#I made a kilt in 5 hours and am really proud of it so enjoy
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Dylan in a kilt, for your pleasure
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emmyrosee · 5 years
His Little Lamb (18+)
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OH LORD OKAY- tune me out because this isn’t important but I feel like I should put a tiny warning; this is one of the most messy things I’ve ever written (yes, I know, crazy right?)  because of certain things that are going on in my neck of the woods. HOWEVER, this has also been in the works for about a week and a half non-stop, so there was no way in hell I was not gonna not publish it. I crave validation, what can I say? I’m also incredibly, indescribably sick, so there are certain parts of this that I am very proud of, while others are rushed and messy. This is also written in First Person, which I very rarely do, so please (nicely, I cry easy) tell me how I did with that.
Regardless of my garbage, I hope you enjoy :)
Fratboy!Duncan x Fem!Reader; after a fun night with the legendary Duncan Shepherd, he becomes smitten with you, and you soon learn the truth about the fraternity’s strange system of dating by the hands of The Shepherd.
When I stepped into the warm night of September, walking to a party that I had heard about on campus, I hadn’t expected a domino-like effect, leading me to meet the campus famous fraternity brother, Duncan Shepherd. I had definitely heard of him and his crazy, famous parties from girls around, almost like a modern day, scholarship winning Jay Gatsby.
Of course, no had told me that you don’t challenge this modern Jay Gatsby at anything, unless you’re ready to prove your talents and worth to him.
Especially beer pong, apparently. Or so I’ve learned.
“Yo, I wanna play!” I squealed, plopping down to a tall, handsome brunette on some random couch. A game of beer pong had just wrapped up, and a new set had been put up immediately after.
The man grinned before taking a sip of his drink, “You any good, doll?”
“I’m not too bad- never lost through high school, but I haven’t played since I’ve gotten here.”
“You think you’re good enough to beat Duncan Shepherd?” He asked, brows cocked.
I shrugged, “maybe. Don’t know if he could tolerate losing to a chick though.”
He chuckled, “why don’t you ask him?”
“Where is he?” I asked smugly. The man bit his tongue as his answer, making a shiver shoot down my spine. “Oh my God,” I whispered, blushing from embarrassment. “I-“
“No worries, but you couldn’t beat me a beer pong if you tried, doll,” he sneered, standing up and grabbing the small ping pong ball.
I grinned, relieved at his chilled and lax nature. I grabbed my own ping pong balls, “try me. Loser has to strip.”
“Hope you’ve got a cute bra on,” he purred.
There was not one unimpressed person in the party.
To his amazement, I sunk my last ping pong ball into the last of Duncan’s red solo cups. The crowd went crazy, chanting my name as I stood in just a tank top and pants while Duncan was left in his jeans with a grin.
“Impressive, baby.”
“Thanks, handsome man,” I said, crossing my arms, “but I want my prize.” My eyes traveled to his jeans, smirk on my cheeks.
Licking his teeth, Duncan nodded, “Ight, Ight, it’s only fair.” His hands traveled to his zipper and he teasingly undid it, everyone standing around cheering him on. “Ta-da.” He sang, dropping his jeans around his ankles.
Of course it was a marvelous sight. It was Duncan Shepherd, it had to be
Black, tight underwear left little to the imagination, meaty thighs shameless in their display much like the man that possessed them.
“Alright you damn show horse,” I couldn’t help but tease, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, “you can stop making the other boys feel bad.”
“That’s my forte, doll.” He snickered. “And if I’m a show horse, I’m desperate to know what that makes you.”
“Wouldn’t I be your Little Lamb, Mr Shepherd?” I asked, pressing my hips against his. His underwear did a poor job of separating us, the surprise friction making me bite my lip.
“Creative,” Duncan said, grinning. His arms wrapped around my waist, “you wanna get outta here? Come back to the house?”
I chuckled, “I feel like you’d be bad for my grades.”
Duncan scoffed, “Nah, I’m harmless. I gotta be. Dean’s always on my ass about shit, gotta stay on my toes.”
I giggled coyly at him, slowly moving my hands down his chest. “I better get back to my dorm,” I said, pouting. “But thank you for the show, Mr Shepherd.”
