#I love them your honor... We just talk lovingly behind each others back its funny
mrfoox · 2 years
Me and magnus: -talks about Oliver 30% of the time-
Me and Oliver: -talks about magnus 30% of the time-
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inviouswriting · 4 years
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Under the cut, this is a bit lengthy. I felt like writing this, focusing on their feelings, specially Kiya’s from her past and other things.
Some spoilers in Stormblood and Heavensward content.
I know I have been focused on them a lot lately. but they’re a story I want to continue to write most.
“You stood here once, you also sat here once. You were a vision of power, you were also a girl. Like me. I wish I could have given you more benefit of the doubt, besides your bloodstained and heartache filled past. Maybe even had befriended you a little before Asahi came into the picture. I wonder if things could have been different, maybe if I fought a little harder. Would you still be here?” Kiya reflects on the people she has met, and she finds herself reflecting on Yotsuyu.
“Many, many moons ago, how funny I should say moons. I would have been in a similar situation. Being used by a man who did not love me. Either for pleasure or for children. I would never know, that was not the life for me. I can never imagine the pain you went through being sold into that life. It broke you, it also made you. I have only known hatred in my heart for the Illberd, and for Ser Zephirin.” Kiya gets up from her spot to wander Kugane, she and Aymeric made a visit to the land. Her love was visiting Hancock and Tataru and would catch up with her soon. She needed air after the last time she set foot here was before all the madness of Doma. Tatyl took care of most of the struggles while she adventured in other places that needed her. 
Walking up on one of the bridges that overlooks the city, Kiya gazes up at the palace. 
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“I keep Aymeric’s words in heart all the time. He tells me a lot of things, and I keep them dear to me as conviction to keep going. I have lost many in my life, but I think the death that haunts me as much as Haurchefant is Yotsuyu.. All she was, was a victim in life. A girl robbed of a chance to know true happiness. Except that time when she had no memory.” Kiya rubs her shoulders feeling a bit of cold on them. A second pair of hands presses onto her shoulders. 
Kiya jolts from the hands and turns to see who grabbed her, her face softens seeing Aymeric. He only sees her eyes to know her feelings. 
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“Reflecting again? Who this time?” He guides them over to the side of the bridge to avoid being in the way of others on the path. Kiya looks up at him with a loving look to her eyes.
“You didn’t get a chance to meet this one. Yotsuyu?” She catches the way Aymeric’s eyes lower a little.
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“Another you wished you could have saved.” Kiya had told him about her, mixed up with Zenos and people who fed into her hatred. Gave her power, and then turned her onto the public to deal as she wanted to. A tyrant. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to curse her. Not with how Kiya spoke of Yotsuyu with a reverence. Her death affected her, as much as knowing her past.
Aymeric guides Kiya over to sit down with him, taking her hands in his, the thumb of his right hand pressing over the top of her wedding band. Comforting and soothing to both of them. A reminder of their vows eternal.
“Aye, Alas in the end, she did not want to be saved. Once she summoned a primal into herself. There was no turning back.” Kiya mirrors Aymeric’s hand with her own thumb on his band. He takes her hands into his lacing his fingers with hers while leaning down enough to press his forehead to hers.
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“Do you recall one of our first meetings? How I said that I rather judge a person by their merits and deeds?” Kiya does remember, he had said it in a different way, but she knows what he is meaning.
“Aye?” Kiya keeps her eyes locked to his, searching them for an answer she knows.
“I have noticed, that you my love have been carrying that with you. You do not just slay primals and are done with it. You weigh the balance of the aftermath more today than you use to just think “A primal must be slain.” If there was a person behind the face. You carry the grief. Specifically if that person meant something or impacted you.” He pauses seeing how her green eyes widen a little. He keeps her gaze by taking his hands to cup her face so she can’t look away. He knows when she wants to in her vulnerabilities. He continues.
“With Ysayle for example. Though she summoned a primal into herself. You spared her, if your mindset was truly on all primals must be slain. Ysayle would have died long before the parlay of dravanians and well... you and I would not be sitting here. We would never have known the truth of Ishgard, my father and the sins of antiquity.” Aymeric has a thumb petting the side of Kiya’s right cheek.
