#I mainly write for Jojo and Loki but i'm still opened to other fandoms !
leucoratia · 2 years
Hii can I please request Hannibal with s/o who is super funny and sarcastic like not in a mean way ex when they are with their family always cracking sarcastic jocks
Hi anon! Of course!
As stated in my > ask rules< , I don't write romantic heacanons for hannibal so this will be platonic. Please make sure to read my rules and characters list before sending prompts!
-Despite his impeccable manners and seemingly everlasting seriousness, Hannibal Lecter never said no to a tasteful joke
-He thinks of himself as quite the prankster although his sense of humour is...somewhat different from everybody else's
-To his great disappointment, people never quite seem to understand the absolute hilarious poetry of some of his little mise-en-scènes
-Oh well, no matter.
-He caught an interest in you at first, when you two first met
-Never a hint of seriousness, always throwing sarcastic remarks and jokes left and right
-What was your goal in this? Were you trying to compensate some kind of insecurity? Make yourself the center of attention?
-Whatever you seemed to be doing, it worked like a charm. People were talking about you. Whether that was in good or in bad, that is something that remained between each guest.
-He found you curious. What a kindness fate had done him, gifting him with such a fun, brand new toy to play with.
-He approached you like a predator would creep closer to its prey
-Untangling your mind was about to be so, so fun; thought the man.
-He appreciated having you around, whether it was in public or in private.
-When you two would meet with company, he revelled in observing other's reactions to your outgoing personality. You allowed him to obtain a great deal of subtle information about potential targets after all.
-Seeing all those dogs wracking their brain over wether they should be offended or not by what you just said provided him with endless satisfaction.
-And you always offered him some entertainment when parties became too stretched out. Listening to your mindless chatter and jokes allowed to turn his brain off for some time.
-You were pleasant in a way. Then again, the man's opinion of you entirely depended on the show you gave him that day.
-Be careful. He absolutely detests lack of spirit. Bungling jokes are to avoid at all costs, or you will be rewarded with a mirthless, humourless stare.
-What the killer liked even less was being the subject of your sarcasm. Especially if it was in bad taste.
-He has a very, very low tolerance for disrespect. Thread carefully, or you might end up as the next prime piece in his plate.
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