“Any time, little lamb,” he purred, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. “Want me to walk you back?”
“Sure,” I agreed, “it’s not far from here.” I smiled up at him, pulling away.
“Let me just grab my clothes, doll.” He whispered. He quickly buckled his jeans and slid on his discarded clothes before reaching for my hand and guiding me out of the party.
We walked back to my dorm in comfortable silence, hand in hand underneath the bright street lamps and dazzling stars. Duncan was different from the standard frat boy image- his face was older, the dark stubble on his face contrasting the innocent brightness of his eyes. The firm, protective grasp of his hand in mine was comforting and warm, making a heat wash over my body.
We passed the threshold to get inside my dorm complex, the luxury of having a room on the first floor suddenly seeming like a betrayal to cut our time short.
“Here we are.” I said, letting go of his hand. He sighed gently before jamming his fists in his pockets.
“Yeah,” he said, “I guess we are.”
“Thank you for keeping me safe, Mr Shepherd.”
“Any time, doll,” he said with a smile. He leaned against my doorframe and watched me fumble around with my keypad.
Finally, my room unlocked and I was allowed inside, giving Duncan a kiss goodnight as compensation.
That’s where I thought it would end.
I was quite wrong.
The next morning I had gone out to breakfast with some friends as we walked around campus, some of them more curious about my night with Duncan than I was ready to tell.
“How big was his dick? Word around campus is it’s 8 inches.”
“Did his stubble feel weird on your thighs?”
“No hickeys that I can see, huh? Kinky.”
“You guys,” I scolded, “nothing happened. He walked me home like a gentleman and that was it.”
“Boring,” they crooned.
Despite my assuring that nothing happened, my friends refused to let it go, all day that we were out they demanded to know about the events of the night before.
But Duncan’s true impact on the campus was only cemented in my mind when I met The Shepherd.
A small envelope on my door would be my entrance to his realm, and I was never more curious than when I saw who the letter was made out to.
Little lamb read the crude writing.
Picking up the small, white envelope, my heart pounded in my chest, shaking hands made it difficult to open.
I couldn’t pin point why I was so nervous. Maybe he was angry that I beat him. Maybe he was just trying to ask me out.
Finally, I opened it.
Little lamb,
Interest has been piqued. The Shepherd wishes to speak to you. Tonight. 830.
Be there.
Confused, I slipped the letter into my pocket and swiftly walked into my dorm, disappointed that my roommate wasn’t there to give advice.
I wasn’t even sure if I should go. I had a great time with Duncan, he seemed normal enough for a rich frat boy, but it’s always a stupid idea to go somewhere and have no one know.
I looked at the clock, pissed to see the red lights flashing 5:30. I had to make my decision and make it quick. If I went, god knows what would happen to me, what him and his friends would do.
However, if I didn’t go, he could get relentless, and I’ve learned there’s nothing scarier in a man than rage.
Fuck it, I said to myself, let’s go.
The three hours leading up to me going to meet Duncan flew by in a blur, and I had to dash out the door in order to make it to his frat house on time.
I knocked on the large door, and within seconds, a tall, broad brother peeled through the door, “name?”
“Uh... Y/N?”
“I’m uh, looking for The Shepherd?” I asked, looking back at the note. The man’s eyes widened and he swiftly unlocked the door.
“You must be Duncan’s little lamb.”
I shrugged, “I guess?”
“They’re waiting for you,” he said lowly, stepping out of my way. I nodded at the strangeness and entered the large house. I was impressed and a little freaked out with the decor, the school’s colors shamelessly splayed everywhere. Couches, pillows, pictures of past fraternity brothers hung, judging me for coming here, as if knowing something I didn’t.
“Ah, there’s my little lamb.” Duncan’s familiar voice called as I turned into the room. I nodded despite the strange nickname, “yup. I made it.”
The rest of the brothers clapped and whistled at me, making me blush in embarrassment.
“Welcome to the house, little lamb.” He proudly opened his arms to his house, making his friends all clap and hoot like wild beasts.
I chuckled awkwardly, waiting for the brothers to calm down.