“Another war would have waged, more lives lost. You know as much as I do. Yet, with sparing and seeing the truth through your own eyes. You saved many lives from continuing a war that should never had happened. You even saved my life. I am trailing off here. What I mean to say is..” He is flustered for a change after admitting she had saved him. Kiya smiles seeing the tinge across his cheeks, rare and he is the one to look away to compose himself before he spoke again.
“You and yours deeds. Changed lives. Though you did not get a chance to learn and know Yotsuyu. You had changed her, if she truly wanted to have killed you. You, my love would not still be here. She took out another lingering threat, opening Doma up for its liberation from tyrannical faces governing their move. All because you chose to weigh deeds and actions over words and thoughts.” Aymeric finishes his words by taking her hands in his again, pulling back. They exchange soft glances between each other.
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Kiya feels overwhelmed from his words, she moves closer to wind her arms around him and he meets her. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Thank you, Aymeric.” She feels him smile, and pull back. He tilts her head up to place a soft kiss to her.
“I am soul-bound to you. It would not do me well to know you are bottling your feelings up again. Come to me when you are reflecting. Though I do know when some feelings are best left sorted by themselves.” Tangling their hands together again, Aymeric places more kisses to her. Each soft till he gets what he is after, her genuine smile. Once he sees her smiling from her heart, he tugs her with him standing up.
“Now, let us return to our room? I would like to show you what I got for you.” He takes her by her hand, and leads her back to the inn. Kiya finds herself looking up at his back as he walks. Arm stretched back to hold her hand, he was in his regalia clothing, he wears it when he talks with important figures. Her guess Hancock would be among that with his status.
She grips his hand a little tighter and picks up her feet to walk next to him. She catches the fleeting smile when she walks next to him instead of behind him. 
They reach the inn, and are shown back to their room. Once inside it, Aymeric sets about changing his clothing to one of the offered robes to relax in. Kiya helping him tie it properly. Kiya opens the window and gazes out at the moon again. Aymeric sees this and sits across from her.
“Kiya?” Her attention is now on him, as he wants. He has a box big enough for a accessory. Kiya looks at him questioning, as he opens in. Inside is a hair pin made to look like a red lotus. The soft pink hue tapered with red at the end. 
“A gift, I saw this at one of the vendors. Thought it would fit you. I was told the meaning behind the flower is of pure love and compassion. Both of which I have nothing but for you. Do you accept this gift of mine?” Aymeric holds it out to her, and Kiya smiles lovingly at him. She gently takes it out of the box and fixes it to the side of her hair.
“Of course I do. Thank you my love.” Aymeric’s hand goes up to the pin and touches over it, then runs his fingers through her hair down to her face. He tilts it up to press a full loving kiss on her lips. Kiya feels a lot better with his words and actions. He never fails in making her feel loved. 
They part from the kiss and lock eyes together, Aymeric brushing her face with his thumb again. He doesn’t have to say much more with the look in his beloved’s eyes. Gently he kisses her again, and starts to lay her down. 
The way he loves her after he removed everything she wore, was sweet, and loving. His touch soft as if he was afraid to use rougher touches like she would break. Kiya explored with her hands on skin slightly tanner from their traveling. She mapped out every contour of him as he does her till they could do nothing but hold hands together and sigh the others name.
He had drawn tears out of her with how tender and loving he holds her in the midst of their love. Any tear shed was kissed or brushed away. Even as they had peaked together, her holding onto him as he has her pressed so close to him. 
The moon had disappeared from the sky, behind clouds as if to give them more privacy even from the lone silver eye that peeked in. Aymeric keeps Kiya held close, his hands rubbing her shoulders as they lie on their sides. Limbs tangled, and kisses shared till they’re breathless.
A sight Kiya can never get use to, is how intense in love those blue eyes stare down at her. He is his own beauty to her, and under the faint lights that flitter in from the moon. She can see him still staring at her own eyes, waiting to break the silence between them.
Kiya pats a finger onto Aymeric’s lips when they part from their last kiss, he chases the finger to playfully nip it. He is content, but far from satisfied with only one taste of her. Kiya knows he is still wanting to play around with her when is gaze is fiery as much as her own. Even as she feels his hands work her into needing him again.
Only the moon would know what their love is like.
