#I might be able to go the KCON la tho
min-shookga-yoongi · 7 years
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When you're too broke to go see your favs at KCON New York
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hearttoshu · 5 years
i’m worried too babe... idk what’s gonna happen. i just want the best for them. i hope they’re taking breaks...
yea omg I talked about this with some of my other moots :(( 
long explanation under the line
i want svt to rest too and i believe han (@/kristian-do) said it best tho… svt technically haven’t had official promotions in korea since home era. and while svt have a very strong intl fanbase we can’t deny that their popularity in korea is really important too… svt haven’t really had super stellar streaming numbers (which i admit does not necessarily determine success) but home did really well with the all-kill…. 
in may of 2017, svt released a mini album al1 with dwc, dwc rode the edm wave bc it’s really popular in korea and it also did really well in terms of reception, to this day it’s the most viewed mv, it also was followed by the diamond edge world tour… see for diamond edge, svt could promote with all the new songs on the album, svt promoted dwc domestically on variety shows and radio shows, won first in music shows and kicked off their world tour with the mini album al1 to hype since they were all new songs = new performances… during diamond edge they started releasing the unit mvs that teased teen, age…
ok so why does this matter jess why are you so worried? 
see that’s the thing tho svt have been promoting in japan for so long, right after home promotions they had japan concerts and then they had their japan cb with happy ending and then more japan promotions and for ode to you, they have more japan dates than korean dates…? like….? that’s really concerning pledis??? i know their total earnings from the asia concerts have apparently grossed higher than that of the diamond edge world tour, but even so svt aren’t really doing that much promotion in korea, they don’t go on that many variety shows or radio shows…
with the announcement of the digital single, it’s not a full album… yes we might be able to stream more since it’s just a single but we’re already approaching award show season, and with kcon la, and the concert dates it just…? doesn’t really make sense to me ? the only real new thing they have to show during those concerts (which are the end of august to october to november) would only be the new digital single ? (unless the rest gets released right after the digital single’s promotions or during the tour which again doesn’t make too much sense) and so they JUST had promotions in japan, they’d be showing the same things… that’s ! really concerning to me :(( not to mention again pledis has yet to release the other dates for the “world” tour.. and yes someone tell pledis the world does not equal korea + japan alone T^T
I know this might just sound like a lot of complaining which i apologize if it does… but I just realy want svt to succeed and rn there doesn’t really seem to be a plan that allows svt to do that in the near future right now ? it’s just really messy… it already gives barely any time for the new single to be promoted the world tour starts aug 30 (?) and i just… I WANT SVT’S HARD WORK AND DEDICATION TO BE REALIZED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BUT PLEDIS MAKES ME SO S T R E S S E D LIKE PLEASE PROMOTE SVT PROPERLY UGH
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sosjimin · 8 years
To the ones attending Wings Tour Concert, here are some tips/tricks/advice
I asked you guys this morning regarding going to concerts, especially going to the pit+bangtan concert and i got some really nice asks/replies of you guys, mostly advice on what to take for the actual concert, eat/drinking before the concert, how to dress (comfy clothes always) and also some really cool concert stories from some of you, so i hope this is somewhat helpful for you and also informative! Thanks a lot for everyone that helped! And btw, i’m going to Wings Tour in Brazil, March 20.
@kaep--jjang said: I went to trb ep II in 2015 and jimin ruined my life #adviceforbtsconcert careful if he stares at you and smiles back at you (i cant tell the full story cause character limit 😭 )
LMFAO, i’m pretty sure that if he startes at me i’ll melt and i won’t be able to focus on the actual thing, and if he smiles at me it’s 100% sure i’ll pass out, but i’d love to hear the story feel free to tell me whenever u want to <3
@thekookiest said: bianca: tenta usar roupas comfortáveis, dependendo do setor que você estiver, você vai querer ficar à vontade. se hidrate: água, frutas, barra de cereais ajudam muito nessa hora, mas tenta consumir tudo na fila já que você não vai poder entrar com comida no citibank. procura também fazer amizades com armys por lá também, isso diminui a tensão. caso for levar cartazes: não levante muitas vezes pra não atrapalhar a visão de outras pessoas. e o mais importante: divirta-se!! <33
muito obrigada por tudo! eu to indo na pista normal (pretendo arranjar um esquema e ir ate a premium lmao) mas obrigada por todas as dicas, vou procurar consumir tudo antes de entrar, e levar bastante agua, com relação as amizades eu ja vou estar indo com umas amigas pro show, mas chegando la é bem provavel que eu faça mais umas amigas ahahaha, e com relação a cartazes é provavel que eu va participar de algum projeto então talvez eu leve um cartaz sim, mas vou procurar atrapalhar o minimo a galera, vou levar camera tambem a t4f liberou semi profissional pro show, então é uma preocupação a mais mas ao mesmo tempo vou tirar umas fotos legais, obrigada novamente, vou me divertir muito!! <33
@ungiis : your gonna have so much fun love
thanks a lot love <3
@sonamjoon : it’d be too long to send it in the askbox so i thought i’d reblog it and write it herefirst of all, have fun!! don’t let small details turn this wonderful experience into a bad one. idk if you’ve had concerts experience before but what you can do in general is to prepare yourself to be pushed, accidentally hit and just be ready to be standing up for a really long time. also don’t forget to bring some water and minimum stuff as possible, a small bag that can be fixed onto your hips is the best...