Once they did, Duncan’s attention was refocused on me, sending a shiver down my spine.
“Now then- change into these,” Duncan commanded, tossing a pile of clothes at me.
I caught them, and my jaw dropped at them.
The too-small piled consisted of Duncan’s letterman jacket, the same one he was wearing the night I beat him, and a kilted mini skirt, much, much too short for any sort of imagination.
“D-Do I have to?” I asked, voice trembling.
“Well, if you really wanna roll with the Shepherd, little lamb,” he husked, tipping my chin up with soft fingers, “you gotta prove the pack.”
“H-how?” I quivered.
A smug grin spread across his cheeks, his thumb tracing my lower lip, “you’re gonna put on a little show for us, and in turn, you become one of us. We protect you from the wolves, my pretty little lamb.”
“I... I still don’t understand!” I cried, lips trembling in fright.
Duncan crouched down in front of me, mockingly pouting his lip out, “come on dolly, don’t want that pretty face to cry,” his large thumb swiped under my eye, taking up the tear before brining the salty liquid to his tongue. “I’ll take care of ya, don’t you worry.”
“W-Why me?”
“What can I say? Got me interested.” He licked his teeth under his grin, standing back up, “Alright boys. Let’s give her some privacy to change, I’ll be back in five to check on you, little lamb.”
The boys all left, Duncan even winking at me as he closed the door.
As anxious and tense as I was, I did as I was told and began to undress, the fright in my chest making it hard to breathe.
This was a mistake.
I just knew.
Duncan’s letterman jacket taunted me like a predator to its prey, the much-too-tiny-skirt to match is just as rude to my self esteem.
I contemplated leaving, just walking out with not a word. I had no reason to be here, I flirted with him for a night and now I’m his ‘little lamb?’
So weird.
Of course, this conclusion and idea to leave had blossomed as I had already slid on Duncan’s jacket and the miniskirt, not sure how I looked due to the lack of mirrors. Probably to save girls from having to look at themselves, the shame in my chest would’ve been cemented if I had seen my lack of rational thought.
I jumped as the door slowly opened, Duncan’s familiar face filling the frame.
“Jesus Christ,” he whispered, sinful smirk on his face, “you’re gonna be quite the show, baby.”
“You still haven’t told me what this is about...” I said, pulling his jacket around me to shield me a little.
Duncan threw his arms out, “what’s there to say? Every brother gets his name and his chick. I’m the Shepherd, you’re my little lamb. Michael’s the devil, his girl would be his angel. Get it?”
“I could do without the theatrics, Duncan.” I said, a lace of anger in my voice. He shrugged and called his friends back in, the catcalls from them rang in my ears like a gong to remind me just how vulnerable I am to their smitten eyes.
“Are you wearing your panties, baby girl?” Duncan asked, rubbing his stubbled chin.
“Yes?” I answered. The shakiness in my voice gave away my confusion as to why I would have to remove them.
Duncan clicked his tongue, “no no, thats not gonna fly. They’re gonna have to come off, baby.”
“Because,” he lowered his voice, “tradition. Off. Now.”
After a brief moment of pause, I tenderly pulled my underwear over my knees and down my legs, tossing them aside neglected.
“Good,” he purred. “Touch yourself.”
I froze, “w-what?”
“Touch. Yourself.” He commanded again, just as stern as the previous time.
I looked between the men encircling me, heart beating faster and full of embarrassment and in a weird way, arousal.
The heat resonation off of my core betrayed her, and I bit my lip anxiously.
“I...can’t do it in front of people-“
“You’re dripping, doll.” One of his friends piped, “the skirt doesn’t hide it, in case you were wondering.”
“Awww,” Duncan cooed, smirking smugly at the embarrassed girl before him, “someone must like all this attention, huh you little slut?”
I looked up at him, like a deer in headlights, opening my mouth to speak but no words come out.
Crouching down in front of me, Duncan gently grabbed my wrist and guided it down to my heat, long fingers gently pressing my own to my clit. My jaw dropped as delicious pressure circled tightly on my sensitive bud.
