insecurities.
  F I L M (After the Dark)
Watch the trailer here:
 The film “After the Dark” is directed by John Huddles, on July 7, 2013.
The film was nice because it applies creative techniques such as the setting where the apocalypse is happening. In the film, they used their imaginations to lead them to a world which is far from reality. The film also has great actors which are suitable for their roles. Some of the Actors in the film are James D’Arcy as “Mr. Zimit”, Sophie Lowe as “Petra”, and Rhys Wakefield as “James”. Other techniques that are used in the film were the background music, meaningful quotes and the story itself.
Audience will be entertained, inspired and learn from this film because it teaches a lot of morals in life. This film is also teaching us to be wise, enhance our decision-making skils and for us to know on how we could face the problems in our world today. The film is a great movie and it could help us on our lives especially on our philosophy subject.
The Purpose of this movie is to let other people know that this movie will help us enhance our decision-making skills and philosophize in our lives.
 A D V E R T I S E M E N T
Watch it here:
 The advertisement is the Creamy McFreeze“Cool Summer with “Mayward".
McDo Philippines is the one who created this kind of advertisement.
The creative techniques that are used to attract my attention are the beat of the music, the moves of the two actors “Maymay and Edward" their sense of humor, and the clothes or jackets that they are wearing.
People will be amused, entertained and enjoy in watching this advertisement. This advertisement is letting us to know the refreshing and new cool frozen drink that we can get this summer, for us to be cooled down and avoid the heat exhaustion this summer.
The purpose of this message is for all the people to know how good and refreshing this product is and for them to have more customers to buy their new product.
 N E W S
 Nationwide smoking ban, sa Hulyo 22 pa ipatutupad Sa Hulyo 22 pa at hindi bukas, Hulyo 15, ipatutupad ang kautusang nagbabawal sa paninigarilyo sa mga pampublikong lugar sa buong bansa, paglilinaw ng Department of Health (DOH). Ayon kay DOH Assistant Secretary Dr. Eric Tayag, noong Mayo 23 lumabas sa mga pahayagan ang tungkol sa Executive Order 26 o ang Nationwide Smoking Ban at aniya, kailangang maipatupad ito makalipas ang 60 araw na papatak sa Hulyo 22. "Una, kung pagbabasehan natin yung May 16, petsa na nilagdaan ng ating Pangulo, bukas (ito ipapatupad); subalit doon sa executive order, 60 days after ng publication sa isang major daily," ani Tayag. "Nang chineck namin ito, na-publish sa Manila Bulletin noong May 23. Pag nagka-ganoon, sa isang Sabado pa ii-implement, pero puwede na silang mag-practice," dagdag niya, at sinabing maglalabas pa sila ng higit na klaripikasyon ukol dito. Nauna nang sinabi ni Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial na hindi na kailangan ng implementing rules and regulations (IRR) para maipatupad ang Executive Order No. 26. Payo ng Department of Health sa mga establisimyento, magsimula nang maglagay ng mga karatula ng "no smoking" para hindi na magbayad ng multa.
 First of all we should give thanks to our President Rodrigo Duterte for implementing the smoking ban this implementation can benefit not just the people but also our society. Smoking has long carried certain health risks, including heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory complications and even death. However, cigarettes affect more than just smokers. When nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke over time, they have increased risks of the same dangers associated with smoking. I am looking forward that after this issued ban, community members and businesses feel the positive effects of the smoking ban on their health and also throughout the hospitality industry.
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