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drabbletrashcan · 4 years
Payday Crossover (unfinished)
“…it seems the notorious criminal gang known as ‘Payday’ has made its return…’
Rey’s eyes widened, almost dropping the glass cup she was holding. In front of her, Claude sighed deeply as he turned the TV down, throwing the remote carelessly on the couch.
“All you ever hear about are scandals and problems. Media only care about the stuff that gets them more publicity, I guess.”
“…yeah…guess so…” Rey slowly put the cup down, heading towards the door. Claude turned towards her, raising an eyebrow.
“Babe? Where you going?”
“I, uh, forgot my laptop in the office. I’ll be right back, love.”
She closed the door behind her, leaning against the wall to support herself. Back when she was living in Romania, back when she was part of Payday, she had been caught by the authorities. But it seemed like some divine being was watching over her. She had been offered the chance to work with the police force to capture the rest of the members. It was either that or death, and honestly, she would rather live.
Unfortunately, they had managed to capture only two other members, even with her help. For some reason though, Payday had suddenly disappeared. After five years, she decided it was time to settle down and live a normal life. She always wanted a small apartment just to herself. So, she was allowed to leave. A few years later she met Claude. Rey had put her former ways behind her, blocking out the memories of her criminal days. Neither Claude nor anyone else would have to know about it. But now, she had a feeling she would be forced to revisit her past.
Rey’s suspicions had been proven right a few weeks later. Flanelia was terrorized after a recent attack at the one and only First World Bank, located about 45 minutes away from the castle. It seems the gang had moved to Flanelia. Claude had been stressing all day trying to figure out a solution to this problem. Currently, he was talking to the head of the police force, trying to come up with a plan.
It was already late when Rey decided she had had enough. Slowly entering the room where Claude and Simon Verundi had talked all day, both men stopped and turned towards her.
“I can help you figure this out,” Rey said slowly, picking her words.
Claude furrowed his brow while Simon simply stared at her.
“…and how exactly could you help up, Your Majesty?” Simon asked.
“I can help you figure out where they’ll strike next and what exact moves they’ll make…” she paused and looked at Claude with a steel glance, “because I used to be a Payday member.”
Silence settled over them. Claude’s face morphed from shock to confusion to anger before looking down. Simon simply stared at her, frozen. Rey shifted uncomfortably, playing with her hands. Right now, she wished she could simply disappear. The expression on Claude’s face was enough to bring her to the brink of tears. But this was one of the few ways the situation could be handled, and it was the easiest and quickest way as well. Many lives depended on her move.
It seemed like hours before Simon finally sent her a nod, gathering his things.
“Um…thank you, Your Majesty. I wish to see you tomorrow at the station, preferably I the morning. We must…um…discuss our strategies…” he looked from her to Claude, scurrying to the door. “I’ll, uh, see myself out. Good evening.”
The door slammed shut, and immediately Rey felt that she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t dare look at her husband, suddenly becoming very interested in the rug’s design. Had it always been so intricate?
Claude threw the pen he was holding to the floor, combing through his blond hair. His eyes finally snapped to Rey and he stepped towards her, his usually warm cerulean eyes had become icy cold.
“…yes?” she finally squeaked out.
“Rey, fucking look at me.”
It took every ounce of strength to gaze up at the love of her life staring down at her with such a hard glare. She crossed her arms and turned to the window.
“How long were you planning on keeping this a secret, Rey?” Claude inquired, standing still.
Rey scoffed and whirled to face him, tears threatening to spill. “Um, forever? Why would I tell you, Claude? What for? Tell me, what fucking good would it have made if I had told you?! Please, explain.”
“I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me this! Don’t you trust me? You can’t keep something like this hidden away!”
“Oh, really?! Because last I checked, either I’m crazy, or I kept this shit away for the past few years! Fascinating, isn’t it, how that’s possible.” Rey turned back to the window, furiously wiping her tears. “I-I just…I just wanted to live a normal life. I wanted to put all of this bullshit behind me and start over. I never wanted to bring it up again. Funny, how the world just decides to say ‘fuck off’ and screw you over.”
Silence swept over them again. She sighed in exasperation and made for the door. Claude wrapped his hand around her wrist, pulling her to him.
“…look, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot, I know. I just…was extremely shocked by the fact that…you…look, you’re right, you didn’t have to tell me. It’s a different lifetime. But…please don’t get involved in this. Please.”