“That’s a good girl,” Duncan whispered, “keep going, little lamb.” He stood up, slowly sliding off his leather jacket and tossing it to the side, keeping his eyes locked on me like a predator to his prey. “Put a finger in there, baby girl. I want you nice and wet for me.”
I obeyed, much to my own confusion, and I slowly pushed a finger inside, eyes rolling back in my head as they found the spongy wall inside of me.
The men encircling me had begun to palm themselves at the sight, but Duncan stood as still as he could, watching my show with no sympathy.
As I started to become erratic to the touches to my clit, I couldn’t help but began to sweat in Duncan’s letterman, skirt becoming damp with my fluids. I was almost disappointed in myself, hoeing around in front of these complete strangers for a status that in 5 years won’t even matter.
But right now, being ‘Duncan Shepherd’s Little Lamb?’
That’s all that matters to me.
“Ahh!” I screamed, tossing my head back in pleasure, “p-please! C-can I cum?”
In mock sympathy, Duncan tilted his head, “naw, can my little lamb not take a little fingering?” He straightened his neck, “don’t you dare cum on those pretty little fingers, doll.”
“Don’t. You. Dare.”
Alongside the chuckling from Duncan’s friends, their own cocks straining against their jeans, I merely mewled at myself, sliding my fingers hesitantly out of my dripping heat. “N-now what?”
He took a condom out of his shallow denim pocket and grinned, “now’s the real show, little lamb,” he sat on the large couch, thighs spread wide as he pat his left muscle, “hop on.”
I couldn’t move. I was so stunned that I was actually here, let alone about to let Duncan ram himself inside of me while horny yes-men watch.
Slowly, I began to crawl over to Duncan, other men whistling at the exposure of my slick thighs and red cunt peaking from under my skirt.
I pulled myself onto Duncan’s lap, legs spread wide and open over his. He smiled down at me smugly and grabbed my hips tightly. “You ready for me baby?”
“Y-yes.” I whispered, tilting my head away from his gaze. I was snapped back to him when his soft lips attacked my neck, biting and sucking roughly. His hand left my hips as he began to undo his jeans, tent bigger now that I was so close to him.
He slid his hard member out, “Alright boys. You know the drill.”
One by one, jeans and pants were dropped, cocks being strained against boxers.
“Ready, Shepherd,” the crowd said, grabbing their cocks and teasing them.
Face completely red from embarrassment, I merely listened to the sounds of skin slapping skin, hands laying on Duncan’s chest as if to ask to wake up from this dream.
But this wasn’t a dream.
And I made the choice to stay with him.
Instead, Duncan gently adjusted me to sit on his length, sliding it inside with no hesitation.
“AH!” I cried, screwing my eyes shut and throwing my head back. The stretch of Duncan inside me was indescribably delicious, and I hated myself for liking it. Duncan gripped my hips again, slowly setting a pace for me to bounce on.
“Oh, and one more thing, little lamb,” he husked, licking the bite that he just created on my neck. “You’re the last to cum.”
“No! I-I can’t hold that!” I whined, bouncing harder, “please!”
A hard, commanding hand came down on my ass and I arched her back with a loud moan. “Don’t be a brat, little lamb,” Duncan growled, roughly grasping my jaw. “You’re not gonna like me if I’m mad.”
“Y-yes sir,” I whimpered, slowly getting back to my original pace on his lap.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “keep going, baby girl.”
“Yo, Duncan,” one of his friends interrupted, “can I get some of that?”
Duncan looked over my shoulder at someone, although I wasn’t sure who was asking.
“Yes,” came Duncan’s answer, “let’s make this more interesting.” He gently pat my ass to make me get off, but everything was so tense I couldn’t move. The lack of release and the thick air in the room were absolutely the cause. “Come on doll,” he commanded, slapping my ass hard again, “move it.”
“Next to me. Hands and knees.” He commanded.
Numbly, as if to know what was coming, I obeyed, arching my back like a cat and waited for the pressure between my hips to return.
Which it did, of course.
I bit her lip in awkward pleasure as Duncan slid into me, new position making it harder to predict his next move.
“Jim,” his husky voice called from behind me, “you’re up. Come ‘ere.”