thanks a lot!! i’ll have a blast <3 oh yes, i’ll be far from home on the concert day so i’ll bring food, a small bag, my camera (which is allowed, thank god, semi professional tho) and lots of water!!! and i’m going already prepared, knowing that, since i’ll be in the pit, i’ll be pushed and hit, and i’ll wear comfy shoes so this doesn’t become a hurtful experience considering the time i’ll spend standing, so thank you again for the tips <3
@stilinskibilinski : try not to take too many videos and just enjoy the show! oh and don't drink too much water/liquid lol, have fun!
oh, cameras are allowed, but i’ll try to enjoy it a lot (my concert motto tbh, don’t take too many pics and enjoy it the best way possible) instead of only taking pics/videos, lmfao i’ll try to not drink too much water (alth othe weather here is hot) and i’ll have loads of fun, thank you <3
@youngforevers : wear comfortable shoes!!
ohhh that’s an important one, considering i’ll be in the pit the entire concert, i’ll make sure to wear comfy shoes, thanks a lot!! <3
@wang-j : ive only ever been to one concert in my life but i made the rookie mistake of not eating/drinking before i went and i had to be pulled out of the pit by the guards bc i passed out lmaoooo. Just remember to have something to eat and drink before going!
oh my god i’m so sorry this happened to you?? damn, that must’ve been a stressful experience, i just hope you at least enjoyed the concert a bit before passing out like this :( but thanks a lot for such a great advice, eating and drinking before going is important so you don’t pass out, so i’ll keep that in mind, thanks for sharing <3
@leeskyung : Se mantenha bem hidratada e coma antes de entrar, pq o empurra empurra na frente faz muita galera passar mal por já estarem fracas e desidratadas. Roupa/sapato confortável e bolsa pequena só com o necessário (capa de chuva ou guarda-chuva pq deve chover na fila). E saiba seu limite e se lá na frente ficar muito apertado, vai um pouco pra trás pq passar mal e perder o show não compensa. Bom show! 😘
Bastante água, to levando, e uns snacks pra comer antes tambem, e tu ta certa, o empurra empurra faz a galera passar mal, então tem que ficar esperta. Roupas confortaveis sim, a bolsa vou tentar levar uma pequena com o necessario, mas to levando a camera pro dia do show tambem, que a T4F liberou camera semi profissional, então vou levar ela na bolsa. Mas vou ficar esperta pra não passar mal nem nada e aproveitar o máximo, muito obrigada!!! <3
@firebts : really try to focus on every member and don't take to many pics and vids!!!! take a few ofc but yea def don't just ONLY focus on ur bias i did that at kcon last summer and i missed a lot of what was going on during cypher part 3 when i was watching jimin. also something to b aware of since ur in the pit is that fansites often bring stools to stand on in the pit (i saw this at kcon) if u have flats/comfy shoes with a platform i recommend those for additional height.
Ahhhh that’s such a great advice, i’ll make sure to focus on all of them, i guess only focusing on your bias is not good at all, like u mentioned, u gna lose a lot of whats happening in the concert if u do that, so that’s great advice <3 And, the shoes i’m going to the concert with, are those sneakers, that are super comfy! They are nike ones, so i guess im safe, and they have a lil platform too so that will def help for additional height, altho im a giraffe lmfao. But thank you <3
@cloudjimin said: Heey! I wanted to give you some tips for the concert :) I was at Kcon last year and I was in the pit as well. First of all if you really want a good spot you need to get in line early. Like REALLY EARLY. At Kcon me and my friend lined up at 3 am and the concert was at 8pm. So we were in line for a really long time. We rented an apartment for 2 nights which was 15 minutes away from where the arena was so we were always able take turns to go to the toilet and eat in between. [cont.] For a BTS concert I would line up even earlier but that's up to you really. Definitely don't forget to pack some food and pillows and maybe blankets depending on the weather. Don't bring too much though because once you're in the arena you won't have time to bring anything to a cloak room or something. So take a backpack with you that you can maybe carry during the concert. Make sure all of your batteries are charged and bring a power bank!! [cont.] COMFY SHOES!!! Your legs will hurt like hell after the concert so comfortable shoes will help. And also wear light clothing so you don't overheat. Only if you're okay with that ofc. I wore shorts and a tank top. BEFORE entering the arena you should definitely try to go to a bathroom. And lastly ofc be respectful and DO NOT PUSH! I hope this helps :)
Thanks a lot for everything u wrote and for sharing your concert experiences with me!!! I’ll make sure to line as early as possible, considering i have a lecture on the concert day (so i gotta rush to the concert place) i might be able to get there fast n safe to line early! The weather from what i’ve heard will be probably something like, it’ll rain but the weather is still hot, it’s kinda confusing but yeah!!! I’m taking a backpack with me with the necessary stuff, water, snacks, my camera, and a jacket too in case it gets cold, i’ll wear comfy shoes too, light clothing ALWAYS, i don’t wanna die from the heat sobs, i’ll take 2 power banks with me too!! I’ll wear ripped jeans i guess and a loose tshirt!! And yes i’ll be respectful and i won’t push anybody, it did helped a lot thanks for all the info, advice and tips!!! <3
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