#I mean it's better than usual so I'm cautiously optimistic for the future
salsedine · 2 years
Look, I understand that hormones are pure anarchy and that the New Pill needs its time to adjust... But getting my period (or the fake/pill-induced period) twice in the span of 10 days should be ILLEGAL.
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heirs-of-prythian · 4 years
I'm sorry, I think the translator translated it wrong :( (I'm going to rephrase the question) I'm so curious ... what was the reaction of Rhys, Cassian, Azriel and Lucien when they discovered they were going to be parents? and what are your feelings when having your babies in your arms for the first time
thanks for asking! if you have more questions, please ask i would love to answer them!
Well to answer your question we should start with Lucien because from the the four of them he is the first one to be a parent (than Cassian, Rhysand and than Azriel) so…..
When Elain told Lucien that she was preggo and he will be a dad, he was pretty stunned and in disbelief,  because at this point they didn't really have planned for children yet.
I mean they definitely discussed children and agreed that they wanted them, like more than 3 if that could happen/if they managed to do so. 
So the news came a little like a shock to lucien, because he didn't thing it would happen that fast, 
Especially since Rhys and feyre are still trying without real results 
i mean He and elain didn't really use protection, because they wanted children and it usually takes a lot of time for fae to actually conceive in the first place but well it happened rather fast lol 
But after the shock (and the guilt) wore off and he was really happy 
Like taking Elain in his arms and twirling her around, showering her in kisses etc
Of course was also pretty worried about being a dad but that is normal for anyone, but also very much expected from someone with luciens upbringing 
(He knew Elain was going to be a great mother) 
But lucien swore to himself that would try to emulate his mother more than his (step)father beron 
He also swore that he would make his future children  never feel like they didn't belong to their family and that they always will have a place of unconditional love and support and adoration  from him
When Hemera was born, Lucien has never fallen in love faster (the other ones in the top spot are is other daughters) 
Of course Elain held Hemera first, but after everything (including elain and Hemera) was cleaned up, they were left alone to be a family of three 
Elain than gave the now sleeping and still slightly red Hemera to Lucien
Lucien felt like flying to New heights and falling without stopping to the ground. And he couldn't take his eyes off of her. 
Hemera was at the most beautiful thing he has ever seen (in lucien's opinion all of his daughters are the most beautiful there is, with elain in close second) 
He also couldn't  believe he was now responsible for this tiny little thing that was completely und utterly dependent on him 
He also found that loving his tiny baby daughter came as easy as breathing 
Never in his life has he been surer of his love for someone else
Similar to lucien, cassian was also shocked and in complete disbelief 
He actually asked Nesta with she was kidding (the words came out before he had processed the situation) Nesta got mad at him for that ("This is not the time to be joking cassian!")
Unlike elucien, Nesta and cassian actually have talked about having children together, but Nesta didn't want to be a mother right away, so they agreed to decide later in the future (after a few decades mind you) again if than would the better time have a child. 
They are immortals anyway so it didn't really matter 
Nesta wasn't that thrilled to be a mother but she also didn't hate the idea of one child 
Cassian on the other hand wanted to have children like at least 5 or so but he would never force her for more, also he loves nesta more than the idea of 5 children 
One is actually more than Cassian expected from Nesta so he was very happy about that 
Tl Dr: Cassian and Nesta didn't plan to have child this early (like ~5 years after Hemera which is like 25 years after canon) 
So cassian didn't actually believe nesta when she told him for good 10 minutes 
After he finally realised that he is going to be a father, he was beyond happy he felt like screaming his happiness from the highest mountain 
But it only lasted for like 30 seconds before he realised what that actually meant and than asked nesta if she was ok and how she is handling this and how she felt 
Nesta was pretty out of it and not that ok with it (she didn't hated it the thought about going to be a mom soon, especially since her niece hemera was born she came to fear the idea less and less) 
But after a few days and a lot of encouragement from her sisters and cassian, Nesta grew to be ok with, maybe not entirely loving it, but willing to learn to love it
So when Cassian got to hold Cadan the first time in his arms, he was crying rivers, he cried so much his vision was blurry  and Cadan looked like a blob of color to him.
Tho the first thing he noticed was that cadan was so freaking tiny especially in his big hands 
Cadan wasn't much bigger than his hands 
Cassian had never held a baby so tiny (even Hemera was bigger when she was born, not by much but definitely bigger)
Another thing cassian first thought of is that, that is how unconditional love of a parent to their child feels like. Cassian finally understood something that day 
Also like whispered to cadan softly, that he would protect him Forever and love him forever 
"You're my new most important person now, Cade. You beat your mommy congrats!" *Kiss on the forhead*
Cassian also playfully refused to let cadan go 
Rhys and Feyre have been actively trying to have baby for about 30 years when they finally find out Feyre is pregnant 
They were both crying from happiness and relieve and joy they could do nothing but cry and hug each other the whole night through 
They (mostly feyre because she still isn't 100% used to being immortal so 30 years still feel long to her) actually  were losing hope decade by decade 
(They haven't lost a lot of hope yet, they just started to lose some of it, especially after elain and than nesta of all people got pregnant without even trying)
Like rhys wanted to tell everyone himself that his wife is preggo and that he is going to be a father 
He could barely contain himself
He also could barely stop cuddling or hugging feyre 
Instead of feyre getting clingy rhys got clingy lol
It got on feyre's nerves a little 
Rhys already promised himself to become the best dad possible 
Both because he already loves is future baby and wants everything good for them, but also to compete with lucien and cassian  for the title
So Rhys got to hold his son at exactly midnight of New years eve his son having been born an hour prior 
Rhys had found the love he already had for his tiny little son grow so much it made him speechless and he cried more (Rhys cried when Art was born) 
Rhys didn't know he could someone as much as he loves his tiny newborn son at that moment 
For Rhys holding his son was his new favorite thing to do, just having Art in his arms makes Rhys immeasurably happy 
Art was to Rhys the most beautiful thing in the world, beating feyre right from the top (he is now sharing the top spot with his sisters)
(I also have a fic about Rhys and a newborn Artemas its called "A Little Moon was born" it has far more details of rhys thoughts)
When Leda (my oc, Azriels wife for those who don't know) and Azriel were again informed that Leda was pregnant again they were cautiously optimistic 
Because Leda already had two miscarriages at this point and they had been trying for a good 70-60 years 
Well leda was cautiously optimistic azriel not so much, he was already bracing himself for the worst, he only dared to have a small glimmer of hope that all will end well
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and the baby and Leda were healthy and not in any tangible danger
So leda grew more optimistic and Azriel dared to hope more
And as the pregnancy came closer and closer to its end and all healer agreed that a miscarriage this late and with the baby's and Leda's conditions were highly highly unlikely 
Az could hope more, but he was still bracing himself for the worst
Only when he hurt Echo scream for the first time, did it hit him, that he now was father, that he had a daughter 
Azriel literally fell in love with her the second she was in his arms, 
Az claims that was the best moment in his life, the best feeling even 
He had never seen anything more precious than his tiny adorable echo with her tiny wings and tiny hands and fingers and her tiny feet with her tiny tiny toes and her big amber eyes that stared up at him with a cute curiosity 
"For your happiness, I would do great atrocities, my little wonder." 
(p.s. for the anon who wanted some dad Azriel and baby echo here you go!
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