One of Duncan’s frat brothers, a tall, handsome brunette apparently named Jim looked down at me sweetly, almost sorry for me, stroking my bottom lip comfortingly.
“Are you ready for me, beautiful?”
Despite the quick, hard thrusts of Duncan’s hips and the poorly made ponytail in his hand, I nodded, parting my lips slightly to welcome Jim’s hard, flushed member past. In tandem with Duncan’s thrusts and pace, I took his cock deeper and deeper down my throat, shaky hand gripping what I couldn’t manage. Jim groaned in sweet arousal, grabbing the back of my head gently to help me slightly with my bobbing.
He was strangely ginger with his touches, contrasting with the rough forcing from Duncan.
But we had to move on.
Once I laid my tongue flat against Jim’s head, hollowing my cheeks to finally break him in order to find my own release, I knew it was over for him. “O-Oh fuck, that’s it babe- I’m gonna cum,” Jim groaned, tugging my hair. He stayed true to his promise, spilling his seed down my throat. I swallowed it greedily, heat coating the back of my throat like honey. What else could I do?
The other brothers who participated, quite literally, came and left.
After Jim came Derek, a lanky blonde who was not nearly as gentle as Jim.
Then Seth, brunette hockey player that I knew from around campus.
Then Michael, another tall blonde that looked at me with even less sympathy than Derek.
Then Andy.
Finally came Matt, who instead of making me swallow, gave me a facial, sticking to my eyelashes and heated cheeks, smirking as he did.
I genuinely didn’t know which she appreciated more- the facials because I could merely wipe him off or the constant stickiness of various boys down my raw, aching throat. The ordeal had been over, and finally I could be with Duncan alone.
My hips and pussy hurt like nothing I’d ever felt before, secretly hating Duncan for keeping his promise of a show. His constant and relentless pounding had my entire existence molded around him, so close to that delicious brink of stars.
Tired and overstimulated, I choked back a sob when Duncan finally whispered “cum for me, my brave, strong little lamb.”
Everything in me snapped, I don’t know what came over me. Once I was given the chance, my thighs collapsed, arms gave out and it was only then that I cried from a mix of pain and pleasure from my abused walls.
Duncan followed, spilling his hot cum inside his condom before slowly pulling out and throwing it away, his own walking shaky. “Come here, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up,” he whispered, gently picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. I wanted to protest and tell him I could walk, but my everything fucking hurt. He set me down on the cool countertop, making me arch and whimper against the contrast to the overheating of my body. It felt really good, the cool granite on my thighs, but it would feel even better if my body hadn’t been so stimulated just seconds before.
Duncan smiled and gingerly dabbed me with a warm, comforting washcloth, cleaning me rather poorly of sweat, jizz and my tear tracks.
“I didn’t think they’d ask,” he admitted, earning a exhausted glare from me. “You really did impress us.”
I said nothing.
He sighed, “I get that you’re pissed at me. I don’t blame you.”
“I’m not pissed,” I said, voice breaking. “I’m in pain and tired from it.”
He tilted his head adorably, like a small puppy and I nearly forgot just how much I’d endured to see him like that.
“Your clothes are fucked,” I tried to joke, voice gone from the maltreatment of my throat.
Duncan chuckled, “that’s not my worry right now.” He handed me a small Dixie cup full of mouthwash, “here. Stay the night. I’ll get you home once you can walk again.”
I nodded, gratefully taking the minty mouthwash from him. I swished it around until it was a pure froth, spitting it and whatever else came up back into the sink.
“Here, I’ll get you some clothes,” Duncan said, leaving the bathroom to only return moments later with a black shirt and boxers, “may be a little big, but it’ll work, right?”
I nodded, sliding on the roomy clothes. They smelt like him, that kinda helped the recovery.
“Let me be the first to say congratulations, little lamb,” Duncan whispered, gently picking my exhausted body up again and carrying me to his room, “you’re one of us now. Top of the food chain, baby.”
I weakly smiled, hand caressing his stubbled cheek, “I can’t wait for you to show me what you can do when it’s just us, Show Horse.”
I felt the tent in his pants grow again.
Taglist💕~ Thank you for your support, baby!
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