Rey offered him a sad smile, bringing his large hand to her lips, placing them on his knuckles. “I’m afraid I have to. No one knows these people better than I do. The lives of your—our people depend on it.”
 Claude stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. She was wearing a uniform similar to the SWAT uniform, her hair tied up, out of the way. She was reloading a gun and speaking to Simon, going over the plan. It had been a bit over a month after Payday’s last attack and finally, they struck again. This time they had broken in one of the most renowned companies in Flanelia, even the world. Most definitely they were after the huge vault full of jewels and more money than any member could think of. The mastermind behind this: Brett, a man with so much influence and power in the crime society that it was a bit scary and an honor to work under him. Even though she had quit, Rey never ceased holding a bit of admiration for the man.
She turned, her lilac eyes meeting Claude’s gaze. She sent him a half smile, dismissing Simon and approaching her worried husband. The blond hesitantly reached for her gloved hand, placing a chaste kiss on the palm of her hand before circling her waist and capturing her lips. She cupped his face, basking in the feeling. Both of them refused to admit it, but this could very well be the last time they would see each other.
Claude pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes lovingly. “Please, for the love of all that is holy, be careful and come back safe. I will even switch tea duty for the rest of my life, please just be careful.”
“Woah there, cowboy, that’s a very important tradition you’re talking about. How could you possibly survive without me making you tea every morning?”
Claude stuck his tongue out at her, giggling.
“I swear to God, I’ll do it.”
“I’m so holding you up to that when I get back, you know.”
They slowly let go, last words of encouragement leaving Claude’s lips as Rey stepped onto the military helicopter waiting. She sent him one last kiss before putting her helmet on and slamming the doors shut.
Claude ran back to observatory room, filled with screens and radios. He could see and hear what every soldier, including Rey could, and could communicate with them. He took deep breaths, trying to calm down and not disturb the staff.
 Rey eyed the building down below, her heart thundering in her chest. They were preparing to rappel down onto the rooftop and go from there. She had briefed her teammates before on what to expect and what to look for. Finally, they were in position. She took in a deep breath, stepping near the edge of the helicopter next to the other soldiers.
Quickly unhooking the rope, she pulled out her gun, aiming in front of her. She kicked down the door and bolted down the stairs. The rest of the soldiers followed close by. The building was huge, with exactly 104 floors. It towered high above Flanelia. The vault was on the last floor. As she and the soldiers infiltrated the building, she scanned her surroundings. Far below her she could hear gunshots. They still hadn’t arrived. There were no guards around her, probably left to fight against the gang. Simon’s voice rang in her earpiece.
“Your Majesty, we managed to hack into one of their communications systems. I’ll link you right now.” There was silence for a few moments before static filled her ear. Then she heard that oh so familiar voice.
“—better tread carefully. Rey, a former Payday member, is actually queen of Flanelia. She was captured a few years ago by the authorities and somehow became one of them. Damn good heister as well. Her aim was as accu—“
“Ok, Brett, we get it. Get to the fucking point.”
“What about her, Brett?”
“Well, just be careful. It’s possible she could have spilled the beans and joined an assault team. I’m telling you just in case, so be on your toes. By the way, you’re approaching the top floor. It looks like there’s a SWAT team up there already.”
Rey and her team had reached the vault by then, searching for any movement.
“They’ll be here very soon,” she said to her team. “I want to unload on them. Shields, make sure they don’t even come close to you. Dozers, lay back until I tell you to move in.”
This was the point of no return.
She could hear faint footsteps approaching from the dim hallway leading to the vault. The team of shields created a barrier between them and the gang, leaving small spaces where one could shoot through. Taking in a deep breath, she aimed at the empty hallway, her finger on the trigger. Soon enough, her former gang rounded the corner. They still wore the ridiculous, almost mocking masks.
“Fire! Everything you’ve got!”
“Shit! Take cover guys!”
“Is that Rey?”
“Yes, so if we’re not careful, we’re fucked.”
“Damn, she that good?”
“One of the best.”
Rey smirked, continuing to fire at the wall. They had taken cover behind the concrete corner, firing blindly. Rey gave the order to advance slowly, keeping up the barrage of bullets.
“They’re moving in. Hoxton!”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”
A smoke bomb landed right in front of Rey. Before she could even warn the rest, her vision was blinded by smoke. She coughed heavily, choking.
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