#I might point out some characteristics of different omori styles in another post
hihiimmimi · 2 years
Hihi!! Idk why but Hero's hair was a MENACE to draw. I usually never have trouble with it, but then again I'm trying out the omori calendar artstyle (djsjkdsm I think the reason why I keep failing at the omori artstyle is because I keep trying to implement all of them at the same time)
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Yeahh colouring him was actually a last minute choice lel- I figured I should colour him for the whole feel, but I think it just made it look less omori..
Probably because the original omori calendar art is more saturated? But then I started overthinking about people accusing me of white washing him,,, If you put Mari and Hero side by side, it looks normal, but by himself it might stir some problems and I really didn't want that--
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